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From being hunted to selling state secrets, military experts have become foreign spies

From being hunted to selling state secrets, military experts have become foreign spies
07:13, May 23, 2024 author Surging news

Is he a knowledgeable military expert? Or a scheming secret spy? At first glance, how did he change from a young talent in the field of national defense and military industry to a "nail" placed at my core by foreign spy and intelligence agencies? Today, we deeply analyze the spy case of Zhang Mouge uncovered by the national security organs, and reveal the despicable tactics of foreign spy intelligence agencies to harass and conspire against me, and the criminal history of military industry experts becoming foreign spies.

Zhang Mouge is interrogated in the detention center

   It's hard for young talents to go hunting

Zhang Mouge was once a simple peasant son, whose family was poor and still studied hard. In 1986, he was admitted to the Department of Navigation Engineering of a university in China and studied in the major of automatic control. After graduation, he was assigned to work in a military industry unit, mainly engaged in military technology research. He once led the team and made great contributions to the national scientific and technological progress. In 2004, when Zhang went abroad to participate in international academic conferences, he made friends with expert A of a country by virtue of his military expert identity and kept in touch privately. In 2011, with the help of A, Zhang obtained the opportunity to visit a famous overseas university. So far, Zhang has come into the work of overseas spy intelligence agencies. In November 2011, Zhang Mouge arrived in the country and was interrogated by overseas customs staff at the beginning of entry.

In February 2012, while attending an international conference abroad, Zhang met Jack, a man who claimed to be a foreign naval research laboratory, through the introduction of A and his assistant. Since then, Jack has often met Zhang Mouge alone to take him for sightseeing, leisure and entertainment, supplemented by luxury car pickup, high standard banquet, large gifts and other ways to fully satisfy Zhang's vanity, so as to quickly build trust and close relations with each other. Jack also promised to help Zhang's daughter study abroad and obtain residency rights. Zhang was immersed in the good fortune of "pie in the sky".

   Willing to be "nails"

Just when Zhang Mouge was unable to extricate himself from the huge temptation of money and interests, Jack suddenly tore off his disguise, revealed his true face, showed his identity as a member of the foreign spy intelligence agency, and hoped to cooperate with him. Zhang Mouge was momentarily panicked and did not immediately agree to the other party's request for cooperation. However, after Jack's persuasion, inducement and encouragement, and to ensure the security of the intelligence contact channel, Zhang Mouge's heart began to waver and change. Finally, he agreed to the request for cooperation, fulfilled the procedures for participating in espionage, and was willing to become the "nail" of foreign spy and intelligence agencies in our national defense and military industry. After returning to China, Zhang began to spare no effort to collect military intelligence of our country, providing a large number of core technical secrets in our military industry for overseas spy and intelligence agencies, which caused great harm to our national interests.

In December 2013, after strict investigation, on the basis of mastering criminal evidence, the national security authorities took timely and legally coercive measures against Zhang on the eve of his meeting with the spies and intelligence agencies abroad. During the interrogation by the national security organ, Zhang Mouge had a bad attitude and refused in every way. He thought that the national security organ would not know about his participation in the spy intelligence organization outside the country. Finally, in the face of iron evidence, he had to confess his illegal and criminal facts and lost the opportunity to confess leniently. Finally, Zhang Mouge was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment by the local intermediate people's court for espionage.

   Tips from national security organs

With the economic and social development of our country and the increase of foreign-related activities, foreign spy and intelligence agencies have become increasingly rampant in colluding with and conspiring against the personnel of our key units. All units and leading cadres at all levels, especially those at key secret related posts, should consciously improve their awareness and ability to safeguard national security, and ensure that they are responsible, responsible and conscientious.

   ——Work in accordance with laws and regulations. Cooperate with the national security organs to carry out necessary security inspections according to law, timely reflect the relevant situation involving national security, implement various anti espionage security precautions, mobilize and organize the personnel of the unit to prevent and stop espionage; It is necessary to consciously accept the pre trip education and return interview of the national security organ and the unit to which it belongs, carefully fill in the relevant registration and filing form, and do not conceal or omit to report, so as to facilitate the national security organ to take disposal measures in a timely manner.

   ——We should consciously keep state secrets. More precautions should be taken against unidentified persons, and more vigilance should be taken to avoid falling into the traps set by foreign spy and intelligence agencies; When conducting cultural and academic exchanges with overseas personnel, pay attention to the confidentiality provisions, do not disclose confidential information for petty gain, do not covet the benefits obtained too easily, and avoid swallowing bait, which is difficult to get rid of in the end.

   ——We should raise the awareness of anti espionage. The protection of personal information shall be strengthened, and the group members who go abroad for official business shall not break the rules and go out alone. It is necessary to abide by the laws of the country where it is located, and avoid leaving opportunities for the personnel of foreign spy and intelligence agencies. If the foreign spy and intelligence agencies instigate rebellion, they should avoid panic and refuse with reasonable reasons. If necessary, they should ask our embassies and consulates abroad for help and report. When returning, they should report the relevant situation to the national security agencies directly or through their units.

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espionage jack
From: Shanghai
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