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The internal department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection named four "insiders", with anti-corruption signals

The internal department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection named four "insiders", with anti-corruption signals
19:20, May 12, 2024 Sina News Comprehensive

Source: Zheng Zhiming

Author: Yu Hui

On May 11, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Cadre Supervision Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission issued an article entitled "Keeping the Self revolutionary Spirit Forever Forging an Iron Army for Discipline Inspection and Supervision".

It is mentioned in the article that we should focus on clarifying the Party's political discipline and rules, and resolutely fight against words and deeds that endanger the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership.

"We will resolutely correct the 'seven haves' problem within the discipline inspection and supervision system, resolutely eliminate the double faced people who have a false heart, wavered politically, and collapsed their ideals and beliefs, and continue to purify the political ecology."

The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Cadre Supervision Office is one of the internal functional departments of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission. Its responsibilities are:

  • Supervise and inspect the cadres of the discipline inspection and supervision system to observe and implement the Party's Constitution and other intra party laws and regulations, and observe and implement the Party's line, principles, policies and resolutions, national laws and regulations, etc;

  • Accept the reports on the suspected violations of Party discipline, duty violations and duty crimes of discipline inspection and supervision leading cadres, put forward disposal opinions, and be responsible for the preliminary verification of problem clues and case filing, review and investigation.

On January 8 this year, at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, pointed out that we should strengthen the construction of the contingent of discipline inspection and supervision cadres, regularly eliminate the black sheep, resolutely prevent "black under the light", strive to be an example of self revolution, a benchmark of compliance with rules and disciplines, and create a team that can reassure the CPC Central Committee An iron army of discipline inspection and supervision to satisfy the people.

In the above article, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Cadre Supervision Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission disclosed two groups of data:

  • In 2023, more than 43700 clues involving disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres will be disposed nationwide, and 7817 people will be punished.

  • In 2023, 8977 discipline inspection and supervision cadres will be investigated and dealt with nationwide.

The article also mentioned four "insiders" - the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission have successively investigated and dealt with the serious violations of discipline and laws by Liu Ran, Hao Zongqiang, Liu Lixian, Chen Yuxiang and other cadres.

Liu Ranzeng was the deputy director of the Second Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, and the first level inspector.

In June 2023, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission announced that Liu Ran had been expelled from the Party and public office due to serious violations of discipline and law, and the suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorial organ for review and prosecution according to law.

Hao Zongqiang was once the deputy director of the Publicity Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, and a first level inspector. He was reviewed and investigated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission in June 2023, and was opened to both sides in December 2023.

In September 2023, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission released the news that Liu Lixian, the former member of the Party Committee and the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of ICBC, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, voluntarily surrendered to the case, and accepted the discipline review and supervision investigation of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission.

According to public data, from 2014 to 2017, Liu Lixian served as the deputy leader of the 11th Central Inspection Group and the 10th Central Inspection Group, and participated in several rounds of central inspections.

In January this year, Liu Lixian was expelled from the Party.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that he violated discipline and law, seriously damaged the image of discipline inspection and supervision cadres, took the power granted by the organization as a tool to seek personal gains, and engaged in power and money transactions.

Chen Yuxiang was once the deputy secretary of Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the deputy director of Hebei Provincial Commission for Supervision. He was investigated in December 2023. He was also subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission.

The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Cadre Supervision Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission mentioned that discipline enforcement and law enforcement violations are still repeatedly prohibited, and the problem of "darkness under the light" still exists to varying degrees.

It is necessary to highlight the high handed punishment, dig out the rotten meat from the inside, seriously clean up the door, thoroughly investigate the disciplinary inspection and supervision cadres' violations of discipline and laws, and have zero tolerance for the use of disciplinary inspection and supervision power and position influence to seek personal gains. If one case is found, one case will be investigated and punished, and there will be no mercy or indulgence.

This article of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Office of Discipline Inspection and Supervision Cadres of the State Supervision Commission once again shows the determination of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to "clean up the door".

The following key work is also mentioned in the article, releasing anti-corruption signals:

  • Focusing on rectification, we will not relax. We will intensify the investigation and punishment of cadres in key positions with concentrated power and high risks, such as supervision and inspection, review and investigation, and patrol. We will resolutely tackle persistent problems such as seeking personal gains, collusion and shielding, and running errands and leaking air.

  • We will highlight the importance of being strict in all aspects, adhere to strict standards, strictly investigate and punish those who do not restrain, stop, or violate discipline against the wind, and timely adjust those who are not suitable for working in the discipline inspection and supervision posts. We will continue to prevent "darkness under the light" with the most distinctive attitude, the most powerful measures, and the most decisive actions.

Information | Xinhua News Agency, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, National Supervision Commission, People's Daily Online, CCTV, etc

Editor in charge: Trish

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