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Hu Xijin: It's time to let this American accomplice suffer

Hu Xijin: It's time to let this American accomplice suffer
23:54, October 14, 2020 Global Times

Former title: Hu Xijin: It's time to let this American accomplice suffer

Lao Hu believes that China should focus on its own interests at this time, and businesses that are beneficial to China should continue to do so. It is necessary for us to express our dissatisfaction with businesses that are indifferent to China. Australia's attitude towards China is so bad that it certainly has to pay a price. Lao Hu believes that Australia, as a modest Western country, is also a necessary demonstration to let it suffer.

Australian media reported that China's state-owned energy enterprises and steel mills had received an official oral notice requiring them to stop importing coal from Australia. Although this news has not yet been confirmed, it has aroused speculation that the free fall of China Australia relations will continue.

  ▲ As early as May this year, it was reported that with the increasingly tense relationship between China and Australia, Australian coal may become the next commodity involved in disputes. ▲ As early as May this year, it was reported that with the increasingly tense relationship between China and Australia, Australian coal may become the next commodity involved in disputes.

Coal is Australia's second largest export commodity, second only to iron ore. China is Australia's largest buyer of coal, accounting for 27% of its metallurgical coal exports and 20% of its thermal coal exports. The economies of China and Australia are highly complementary. Australia is a resource rich country, and China is a manufacturing country. But now China's coal supply exceeds demand. If we reduce the purchase of Australian coal, it is believed that we can punish Australia and support China's coal enterprises by killing two birds with one stone.

China has long been Australia's largest trading partner, but in recent years, the relationship between the two countries has deteriorated at an unbelievable rate, and the civil animosity between the two countries has also risen rapidly. Australian polls show that most Australians have a negative attitude towards China, and among Chinese people, Australia's image has become one of the worst in Western countries. The reason is undoubtedly mainly from the Australian side, because they have created most variables for China Australia relations.

  ▲ In September 2019, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said to accompanying journalists when he visited the United States that he looked forward to celebrating the centennial "friendship" between Australia and the United States. "I think the United States has many more powerful friends, but the United States knows that they have no more reliable and firm friends than Australia.". ▲ In September 2019, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said to accompanying journalists when he visited the United States that he looked forward to celebrating the centennial "friendship" between Australia and the United States. "I think the United States has many more powerful friends, but the United States knows that they have no more reliable and firm friends than Australia.".

After the United States identified China as a strategic competitor, Australia took the lead in formulating an "anti foreign interference law" against China among Western countries, and also took the lead in announcing a boycott of Huawei, which broke the bottom line of normal national relations. In other words, Australia has taken the lead in Western countries in choosing sides in the US strategy to contain China, and has become an accomplice in the US extreme policy towards China.

  ▲ On October 6, the "US Japan India Australia" four party security dialogue was held in Tokyo, Japan. Australia continued to follow the US in pursuing the Cold War mentality and tried to establish an "Asian version of NATO". From left to right, the foreign ministers of India, Australia, the United States and Japan are shown in the picture. ▲ On October 6, the "US Japan India Australia" four party security dialogue was held in Tokyo, Japan. Australia continued to follow the US in pursuing the Cold War mentality and tried to establish an "Asian version of NATO". From left to right, the foreign ministers of India, Australia, the United States and Japan are shown in the picture.

Australia advocates that politics should be politics and economy should be economy, but how can this be possible? China also has no intention of cutting off the economic ties between China and Australia, but the overall indifference between the two countries will be doomed. Lao Hu believes that China should focus on its own interests at this time, and businesses that are beneficial to China should continue to do so. It is necessary for us to express our dissatisfaction with businesses that are indifferent to China. Australia's attitude towards China is so bad that it certainly has to pay a price. Lao Hu believes that Australia, as a modest Western country, is also a necessary demonstration to let it suffer.

Source: Hu Xijin

Editor in charge: Fan Siteng SN237

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