Entrance to the Larravel application: Basic Introduction to Routing Series

Basic route

The most basic Laravel route only receives one URI and one closure, and provides a very simple and elegant route definition method based on this:
 Route::get('hello', function () { return 'Hello, Welcome to LaravelAcademy.org'; });
We take Installation Configuration New in document blog For example, in the routes/web.php Define the route in:

In the browser through http://blog.dev/hello (I use Valet as the development environment, so the corresponding domain name is blog.dev , the actual domain name is subject to your own configuration), you can access the route we just defined, and the page output is as follows:

 Hello, welcome to LaravelAcademy.org

Default routing file

All Laravel routes are defined in the routes In the routing files under the directory, these files are automatically loaded through the framework, and the corresponding logic is located in app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider Class (we will discuss this part of logic in detail when we talk about the Laravel startup process later). routes/web.php The file defines the routes of the Web interface, which are assigned to web Middleware group, so that session, csrf protection and other functions can be used. routes/api.php Routes in are stateless because they are assigned to api Middleware group.

For most applications routes/web.php The file starts to define the route. Defined in routes/web.php Routes in can be accessed by entering the corresponding URL in the browser address bar. For example, you can http://blog.dev/user Access the following routes:

 Route::get('/user', ' UsersController@index ');

As mentioned earlier, the definition is routes/api.php Routes in files pass through app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider The processing of is nested in a routing middleware group. In this routing middleware group, all routes will be automatically added /api Prefix, so you don't need to manually add each route to the route file. You can edit RouteServiceProvider Class to modify the routing prefix and other routing middleware group options:

Supported request methods

We can register a route to respond to any HTTP request action:
 Route::get($uri, $callback); Route::post($uri, $callback); Route::put($uri, $callback); Route::patch($uri, $callback); Route::delete($uri, $callback); Route::options($uri, $callback);
Sometimes you also need to register a route to respond to multiple HTTP request actions - this can be done through match Method. Alternatively, you can use any Method registers a route to respond to all HTTP request actions:
 Route::match(['get', 'post'], 'foo', function () { return 'This is a request from get or post'; }); Route::any('bar', function () { return 'This is a request from any HTTP verb'; });

When testing GET requests, you can directly enter the request address in the browser. Testing POST requests can be done through client tools, such as Advanced REST Client, which can be downloaded from the Chrome App Store. In addition, if the above route is defined in the routes/web.php Before testing the POST request, you need to cancel the CSRF protection check for the corresponding route, or it will return four hundred and nineteen The status code causes the request to fail. The cancellation method is app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken Set the exclusion check route in:

Let's test the POST request:

If the route is defined in routes/api.php If so, there is no need to pay attention to CSRF protection. For example, we routes/api.php definition bar Routing, and in VerifyCsrfToken Of $except Remove from property array bar , and then we test http://blog.dev/api/bar POST requests for:

As we predicted, there is no problem at all. The reason behind this is that web All routes defined in the route file are located in web Middleware group, which enables CSRF protection check by default, and api Routing files are located in api Middleware group. The routing under this middleware group is mainly used for third-party API requests. CSRF check cannot be performed, so no processing is required.

CSRF protection

stay routes/web.php All request modes in the routing file are PUT POST or DELETE The HTML form corresponding to the route of must contain a CSRF token field, otherwise, the request will be rejected. For more details about CSRF, please refer to CSRF Document
 <form method="POST" action="/profile"> {{ csrf_field() }} ... </form>

Or above foo For example, if we are not in VerifyCsrfToken The middleware excludes its inspection (in fact, such operations are also unsafe), so it needs to be carried in the form submission csrf_token Field:

So when we visit http://blog.dev/form Then click the submit button on the page, and the page will jump to http://blog.dev/foo The following contents are displayed:

 This is a request from get or post

Form method forgery

HTML forms are not supported PUT PATCH perhaps DELETE Request method, so call the PUT PATCH or DELETE When routing, you need to add a hidden _method Field whose value is used as the HTTP request method of the form:
 <form action="/foo/bar" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT"> <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="{{ csrf_token() }}"> </form>

You can also use auxiliary functions directly method_field To realize this function:

 {{ method_field('PUT') }}

Route Redirection

If you need to define a route to redirect to other URIs, you can use Route::redirect This method is so convenient that you don't need to define additional routes or controllers to execute simple redirection logic:
 Route :: redirect ( '/here' , '/there' , three hundred and one );
among here Indicates the original route, there Indicates the route after redirection, three hundred and one It is an HTTP status code used to identify redirection.

Routing View

If your route needs to return a view, you can use Route::view Methods, and redirect The method is similar. This method is also very convenient, so you don't need to define an additional route or controller. view The method receives a URI as the first parameter and a view name as the second parameter. In addition, you can also provide an array data to pass to the view method as an optional third parameter, which can be used for data rendering in the view:
 Route :: view ( '/welcome' , 'welcome' ); Route :: view ( '/welcome' , 'welcome' , [ 'name' => 'Academician' ]);
We define a route view in routes/web.php as follows:

To ensure that it can be shared welcome.blade.php For this view file, we also provide / The route has been adjusted. Next, we need to modify resources/views/welcome.blade.php Code to support website Data variable:

We will write the original dead Laravel The text is adjusted to support variable input, so that we can use the http://blog.dev/view Access the routing view:

give the thumbs-up Cancel Like Collection Cancel Collection

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