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Ministry of Commerce: initiate anti-dumping investigation on some imported polyoxymethylene according to law

Ministry of Commerce: initiate anti-dumping investigation on some imported polyoxymethylene according to law
21:27, May 23, 2024 CCTV News Client

The Ministry of Commerce recently announced an anti-dumping investigation on imported copolyparaformaldehyde originating in the EU, the United States, Taiwan and Japan. At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Commerce held today (23), the spokesman introduced the relevant information.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce said that the investigation was initiated in accordance with the law in response to the application of the industry in mainland China. After receiving the application, the Ministry of Commerce reviewed the application according to law and regulations, and believed that it met the conditions for filing an anti-dumping investigation. The investigation will be carried out in accordance with the laws and regulations of mainland China and WTO rules.

When asked about the Ministry of Commerce Are there any conditions for preparing for more anti-dumping investigations or listing more American enterprises in the list of unreliable entities, promoting or canceling these actions in the near future The spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce replied:

   He Yadong, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce: Whether it is an anti-dumping investigation or a list of unreliable entities, China has carried out relevant work in accordance with the law and regulations, fully safeguarding the rights of all parties, and handled fairly, fairly and prudently.

(CCTV reporter Xu Ningning and Huang Baochi)

Editor in charge: Liu Penglin

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