Installation Configuration

Server Requirements

The Larravel framework has certain requirements for PHP version and extension, but these requirements Laravel Homestead All have been met, but if you don't use Homestead (that's a pity), it is necessary to know these things to confirm that your environment meets the requirements:

  • PHP >= 7.0.0
  • PHP OpenSSL extension
  • PHP PDO extension
  • PHP Mbstring Extension
  • PHP Tokenizer Extension
  • PHP XML Extension

After meeting the above requirements, you can start to install Laravel.

Installing Laravel

Larravel uses Composer to manage dependencies. Therefore, before installation, ensure that Composer has been installed on the machine (if not already installed, refer to This document Go and install it).

Via Laravel Installer

First, install the Larravel installer through Composer:

 composer global  require  "laravel/installer"

ensure $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin In the system path (the corresponding path in Mac is ~/.composer/vendor/bin , the corresponding path of Windows is ~/AppData/Roaming/Composer/vendor/bin , where ~ Indicates the current user's home directory), otherwise it cannot be called in any path on the command line laravel Command.

Once the installation is complete, you can use the simple laravel new Command to create a new Laravel application in the current directory, for example, laravel new blog A file named blog And includes all Larravel dependencies. This installation method is much faster than installing through Composer:

 laravel new blog

If you have previously installed an older version of the Larvel installer, you need to update it before installing the latest Larvel 5.5 framework application:

 composer global  update

Through Composer Create Project

You can also use Composer's create-project Command to install the Laravel application:

 composer create - project  --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

If you want to download and install other versions of Larave applications, such as version 5.4, you can use this command:

 composer create - project  --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog 5.4.*

Local development server

If you have installed PHP locally and want to use PHP's built-in development environment server to provide services for applications, you can use the Artisan command serve

 php artisan serve

This command will start the development environment server locally, so that in the browser http://localhost:8000 Access the app:

Of course, the more powerful choice of local development environment is Homestead and Valet

Configure Laravel

Initialize Configuration

Public directory

After installing Larvel, you need to point the document/web root directory of the Web server to the public Directory, the index.php As the front-end controller (single entry), all HTTP requests will enter the application through the file.

configuration file

All configuration files of the Larravel framework are stored in config All configuration items in the directory have comments, so you can easily browse these configuration files to familiarize yourself with all configuration items.

directory right

After installing Larave, you need to configure read and write permissions for some directories: storage and bootstrap/cache The directory should be writable to the user specified by the Web server, otherwise the Larravel application will not work properly. If you use the Homestead virtual machine as the development environment, these permissions have been set.

Application key

The next thing to do is to set the application key (APP_KEY) to a random string. If you install it through Composer or Larvel installer, the key value has passed php artisan key:generate The command is generated.

In general, the string should be 32 bits long .env In file APP_KEY Configure, if you haven't already .env.example File renamed to .env , do so now. If the application key is not set, the user session and other encrypted data will have security risks!

More configurations

Larave can be used normally without any other configuration. However, you'd better take a look again config/app.php File, which contains some configurations that may need to be changed based on the application, such as timezone and locale (used to configure the time zone and localize, respectively).

You may also want to configure some other components of Laravel, such as cache, database, session, etc. We will discuss these in subsequent documents.

Web server configuration

The configuration of the virtual host (mapping the domain name to the Laravel application directory) is omitted. For details, please refer to This tutorial Of course, we can leave it to Homestead and Valet in the next article. This article only discusses how to beautify the URL to make it more readable.


Included in the frame public/.htaccess File supports hiding index.php If your Larravel application uses Apache as the server, you need to ensure that Apache is enabled first mod_rewrite Module to support .htaccess Parsing.

If Laravel comes with .htaccess The file does not work. Try to replace the contents as follows:

 Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine  On

 RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !- d RewriteCond  %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !- f RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]


If you use Nginx, you can use the following site configuration instructions to support URL beautification:

 location / { try_files $uri  $uri / /index.php? $query _string; }

Of course, if you use Homestead or Valet, the above configuration has been configured for you, and no additional operation is required.

Environment configuration

Setting different configuration values based on the application running environment can bring great convenience to our development. For example, we usually configure different cache drivers in the local and online environments, which is easy to implement in Laravel.

Larave uses PHP extension libraries DotEnv To realize this function, in the newly installed Laravel, there is a .env.example If Laravel is installed through Composer, the file has been renamed to .env Otherwise, you need to rename the file manually.

Don't try to .env When files are submitted to a version control system (such as Git or Svn), on the one hand, the configuration values of the development environment and the online environment are different, so the submission is meaningless. More importantly, .env It contains a lot of application sensitive information, such as database user name and password. If you accidentally submit the code to Github public warehouse, the consequences will be unimaginable!

If you are developing in a team, you need to .env.example The file is submitted to the source code control along with your application code: place some configuration values as placeholders in the .env.example In the file, other developers will know which environment variables need to be configured to run your application.

You can also create a .env.testing File, which will run the PHPUnit test or execute the --env=testing Option when overriding the Artisan command from the .env The value read by the file.

Get the environment variable configuration value

Every time the app accepts a request, .env All configurations listed in and their corresponding values will be loaded into PHP super global variables $_ENV Then you can use auxiliary functions env To get these configuration values. In fact, if you look at Larave's configuration file, you will find that this auxiliary function has been used in many places:

 'debug' => env ( 'APP_DEBUG' , false) ,

Pass to env The second parameter of the function is the default value, which will be used if the environment variable is not configured.

Judge the current application environment

The current application environment is composed of .env In file APP_ENV Variable, you can use App Facade On environment Method to access its value:

 $environment = App::environment();

You can also send environment Method to pass parameters to determine whether the current environment matches the given value. If necessary, you can even pass multiple values. If the current environment matches the given value, the method returns true

 if ( App :: environment ( 'local' )) { // The environment is local } if ( App :: environment ( 'local' , 'staging' )) { // The environment is either local OR staging... }

Access configuration values

You can use global auxiliary functions config Access the configuration value anywhere in the application code File name+"."+configuration item The default value is returned when the configuration item is not configured:

 $value = config( 'app.timezone' );

If you want to set the configuration value at runtime, pass the array parameter to config Method:

 config([ 'app .timezone' => 'Asia / Shanghai' ]);

Cache Profile

To speed up the application, you can use the Artisan command config:cache Cache the configuration of all configuration files into a single file, which will merge all configuration options into a single file and be quickly loaded by the framework.

Every time the application goes online, it needs to run once php artisan config:cache However, it is unnecessary to run this command frequently during local development, because the configuration values often change.

Note: If it is executed during deployment config:cache Command, you need to ensure that only the env method.

maintenance mode

When your application is in maintenance mode, all requests for the application should return to the same custom view. This function makes it easy to "close" the site when upgrading or maintaining applications. The judgment code for maintenance mode is located in the application default middleware stack. If the application is in maintenance mode, the status code when accessing the application is five hundred and three Of MaintenanceModeException Will be thrown.

To turn on maintenance mode and shut down the site, simply execute the Artisan command down That is:

 php artisan down

Can also provide message and retry Options for down Command. message The value of is used to display or log custom messages, and retry The value of is used to set the Retry-After

 php artisan down --message= "Upgrading Database" --retry= sixty

To turn off the maintenance mode and start the site, the corresponding Artisan command is up

 php artisan up
Note: You can customize the default maintenance mode template by defining your own template. The customized template view is located in resources/views/errors/503.blade.php

Maintenance Mode&Queue

When your site is in maintenance mode, all Queue Task Will not be executed; These tasks will continue to be processed normally when the application exits maintenance mode.

Alternatives to maintenance mode

Since the execution of the maintenance mode command takes several seconds, you can consider using Envoyer Realize offline in 0 seconds as an alternative.

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