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He Lifeng's deployment, the first important formulation, releases new signals

He Lifeng's deployment, the first important formulation, releases new signals
19:32, May 17, 2024 Sina News Comprehensive

   Source: Zheng Zhijian

   By Dong Xin and Yu Hui

   On May 17, the "National Video Conference on Real Estate Guarantee and Delivery" was held in Beijing. He Lifeng, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the conference and delivered a speech.

   He Lifeng stressed that the deployment of the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee should be thoroughly implemented.

   "We will continue to implement policies based on the city, We will do a good job in tackling the risk of uncompleted commercial housing, and solidly promote the key work of ensuring the delivery of housing and digesting the stock of commercial housing 。”

   On the day of the above meeting, the government also launched a number of heavy real estate policies.

   From "guaranteed delivery" to "guaranteed delivery"

   Two years ago, on July 28, 2022, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held a meeting to mention "ensuring the delivery of buildings and stabilizing the people's livelihood", which is the first time that the central level proposed "ensuring the delivery of buildings".

   Under various measures, the effect of building delivery guarantee will be obvious in 2023.

  •    According to the data of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, by the end of 2023, more than 3 million sets of insured buildings have been delivered, with a delivery rate of more than 86%. Most of the 350 billion yuan special loan for building guarantee has been invested in specific projects, and the overall recovery rate of the special loan project for building guarantee has reached 99.9%.

  •    In 2023, the completed housing area of real estate development enterprises will be 998.31 million square meters, with a year-on-year growth of 17.0%, including 724.33 million square meters of residential completed area, with a year-on-year growth of 17.2%.

   Financial media reported that many real estate enterprises had set new records in the delivery scale in 2023, However, in 2024, we still face a huge amount of delivery tasks.

   At the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held on April 30 this year, it was mentioned that risks in key areas should be continuously prevented and resolved.

   "We will continue to implement policies based on the city, strengthen the responsibilities of local governments, real estate enterprises and financial institutions, Do a good job of housing guarantee and delivery, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of house buyers ”。

   This is the first time that the central government has proposed "guaranteed housing".

   According to external interpretation, Although there is only one word difference from "guaranteed delivery" to "guaranteed delivery", it shows that China pays more attention to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of house buyers.

   Chen Jie, director of the Housing and Urban Rural Construction Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University, said, "When the delivery guarantee building has reached a high delivery rate at the project level, the next phase of work should pay more attention to the full process and full function delivery of the housing level."

   Li Yujia, the chief researcher of the Guangdong Housing Policy Research Center, mentioned that "ensuring the delivery of the house not only means that the house should be made habitable according to the design requirements of the project, but also build supporting facilities, and even create conditions for handling property rights certificates."

   New expression, new wording

   On May 17, more than half a month after the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, Video conference on ensuring and delivering houses nationwide He Lifeng was present at the meeting.

   Say more.

   Before the meeting, He Lifeng came to Zhengzhou, Henan Investigate the real estate work and preside over the symposium. At that time, he mentioned that, Make every effort to ensure the timely and high-quality delivery of real estate projects under construction And promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.

   At the national video conference on ensuring the delivery of housing, He Lifeng stressed that, It is necessary to "fight the battle against the risk of uncompleted commercial housing".

   This is the first time that such a reference has appeared.

   He Lifeng also mentioned two key tasks, One is to ensure the delivery of housing, and the other is to digest the stock of commercial housing.

   In terms of housing guarantee, this meeting put forward more specific requirements——

  •    want Focus on classification and promote the disposal of commercial housing projects under construction and difficult to deliver , fully support the financing and completion delivery of the projects that should be continued, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the buyers.

   In terms of digesting the stock of commercial housing, the meeting put forward requirements for relevant local governments:

  •    Relevant local governments should proceed from the actual situation and properly dispose of the transferred idle residential land in the form of recovery, purchase, etc To help real estate enterprises with financial difficulties.

  •    Cities with large inventory of commercial housing, The government can purchase some commercial houses at a reasonable price to be used as affordable housing.

   The above statement has aroused external attention.

   According to the analysis of financial media, previously, the real estate risk resolution focused on the project level, such as the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism, which helped to ensure the delivery of buildings from the project level.

   However, the proposed government "can purchase idle residential land in stock to help real estate enterprises solve difficulties" is regarded by the industry as the policy is shifting to the same "subject of protection" for projects, and the real estate risk resolution is entering a new stage when the government purchases stock houses.

   Guo Xiangyu, Research Director and Senior Research Commissioner of the Real Estate Finance Research Center of Wudaokou School of Finance, Tsinghua University, pointed out in an interview with the media that, The above meeting officially put forward the policy of local governments to recover and purchase the idle land that has been sold for the first time, representing the central government's response to the market appeal of "saving the project as well as the main body".

   At the same time, the meeting proposed that the government should purchase some commercial houses at a reasonable price to be used as affordable housing. The main body of the purchase is the government, and the purpose of the purchase is affordable housing, which is also a supplement within the scope of "three major projects".

   Heavy measures

   On May 17, following the video conference held in the morning, the Central Bank and the General Administration of Financial Supervision issued three "big red envelopes" in the afternoon, including lowering the down payment, canceling the lower limit of interest rate and lowering the interest rate of provident fund loans.

   In the afternoon of May 17, the Information Office of the State Council held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council. The heads of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the People's Bank of China, and the State Administration of Financial Supervision introduced the relevant information about the supporting policies for housing guarantee and delivery, and answered questions from reporters.

   Dong Jianguo, vice minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, revealed that, Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Supervision will issue relevant supporting policy documents.

   How to guarantee the delivery of the house?

   Zheng Zhijian (WeChat: bqzhengzhiju) noticed at the briefing that, "The legitimate rights and interests of the buyer" has been mentioned many times.

   Dong Jianguo said that at present, the relationship between supply and demand in the real estate market has undergone major changes. The real estate market is in the process of adjustment, and some commercial housing projects under construction and sold are facing difficulties in delivery. If the sold housing project is uncompleted, it will seriously damage the legitimate rights and interests of the buyer and affect the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.

   "To do a good job in ensuring the delivery of housing, we should take the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of buyers as the fundamental starting point and foothold, and adhere to the principles of marketization and legalization." Dong Jianguo pointed out that we should fight the battle of ensuring the delivery of housing for commercial housing projects, prevent and handle the risk of uncompleted housing, and promote the timely delivery of projects with guaranteed quality. Let the people get the houses that have passed the inspection as scheduled according to the contract. For those who are still unable to pay the house by exhausted means, they should take the judicial way. In judicial disposal, the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of house buyers should also be put in the first place.

   He said that the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development, together with the General Administration of Financial Supervision and other departments, will introduce the work plan for the battle of housing guarantee and delivery of urban commercial housing projects.

   The plan mainly includes four measures.

  •    Find out the bottom line. The city government should comprehensively investigate the commercial housing projects under construction and sold in the city, make a big start, lock the projects that are difficult to deliver, accurately grasp the existing problems, and establish the project account.

  •    Classified disposal. The city government should guide project development enterprises to formulate "one project, one policy" disposal plan in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law. Marketization is to include eligible projects or projects that can take market-oriented measures to improve conditions into the "white list" to provide financing support and promote project construction delivery. The rule of law is to promote the insolvent projects to enter the judicial disposal procedure, the bankruptcy of the bankruptcy, and the reorganization of the reorganization. In the process of disposal, the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of the house buyer should be put in the first place. In this process, we must resolutely investigate and deal with all kinds of violations of laws and regulations in accordance with the law, so as not to let the violators "get away with their mistakes" and not to let the behaviors that harm the interests of the masses muddle through.

  •    Judicial support. For projects requiring judicial disposal, local people's courts will accept relevant cases in time to improve the efficiency of judicial disposal; Prudently take property preservation measures for key projects to support project construction and delivery.

  •    Establish a long-term mechanism. On the one hand, we will vigorously and orderly promote the sales of existing houses, and support commercial housing projects to meet the sales conditions of existing houses through the "white list" financing policy; On the other hand, for those who continue to carry out pre-sale, the project pre-sale funds shall be strictly supervised to prevent new risks.

   Information | Xinhua News Agency People's Daily Beijing Daily Bank of China Insurance News

Editor in charge: Trish

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