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Ministry of Commerce: The "theory of overcapacity" is totally untenable

Ministry of Commerce: The "theory of overcapacity" is totally untenable
16:38, May 16, 2024 CCTV

The Ministry of Commerce held a regular press conference today (16th). Recently, some western countries repeatedly accused China of "overcapacity", saying that China's new energy products exports hit the international market. When asked how to view the so-called "overcapacity", a reporter from the Ministry of Commerce said, The so-called "overcapacity theory" runs counter to common sense and common sense, is unreasonable and totally untenable. We should respect the laws and facts of production capacity and take an objective, comprehensive and long-term view.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce said that from the perspective of market economy principle. Supply and demand are two basic aspects of the internal relationship of market economy. Under the realistic background of economic globalization, supply and demand issues should be viewed from a global perspective, not just one country. Today's world economy has become an inseparable whole. Production and consumption are global, and need to match and adjust supply and demand in a global perspective. Just because a country's production capacity exceeds its domestic demand, it cannot be labeled as "excess".

   He Yadong, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce: From the perspective of international trade practice. The emergence and development of international trade is that countries carry out international division of labor and cooperation based on comparative advantages, so as to effectively improve the efficiency and well-being of the global economy. Developed countries such as the United States, Europe and Japan have exported a large number of goods to the world for a long time. About 80% of the chips produced in the United States are used for export, about 80% and 50% of the cars produced in Germany and Japan are exported respectively, and the passenger aircraft produced by Boeing and Airbus are also exported in large quantities; However, China's export of electric vehicles is only 1.2 million, accounting for 12.7% of the output. Is the export of the United States, Europe and Japan reasonable, and China's export of new energy products surplus?

   From the perspective of industrial development trend. Green and low-carbon is the general trend. With the global green transformation, the demand for new energy products will continue to expand. According to the research of the International Energy Agency, in order to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, the global sales of new energy vehicles in 2030 need to reach about 45 million, more than three times the global sales in 2023, far exceeding the current global supply capacity. At the same time, the technology and product update iteration in the new energy field is accelerated, and new demands will be constantly created.

   He Yadong, spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce: On the whole, the global new energy industry is still in the stage of initial development and rapid growth, and the relevant capacity is relatively insufficient rather than surplus.

(CCTV reporter Xu Ningning and Huang Baochi)

Editor in charge: Liu Guangbo

He Yadong

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