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Corrupt details of the chairman of the state-owned enterprise: generous state donations win the hearts of the people and are keen to draw "small circles"

Corrupt details of the chairman of the state-owned enterprise: generous state donations win the hearts of the people and are keen to draw "small circles"
10:29, May 23, 2024 author Surging news

   Surging journalist Zhong Yuhao

The details of the "unprecedented" corruption cases in the history of the development of state-owned enterprises in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region are being announced in succession.

On the morning of May 21, Xinjiang Zhongtai Group held the 2024 patrol work meeting and the first round of patrol mobilization deployment meeting. Photographed by Chen Xuejiao

On May 22, the WeChat official account of Xinjiang Zhongtai Group, a state-owned enterprise, announced that on the morning of May 21, the group held the 2024 patrol work meeting and the first round of patrol mobilization deployment meeting. Wang Pingyang, secretary of the group's party committee and chairman, pointed out that 2024 is a key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the "14th Five Year Plan", and also a year for Zhongtai Group to deepen reform and eliminate Wang Hongxin's pernicious influence It is a crucial year to reconstruct the modern corporate governance system.

He stressed that we should resolutely put an end to the phenomenon of "low-level red" and "high-level black", study the history, present and future of Zhongtai Group through the guidance of third-party organizations, reverse the impact of the alienation of "family culture", clear the political ecology and reshape the corporate culture.

Who is Wang Hongxin? According to public data, Wang Hongxin, born in 1965, was once the secretary and chairman of the Party committee of Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical (Group) Co., Ltd., and the secretary and chairman of the Party committee of Zhongtai (Group) Co., Ltd. In April 2023, he was transferred to the post of secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of the Autonomous Region, and then announced his dismissal, which was called "a cancer hidden in state-owned enterprises".

The surging news noticed that after Wang Hongxin was investigated, many subordinate companies of Zhongtai Group set up "Disclosure, Criticism and Reform Column", demanding to thoroughly eliminate 13 kinds of abnormal cultural pernicious.

Someone wrote that 13 kinds of abnormal cultures such as Wang Hongxin's "pompous culture", "luxury culture", "speculative culture", "feudal culture" and "authoritarian culture" have caused great harm to enterprises. Such as: "interest binding" culture. "Enclave talents", "top management secret pay", "sky high training" and "empty pay" for a long time have been carried out in a big way. Interests have been tied up, the masses have been blinded, welfare traps have been set up, the state has generously donated, and the "home concept" of enterprise employees and retired employees has been misled. In essence, state-owned enterprises are regarded as their own family enterprises. Weakening, falsifying and marginalizing the Party building work, violating the regulations on selection and employment of personnel, forming a clique, engaging in cronyism and profiteering, adding a new management team without authorization, and engaging in another set of work in collusion.

Some internal staff commented one by one that the "pompous culture" and "luxury culture" led to the false increase of business income, the large-scale "trade movement", and the pursuit of super standard celebration activities and luxury enjoyment; The "agent culture" and "speculative culture" extend their power, and instigate relatives or other "agents" to receive salary, stocks, options, etc. in name to accept bribes and act as "white gloves"; "Feudal superstition culture" and "parasitic culture" are insincere, inconsistent, superstitious, geomantic and other feudal thoughts, seeking spiritual sustenance and praying for the protection of gods; The "culture of personality worship" and the "culture of interest binding" take the development achievements of Zhongtai Group as their own, spread false statements, and praised personal abilities and networks; "Guardian culture" and "authoritarian culture" cover up their own wrong words and deeds and violations of laws and disciplines under the cloak of morality. Arbitrary, suppression of democracy, retaliation against employees with different opinions.

It is said that throughout Wang Hongxin is keen on building "small circles", engaging in groups, relatives and sparseness, privately setting up management teams, erecting the leadership of the Party committee, using his "circles" to divide "spheres of influence", share "fruits of interests", "deify" personal abilities, emphasize "family culture", seriously undermine democratic centralism within the Party, violate political and organizational discipline Work discipline has seriously worsened the political ecology within the Group, and cadres and employees at all levels have suffered.

It was disclosed that Wang Hongxin, the former Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors, regarded public power as a private tool, abused his power, engaged in a "trade movement", "related party transactions", "relying on enterprises to eat enterprises", vigorously promoted the bill business, made false trade, took orders by idling, and wantonly raised debt in violation of regulations, resulting in major debt risks. Lose the bottom line of discipline and law, implement family style corruption, instruct direct relatives to set up 19 companies, and use "public power" to benefit "relatives".

Others said frankly that Wang Hongxin's serious violations of laws and disciplines, as well as the "13 kinds" of deformed corporate culture, are unprecedented in the history of the development of state-owned enterprises in the autonomous region. Therefore, it is doomed to carry out in-depth discussions on "exposing, criticizing and reforming" of ideology and culture, which is a lasting battle.

According to public data, Wang Hongxin has been "double opened" and the suspected crime has been transferred to the procuratorial organ for review and prosecution according to law.

Editor of this issue: Xing Tan

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