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At a time of tension between China and the United States, the PLA announced nine major military exercises within one month

At a time of tension between China and the United States, the PLA announced nine major military exercises within one month
11:37, August 23, 2020 Reference News
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   Reported on August 23 on the reference news website Foreign media said that in the context of the intensification of Sino US relations, the PLA has continuously released military exercises in the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea. According to the official websites of Shandong Maritime Safety Administration and Hainan Maritime Safety Administration, the PLA will carry out live ammunition military exercises and training activities in the waters from Qingdao to the east of Lianyungang in the Yellow Sea and southeast of Hainan Island from the 22nd to the 26th and from the 24th to the 29th respectively.

It was reported on August 22 by Taiwan's Dongsen News Network that the US "Reagan" aircraft carrier battle group had just returned to the South China Sea exercise a week ago, and the US reconnaissance aircraft had also approached Guangdong and Hong Kong for many times, continuously warming the tension between China and the US.

Another if near According to the trend of one month, the PLA has announced at least nine military training activities, including exercises.

It is reported that Qingdao Maritime Safety Administration under the jurisdiction of Shandong Maritime Safety Administration and Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration around have also issued relevant warnings, saying that from 12:00 on August 22 to 12:00 on August 26, major military activities will be organized. In order to ensure safety, no ship is allowed to enter the sea area during the above time.

In the South China Sea, the official website of Hainan Maritime Safety Administration reported that military training activities will be held in the southeast sea area of Hainan Island from 0:00 on August 24 to 24:00 on August 29. Prior to that, the PLA Southern Theater had organized bombers at the end of July to conduct high-intensity flight training in the South China Sea day and night.

In addition, it was reported on the website of Hong Kong's South China Morning Post on August 20 that the Navy's social media platform "Navy News" said that a detachment of the East China Sea Fleet of the PLA Navy had recently held a combat training, simulating the sudden encounter of the enemy in the air and on the water.

The report did not provide the specific location of the drill or the specific time of the drill. It is reported that the small fleet of the PLA is headed by the Russian made "modern" class missile destroyer Hangzhou. The 054A missile frigate Xuzhou also participated in the exercise.

According to the report, these ships simulated the attack of anti ship missiles, including releasing smoke barrels, taking evasive actions, changing the formation and launching anti-aircraft missiles and shells of close combat weapon systems.

According to the report, this training will focus on basic training to improve the ability of officers and soldiers to perform their duties and win while improving their continuous combat ability.

Before the PLA released this report, the US guided missile destroyer Mastin and the Japanese guided missile destroyer Liangyue held a joint exercise in the East China Sea last week.

After the training, the destroyer Mastin crossed the Taiwan Strait and rejoined the carrier battle group headed by the aircraft carrier Reagan.

According to the report, the Chinese Navy's missile destroyers monitored the passage of American warships through the waters. The eastern theater of the PLA said on Wednesday that its troops will always remain "highly vigilant" and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

It was also reported on the website of the British Times on August 21 that China had completed a three-day live fire training in the East China Sea.

It is reported that in recent weeks, China's increasingly powerful military has increased the frequency of training in the waters near Taiwan. About a week ago, it organized a series of practical drills in the Taiwan Strait and both the north and south sides, and said that the drills were a warning to the "Taiwan independence" forces.

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