[CCTV quick review] Accelerate the construction of a powerful tourism country and promote the high-quality development of tourism industry

[CCTV quick review] Accelerate the construction of a powerful tourism country and promote the high-quality development of tourism industry
12:11, May 18, 2024 Sina News Comprehensive

Source: CCTV

   "Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's tourism development has stepped into a fast lane, forming the world's largest domestic tourism market, becoming the largest source country and major destination of international tourism. Tourism has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, increasingly becoming an emerging strategic pillar industry and a livelihood industry and happiness industry with distinctive characteristics of the times, and successfully created a unique industry Color is the way of China's tourism development. " Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on tourism, fully affirmed the historic achievements of China's tourism industry, deeply expounded the important role of tourism in the construction of Chinese style modernization, and pointed out the direction and provided important guidance for accelerating the construction of a powerful tourism country and promoting the high-quality development of tourism.

In recent years, China's tourism industry has developed vigorously, with new business types, new models and new supplies emerging, and the comprehensive benefits are becoming stronger and stronger. Tourists enter "Zizi" to "bake", "Erbin" to go out of the circle, Tianshui "hot", Guizhou "village super" and "village BA" are hot, and various niche destinations are favored. Directors of culture and tourism from all over the country came on stage in full dress, recommended online and offline clocking, and "special forces tourism" that "one person brings fire to one city" and constantly challenges the limit of time and scenic spots. Culture and tourism constantly "roll" out new heights and new tricks. Driven by the tourism industry, historical and cultural scenic spots and museums are crowded, and the "national trend" of Han costume makeup and national style jewelry has become the "standard configuration" of each scenic spot. The four sub venues of the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Dragon on the main stage, during the Spring Festival, tourists poured in, and the popularity of tourism has continued to this day... These hot scenes vividly show the increasing improvement of the people's good life, the high-speed and convenient transportation, the great improvement of the ecological environment, and the prosperity and innovation of the cultural and tourism market since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, It highlights the vigorous vitality and broad potential of China's economic and social development.

China has a vast land and abundant resources, a long history, beautiful mountains and rivers, and unique tourism resources, which provide us with endless treasures to promote the high-quality development of tourism. We should fully recognize the unique value and important role of tourism in realizing a better life, promoting economic development, building a spiritual home, displaying the image of China, and promoting mutual learning of civilizations, and move forward quickly on the unique road of China's tourism development.

Culture and tourism industry is the largest "smoke-free industry" and "beautiful economy". In the new era and new journey, China's tourism industry is facing new opportunities and challenges. The cultural and tourism industry should adhere to the principles of integrity and innovation, quality and efficiency improvement, and integrated development, coordinate government and market, supply and demand, protection and development, domestic and international, development and security, focus on improving the modern tourism system, and accelerate the construction of a tourism power. On the one hand, we should adhere to the problem orientation, focus on rectifying the chaos in the tourism market, focus on improving the comprehensive capacity of the industry and the quality of tourism services across the region, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of tourists, improve the modernization of the governance system and governance capacity, and constantly release the potential of tourism consumption; On the other hand, it is necessary to focus on reform and innovation, deeply tap cultural tourism resources, create advantageous tourism brands, cultivate characteristic tourism formats, prevent sameness and over development, and strive to enrich the supply of high-quality tourism products and services, so as to comprehensively improve the development level of the tourism industry.

Great Beauty China is constantly painting the myriad weather of Chinese style modernization. Tourism has unlimited potential and great potential. All regions and departments should follow the guidance of Xi Jinping's cultural ideology, thoroughly implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on culture and tourism work, adhere to building tourism with culture and promoting tourism, strengthen systematic planning and scientific layout, protect cultural heritage and ecological resources, improve the supply level of tourism resources and industries, and improve the service quality of tourism practitioners, Deepen international tourism exchanges and cooperation, constantly create new prospects for tourism development, and contribute cultural and tourism forces to the realization of Chinese style modernization.

CCTV Commentator

Editor in charge: Wang Mingjian