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The suspended "top leader" of Qingdao Health Commission was newly appointed one and a half months ago

The suspended "top leader" of Qingdao Health Commission was newly appointed one and a half months ago
12:58, October 15, 2020 Sina News Comprehensive

Former title: The suspended "top leader" of Qingdao Health Commission was newly appointed a month and a half ago

Source: Beijing Youth Daily - Zheng Zhizhi

On October 15, Qingdao held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control.

Luan Xin, Vice Mayor of Qingdao, reported two accountability related to the epidemic at the press conference:

On October 14, the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee studied and decided that Comrade Sui Zhenhua, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Qingdao Municipal Health Commission, would suspend his post for further investigation; Yang Xixiang, Executive Vice Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee, was appointed to preside over the overall work of the Municipal Health Commission.

On October 15, the Party Leadership Group of Qingdao Municipal Health Commission studied and decided that Deng Kai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Municipal Chest Hospital, would be removed from his post for further investigation.

   Attended the press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Qingdao

Just a month and a half ago, on August 31 this year, the Qingdao Municipal Government announced the appointment of Sui Zhenhua as the director of the Qingdao Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In June 2017, Sui Zhenhua became the Director of Qingdao Municipal Forestry Bureau. In January 2019, Sui Zhenhua became the Secretary and Director of the Party Leadership Group of Qingdao Municipal Health Commission. According to the Qingdao government affairs website, Sui Zhenhua presided over the overall work of the Municipal Health Commission (the Municipal Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine), and was in charge of the Human Resources Department, the Municipal Health Office, the Municipal Hospital, the Ninth People's Hospital, etc.

Previously, Sui Zhenhua's last public attendance was on September 24, when the provincial MCH organization construction and MCH work site promotion meeting was held in Qingdao. Sui Zhenhua made a typical speech around orderly promoting the construction of MCH service system, doing a good job in maternal and child safety control, and constantly expanding the connotation of MCH services.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, Sui Zhenhua has served as the head of the epidemic prevention and control and medical treatment team of the municipal epidemic prevention and control headquarters. He has attended the press conference of the Qingdao COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control headquarters for many times to report the situation of COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control in Qingdao.

   "Successor" was once the head of Qingdao's health system

Zheng knew that on the evening of October 14, the Standing Committee of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee held a meeting. The meeting stressed that the epidemic has exposed the problems and loopholes in the operation and implementation of epidemic prevention and control in Qingdao, and the lessons are very profound.

The meeting required that we should adhere to the problem orientation, thoroughly find out the outstanding problems in the prevention and control of Qingdao's normalized epidemic situation, comprehensively review, deeply reflect, draw inferences from one instance, further strictly implement the system and regulations, strictly standardize the procedures, and comprehensively grasp the prevention and control of normalized epidemic situation in autumn and winter.

Yang Xixiang, the "successor" of Sui Zhenhua, who presided over the overall work of the Municipal Health Commission, is now the Executive Vice Minister of the Organization Department of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee.

Yang Xixiang once served as Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Qingdao Hongdao Economic Zone and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Qingdao High tech Industrial Development Zone.

From April 2014 to October 2018, Yang Xixiang served as Director of Qingdao Health and Family Planning Commission and Director of Qingdao Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

   The hospital where the dismissed president is located is highly related to this round of epidemic

Deng Kai, the deposed president, whose Qingdao Chest Hospital is highly related to the epidemic.

On October 11, Qingdao reported newly confirmed cases, breaking the domestic record of no newly confirmed cases in China for more than 56 consecutive days.

From November 11 to 14, Qingdao held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control. Among the 12 confirmed cases in Qingdao, there were 1 case of critical type, 3 cases of severe type, 6 cases of ordinary type and 2 cases of mild type.

Zheng Zhizhi (WeChat ID: upolitics) noticed that 10 of the 12 cases were nosocomial infection in Qingdao Chest Hospital, and 2 cases were out of hospital infection. Of the 10 patients in the hospital, 7 were patients and 3 were nursing workers.

The two cases confirmed outside the hospital are also the secret contacts of the confirmed patients in the hospital, of which the taxi driver Shao is the husband of the confirmed case nurse Jiang Moumou, and Liu Moumou is the mother of the confirmed case Han Moumou.

On October 12, Zhang Huaqiang, the leader of the Qingdao Epidemic Prevention and Control Expert Group, announced at the press conference that the Loushanhou Community in Licang District, Qingdao, where Qingdao Chest Hospital is located, was adjusted to be a medium risk area.

On October 13, Jiang Fachun, director of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Department of Qingdao Center for Disease Control and Prevention, confirmed at the press conference that according to the epidemiological survey results, the confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections of the epidemic in Qingdao are highly related to the Qingdao Chest Hospital.

After the outbreak of the epidemic, according to the expert risk study, 388 employees, escorts and in-patients of Qingdao Chest Hospital have been identified as close contacts, and the hospital has been closed.

On October 15, Luan Xin, vice mayor of Qingdao, introduced at the press conference that all medical staff and staff in the chest hospital had been tested for nucleic acid, and the test results were all negative.

At the same time, 206225 samples of staff, in-patients and caregivers from all medical institutions in Qingdao have been completed, and all the results are negative.

   No new positive cases were found except the published cases

According to the report of Qingdao Municipal Health Commission, on October 14, there was one newly confirmed case of COVID-19 in Qingdao, which turned out to be asymptomatic infection.

Dong, a 40 year old male, is a stevedore of Qingdao Port Dagang Company. He was found positive in the routine nucleic acid test on September 24. On October 14, the expert group confirmed that he was an ordinary case in combination with clinical manifestations and laboratory test results, and adjusted the corresponding treatment plan to give antiviral convalescent plasma treatment. At present, Dong has been transferred to Qingdao Third People's Hospital for treatment.

Zheng Zhizhi (WeChat ID: upolitics) noticed that on September 24, Qingdao found two asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 during regular routine testing of the "due diligence" personnel of Qingdao Port Dagang Company.

At present, another asymptomatic infected person, except Dong, has recovered well after isolation treatment without any clinical symptoms and may be discharged in the near future.

As of 24:00 on October 14, there are 13 local cases of COVID-19 in Qingdao who have received isolation treatment in designated hospitals, and one asymptomatic infected person who has received isolation observation treatment in designated medical institutions. At present, there are 515 close contacts in Qingdao who have been included in the centralized isolation medical observation.

Among the 13 patients, there were 1 critical case, 3 severe cases, 7 ordinary cases and 2 mild cases.

It was reported that one critically ill patient was a 38 year old male patient. On the evening of the 13th, the patient was injected with plasma antibody from the rehabilitator, insisted on improving oxygenation, insisted on integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment, and implemented mechanical ventilation. At present, the overall situation is slowly improving.

At present, 9947304 nucleic acid samples have been collected in Qingdao, and 7646353 results have been obtained. In addition to the confirmed cases, no new positive samples have been found.

Author | Dong Xin and Gao Yuyang

Editor in charge: Wu Xiaodong SN241

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