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China opposes! It turned out that he was notorious

On May 21, the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs released the Decision on Taking Countermeasures against Former U.S. Congressman William Gallagher:

In recent years, Mike Gallagher, a former congressman of Wisconsin, has frequently intervened in China's internal affairs, damaged China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and violated China's interests. In accordance with Articles 3, 4, 6, 9 and 15 of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Anti Foreign Sanctions, China has decided to take the following countermeasures against Gallagher:

1、 Freezing movable property, immovable property and other kinds of property in China;

2、 It is prohibited for organizations and individuals within the territory of China to conduct transactions, cooperation and other activities with themselves;

3、 They are not allowed to issue visas or enter the country.

This Decision shall come into force as of May 21, 2024.

Counter list

Mike Gallagher, former chairman of the "China Ad Hoc Committee" of the House of Representatives of the United States and former representative of Wisconsin

 Mike Gallagher information map. Source: Visual China Mike Gallagher information map. Source: Visual China

Mike Gallagher was born in March 1984, a Republican politician in the United States, and served as a member of the United States House of Representatives from January 2017 to April 2024.

In February this year, Mike Gallagher and other US lawmakers visited Taiwan and claimed that "no matter who is elected the next US president, the United States will continue to support Taiwan".

In addition, Michael Gallagher was also the first chairman of the US China Strategic Competition Special Committee of the US House of Representatives. He is regarded as a "rising star" who takes a tough stance on China and has promoted many anti China laws, including the "TikTok Bill".

Editor in charge: Chen Yan SN225

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