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The National Grand Fund was established in the third phase, with a registered capital of 344 billion yuan

The National Grand Fund was established in the third phase, with a registered capital of 344 billion yuan
10:44, May 27, 2024 author Surging news

The National Grand Fund was established in three phases, with a registered capital of 344 billion yuan.

Tianyan App shows that recently, the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase III Co., Ltd. was established, with Zhang Xin as its legal representative, a registered capital of 344 billion yuan, business scope of private equity investment fund management, venture capital fund management services, private equity investment, investment management, asset management and other activities, and enterprise management consulting. The shareholder information shows that the company is jointly held by 19 shareholders, including the Ministry of Finance, CDB Finance Co., Ltd., Shanghai Guosheng (Group) Co., Ltd., Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, China Construction Bank Corporation, Agricultural Bank of China Limited, and Bank of China Limited.

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