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The Foreign Ministers of China and Canada met and talked about the cases of Kang Mingkai and Michael? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded

The Foreign Ministers of China and Canada met and talked about the cases of Kang Mingkai and Michael? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded
15:46, August 26, 2020 Surging news

Former title: China Canada Foreign Ministers Meeting and Talking about the Case of Kang Mingkai and Michael? The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded

On August 26, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian held a regular press conference. A reporter asked, according to the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Canadian Foreign Minister Shang Pengfei, when meeting with State Councilor Wang Yi in Rome on August 25, talked to China about the case of Canadian citizens such as Kang Mingkai and Michael, and called on China to agree to Canada's consular visit to Kang Mingkai and Michael. Can China confirm the relevant information and what's your comment?

Zhao Lijian said that China has released a press release on the meeting between State Councilor Wang Yi and Canadian Foreign Minister Shang Pengfei. As for the Canadian citizen case you mentioned, Kang Mingkai and Michael are suspected of engaging in activities endangering China's security. The Chinese judicial authorities handle the case in strict accordance with the law, while safeguarding their legitimate rights. In all communication between China and Canada, we have made it clear to Canada that Canada should respect the spirit of the rule of law and China's judicial sovereignty.

Zhao Lijian stressed that the current China Canada relations are facing difficulties, and the responsibility does not lie with China. Canada is very clear about the crux of the problem, and should immediately take effective measures to correct mistakes, so as to create conditions for the return of bilateral relations.

Editor in charge: Yang Jie

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