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Yunnan Yanjin Public Security Bureau reported that "a knife stabbing case occurred in the middle school": one person died and the criminal suspect has been controlled

Yunnan Yanjin Public Security Bureau reported that "a knife stabbing case occurred in the middle school": one person died and the criminal suspect has been controlled
16:42, May 22, 2024 Sina News Comprehensive

Source: Yanjin Rongmei

Notification of police situation

At about 7:50 on May 21, 2024, a case of stabbing a person with a fruit knife occurred in Miaoba Middle School, Miaoba Town, our county. The suspect Xia Moumou (male, 15 years old, student of Miaoba Middle School, Yanjin County) has been controlled by the public security organ, and one person was injured in this case. The injured Xu (male, 15 years old, a student of Miaoba Middle School in Yanjin County) died after being sent to the hospital for full rescue. The case is under investigation.

Yanjin County Public Security Bureau

May 22, 2024

Source: Yanjin County Public Security Bureau

   Previously reported:

   A campus death case occurred in Yanjin, Yunnan, and the investigation is ongoing (surging news)

The reporter from the main station learned that on May 20, a middle school in Yanjin County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, suffered a fatal injury. A student died on the 21st after being cut by a classmate.

At present, the relevant investigation and disposal work is in progress.

Editor in charge: Chen Yan SN225

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