Xi Jinping Sends Congratulatory Letter to the 33rd Summit Council of the League of Arab States

Xi Jinping Sends Congratulatory Letter to the 33rd Summit Council of the League of Arab States
22:38, May 16, 2024 Xinhua News Agency

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 16 -- On May 16, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to King Hamad of Bahrain, Chairman in Office of the Summit Council of the League of Arab States, congratulating the 33rd Summit Council of the League of Arab States on its convening in Manama.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the Arab League has long been committed to promoting unity and self-improvement in the Arab world and promoting peace and stability in the Middle East. In recent years, in the face of changes in the world, times and history, Arab countries have adhered to independence, promoted development and revitalization, adhered to fairness and justice, maintained regional peace and stability, and played an increasingly important role in strengthening solidarity and cooperation for the "Global South" and safeguarding common interests.

Xi Jinping stressed that the current China Arab relations are at the best time in history. In December 2022, I attended the first China Arab Summit with Arab leaders, comprehensively planned the blueprint for the development of China Arab relations, and agreed to spare no effort to build a China Arab community of common destiny for the new era. For more than a year, political mutual trust between China and Arab countries has been deepening, pragmatic cooperation has flourished, people to people and cultural exchanges have been rich and colorful, and cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful results. With a view to the future, China is willing to work with Arab countries to continue to carry forward the spirit of China Arab friendship, build a higher level of China Arab community of common destiny, and contribute to building a community of common destiny for mankind. At the end of this month, the tenth ministerial meeting of the China Arab Cooperation Forum will be held in Beijing. It is hoped that both sides will take the opportunity of holding the 10th Ministerial Conference to further deepen cooperation in various fields and better benefit the people of China and Afghanistan.

   [Early News]

  2024-05-16 19:42:28

Xinhua News Agency News: Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the 33rd Summit Council of the League of Arab States.

Editor in charge: Chen Xinning