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Mother takes her son suffering from swine flu to the yoga studio for bloodletting enema

Mother takes her son suffering from swine flu to the yoga studio for bloodletting enema
 Mother takes her son suffering from swine flu to the yoga studio for bloodletting enema Mother takes her son suffering from swine flu to the yoga studio for bloodletting enema
[# Mother takes her son with swine flu to the yoga studio for bloodletting enema #] According to the news from KNEWS, in January 2024, Ms. Fang sued her yoga teacher, Ms. Chang, because she spent 40000 yuan to buy a physical therapy program in the yoga studio, and the yoga teacher promised to use enema, bloodletting and other methods to recuperate her two-year-old son with swine flu and high fever, As a result, the children's health became worse and worse. Finally, the child was sent to the hospital. Fortunately, with the help of the doctor, the child's condition was finally saved. On May 10, 2024, Songjiang District People's Court made a first instance judgment on the case according to law: it confirmed that the service contract between the defendant and the plaintiff regarding the son was invalid; The defendant shall return 33400 yuan to the plaintiff.
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