Come quickly and "witness the new era" together

Someone said

Time is fleeting

Can't see, can't touch

But we can see

Shape left by time

We can touch

The texture left by time

No matter what kind of story

Keep it in time

For thousands of years

We have seen the way that our predecessors walked

Thousands of years later

We also leave our mark for future generations

Mountains and rivers, we walk through

Protect our family and defend our country

Starry sea, we walk

Creating the future, we go through

Our present

Is the history of the future

We can't control the time

But it can leave history behind

Not only leave the memory of long history

And leave stories and witnesses of the new era

Let the present have the future

On the occasion of May 18 International Museum Day

Initiated by New Media Center of Xinhua News Agency

"Witness the new era" network wide interaction

Looking forward to your participation

On Sina Weibo, Tiaoyin, Fasthand, Video Number and other platforms

Take the topic # Museum knowledge # # Witness the new era#

Telling the story of physical evidence in the new era

Will have the opportunity to board the new media platform of Xinhua News Agency

Jointly retain the "national memory"

Inherit national "cultural genes"

"Witness the new era" together

Supervisor: Li Xiang, Hu Guoxiang

Final judgment: Cao Jianli

Coordinator: Zhang Shuqi, Peng Songjie, Li Yu, Kong Linghang

Editor: Feng Xiaoqing, Wang Yuxuan, Guo Xing

Special Thanks

News Center of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage


National Museum of China

Shanxi Museum

Henan Museum

Hunan Museum

Shandong Museum

Sanxingdui Museum

Special support

Dithering in Museum

Xinhua News Agency New Media Center


Editor in charge: Wang Mingjian