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How to solve the problem of the second season of the remaining years?

How to solve the problem of the second season of the remaining years?
21:30, May 22, 2024 author Entertainment

After the title scene of Episode 9 was sealed, the audience sighed that the familiar "Celebrating the Past Years" was back.

What do the audience miss about Celebrating the Past Years? What is the familiar feeling and taste? Every audience has a different answer in their mind. As a creator, it is not easy to summarize these different answers and find a maximum common divisor.

Back in the end of 2019, at the moment when the film and television industry was about to give up on the adaptation of men's novels, Celebrating the Past Years came out, which gave the industry great confidence and also provided a successful model for men's IP film and television adaptation. The broadcast performance went up all the way. At the end of the first season, the audience was reluctant to part.

The promotion of the Second Season of the Year has become a necessity. In the face of such high enthusiasm from the audience, all the staff involved in the Second Season of the Year are under invisible pressure. It was not until the Second Season of the Year of Anniversary met the audience that the pressure was released for a short time.

"When the second season of celebrating more years entered the creation stage, I said to Jueda (screenwriter Wang Ju), 'We should give up the pressure and return to the creative feeling of the first season'." Director Sun Hao said. The success of the First Season of Celebrating the Past Years has already stood there. How can it continue? How to climb? This is one of Sun Hao's problems to consider. "Being consistent with the chromosome of the first season" is his basic requirement, but what the Second Season of Qingyuan tells is Fan Xian's more complex and adventurous adventure on the basis of the previous season.

Sun Hao, Director of the Second Season of the Year

   The hardest season

At the advance screening meeting, screenwriter Wang Jui revealed that there are three seasons of Celebrating the Past Years. The second quarter of the remaining year is the most difficult link between the preceding and the following.

Wang Jui wrote the script of the second season of the past three years. From getting the script to a few days before the broadcast, Sun Hao and Wang Qi were communicating frequently, which was definitely more than the communication between directors and writers. What do they often talk about? It is about all aspects of the whole story of Qingyunian.

Sun Hao is a loyal fan of the original novel "Celebrating the Past Years", and knows the plot of the original novel as well as he knows it. Wang Jui's adaptation still hopes that the story background of "Celebrating the Past Years" is the warmth of human nature, but "how will the original content left over from the previous season continue to develop? How will the buttons buried in the previous season be untied? What new buttons will be buried in this season? How can the original content be combined with the content of the original book to make the fans of drama and books like it at the same time?" These questions, Both Sun Hao and Wang Qi have to face and solve it together.

Even in the selection of some actors, the use of props, and the style of a scene, Sun Hao will communicate with Wang Ju. After the Second Season of the Year, there is the Third Season of the Year. The trend of story and character development may not be determined in the story trend of this season. Therefore, the adjustment and guidance of actors need to be discussed and confirmed by the director and the screenwriter. The director should know how to bury the hook in advance and how to return in the future.

Also in constant communication with the director is Zhang Ruoyun, who plays Fan Xian in the play. "I can feel that he has already lived in the characters, and now I really feel that he is the only one who belongs to Little Fan." At the scene, Sun Hao always exaggerates Ruoyun. On the first day of filming in the second season, Sun Hao simply talked to Zhang Ruoyun about the scenes before and after the show and asked him to resume the filming habits of the crew, so that Zhang Ruoyun could return to the little Fan familiar to the audience as soon as possible.

Zhang Ruoyun will communicate with Sun Hao about what he thinks and how he acts in his important play, including his dilemma and creativity. Fan Xian in the play is getting closer and closer to the world he lives in, and Zhang Ruoyun outside the play is getting closer and closer to Fan Xian who lives in the play.

It is obvious that all the creators of the whole production team of the Second Season of the Year of Anniversary are working together to complete the work with the mentality of "work first", no matter how big or small the role is, whether it is a group performance or a leading role, whether it is an old actor or a young actor.

Deng Ziyue, played by Yu Ailei, has earned the sympathy of the audience. The feeling of powerlessness but unwillingness to collude with others for a long time in the officialdom has been vividly expressed. Fan Xian and Deng Ziyue have only shot the scene of confrontation in the study three times, The activities of actors can be high or low, but there should be no significant deviation.

The first time, the photographer shouldered the machine to ensure the close-up of the two actors. One of the two photographers was responsible for one actor. "Although it was a scene of two men, it was a scene of great passion, to stimulate the original intention of starting work." After the first time, the scene was silent.

The actors asked for the second time. After shooting, Sun Hao came down from the second floor and found Yu Ailei.

"This man has been used to making amends in officialdom. Fan Xian's question has reached the bottom of his bones, and he can't answer it, so he will learn to make amends in a habitual way." This sentence points to Yu Ailei. After drinking a sip of water, Yu Ailei returns to the set. After the third shot, he feels more accurate.

   Come to the "New Friend" of the Second Season of Celebrating More Years

In the first season of celebrating more than one year, in addition to the story, the most successful place lies in the creation of group figures. Fan Siche, who is good at making money but pure minded, only wants to be recognized by his father; Fan Ruoruo, Fan Xian's little fan sister; Begonia, the holy lady of the Northern Qi Dynasty, who became good friends with Fan Xian, is well known and loved by the audience.

When it came to the second season of celebrating the remaining years, Sun Hao hoped that the part about group portrait shaping would be preserved. It is not easy to continue the temperament of the first season. On the basis of trying to keep the original team to create the second season together, the director and the production team have also repeatedly considered and discussed the new actors to try to achieve adaptation.

In addition to the characters who have appeared in the first season, many new characters have been added to the second season of celebrating the remaining years. I have roughly calculated that there are more than 20 people who have just joined in Celebrating the Past Years. " Sun Hao recalled that some of them only appeared in the lines of the first season, and some new roles were added in this season.

"I still want to make everyone's appearance as impressive as the first season, so that it is worthwhile for others to participate." On the first day of the show, Gao Lu, who plays Wang Qinian's wife, Wang Churan, who plays Sang Wen, and Mao Xiaotong, who plays the Princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty, hit the hot search.

"Wang Qinian's wife should have a sense of contrast, which is also true for those who are tired of capitalization." Gao Lu looks gentle and polite, but her eyes are extremely firm. "She can kill Wang Qinian with one look and one behavior." This contrast will bring more comic effects.

The most important reason for choosing Wang Churan to play the role of Sang Wen is that "the image matches". Sang Wen is the leader of Baoyue Building, but his mind is very simple. Sun Hao told Wang Churan, "The difference between you and others is that others may have already understood, and you will be late, so that the characters' feelings of joy will come out. In such a complex place as Baoyue Tower, I hope there can be a girl with very clean feelings."

Sun Hao has seen many of Mao Xiaotong's previous works and has chosen to let her play the role of the great princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty. Sun Hao is very relieved that "the great princess of the Northern Qi Dynasty is actually a very difficult role to grasp." He wants to complete the political task of marriage between the two countries, but he has never traveled far since he was young. The elders keep pressing her to make her not lose face to the Northern Qi Dynasty. In fact, She really captured the eldest prince by her charm. "Mao Xiaotong has the ability to interpret such a complex role."

In addition, other new actors, such as Fu Xinbo, Guo Zifan, Jin Chen, Wang Xiaochen, Wu Xingjian, have not participated in the first season before, and have not cooperated with the director Sun Hao, but they have not been unfamiliar with their roles. After joining the group, they have run in and co created with the "old people" in the first season, which is commendable.

These new actors who joined in the second season of "Celebrating the Past Years" had a wealth of experience in performing before. Sun Hao did not feel any pressure in terms of choice or performance guidance, but there was only one role in the play that made Sun Hao always cautious, that is, Wang Ba, Wang Qinian's 5-year-old daughter.

"We found hundreds of children all over the country, and finally arrived in Luo'an. She has never acted in a play, nor is she a child star or a small character. She has never been contaminated with anything bad about performance." At the shooting scene, Sun Hao strictly protected her and told everyone in the director's team that she should not be taught to act. "You can only observe her, talk to her, and let her not be strange to the crew."

Later, Sun Hao would tell Luo An's mother about what to shoot in advance. When he arrived at the scene on the day of shooting, Sun Hao would always hold the little girl in his hand and no one was allowed to touch her. Even more, he personally took her to get familiar with the scene, to see where Wang Ba lived and talked, and to add some lines and plots by the way. After they were all confirmed one by one, Sun Hao and Zhang Ruoyun brushed past each other and said in a low voice, "Let's not leave the drama, come directly, regardless of where the machine is, just act like this."

Fan Xian and Wang Ba's rival play has become like this. A simple and lovely girl and an uncle who is fond of and a little stiff showed up. "At the time of filming, Zhang Ruoyun had just become a father. He had a special feeling for Fan Xian and Wang Ba's play, and it was over again."

   Unprecedented excitement

The debate in the court is a representative part of the second quarter of Qingyunian, and also one of the important scenes. Fan Xian, with modern ideas, entered the serious court for the first time. All the important characters in the play were present and had their own roles. The scene is very long, and this court debate has been announced for 4 days.

"But we finished it in about three and a half days." Sun Hao recalled that the play was long, the scene was single, and most of the characters were in a state of formality. To make the play more dynamic, we had to find a way to "break". "We used the point where Fan Xian went to court for the first time to think of a way to break the situation."

"Fan Xian didn't follow the orders of other ministers, so he was relatively free, a bit like the feeling of Sun Wukong going to heaven." Fan Xian's modern thought and soul meant that he could not be constrained in the temple. With Fan Xian, he could move, and other characters could also follow with a little sense of mobility. With the appearance of Emperor Qing and the constant switching and transformation of the subjective and objective perspectives of Emperor Qing and Fan Xian, the breakthrough of this great literary drama has been really broken.

Before the shooting started, it was necessary to clear the scene, and everyone withdrew. Only Sun Hao stood there in modern clothes. It was hard to express his feeling at that moment.

In addition to the director, the actors are also unprecedentedly enthusiastic about the Second Season of the Year. Their research on the role is not only limited to the script, but also often discusses with the director about the script, the previous history and subsequent development of the role, and even the differences between the front and back of a play. Sun Hao felt a strong sense of collective honor

The director and the actors are talking about the play, and the actors are also grinding the play. "One foot of me is following the role to act together, and the other foot is watching the play online for the audience." Sun Hao at the shooting scene is often amused by the actors, and often moved to tears.

After Fan Xian beat Fan Sichu, he took down the collar to fight back, which was Guo Qilin's own design. "He asked me if I could do this on the spot, and I said it was too good. The rich young master had never fought, and his mind was simply not willing to fall into a trap. He was beaten again under unknown circumstances. Taking his own collar to protect his body was particularly Fan Sichu." This atmosphere infected everyone in the cast.

If you work hard in one place, there will inevitably be "hard" moments. During filming, Sun Hao also had a "task", which was to reduce the pressure on the actors. "I am also an actor, and I often say to actors, 'Nothing, very good'." Sometimes the pressure of filming is quite high, and the actors may not be given timely affirmation, and the actors will have no idea how to behave. Sun Hao will quickly reply and praise.

All cast members of the cast of the Second Season of the Year are working with 120% of their spirit.

Perhaps some audiences have found that even though the opening of the second season of celebrating more than a year is full of comedy, from the death of the old Jintou, the play has some heavy background. Fan Xian can't protect an old vegetable seller, nor save his daughter, because he has more challenges to face.

How can Fan Xian's modern thoughts be reflected, and how can they compete with the world he lives in? In the scene where Fan Xian paid a visit to Emperor Qing after his suspended death, we can see something. Fan Xian burst into tears and made an impassioned statement while looking at the ladybug that had been unable to turn over, which was specially designed by Sun Hao.

"Fan Xian's modern soul is in his bones. He must not be afraid of Emperor Qing. I don't want to change his lines, but I want to change the state of Zhang Ruoyun's lines." Sun Hao designed a trapped ladybug. At a certain distance, Fan Xian passed on to Emperor Qing that he was sincerely repenting, but in fact, his actions were the presentation of his true thoughts.

After becoming a chess player from a chess piece, Fan Xian's real path of growth and awakening began slowly, and his dilemma would be more dangerous. Under the cloak of comedy, Director Sun Hao said, "I hope to make the audience deeply enjoy themselves."

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From: Beijing
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