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Is pension reserve seriously insufficient? CCTV refutes rumors: it has never been used in 20 years, and its market value has reached 3 trillion yuan

Is pension reserve seriously insufficient? CCTV refutes rumors: it has never been used in 20 years, and its market value has reached 3 trillion yuan
15:04, May 25, 2024 author Beijing Business Daily

The "reserve pension" mentioned on the network actually refers to the national social security fund established in 2000. This money has never been used for more than 20 years, and the current market value has reached about 3 trillion yuan.

On May 25, the topic of "experts refute rumors about the serious shortage of pension reserves" hit the hot search.

According to CCTV News, rumors such as "insufficient pension reserves" have appeared on the Internet since this year.

The original source of the news was a short video released by a financial media. The title of the video ignored the actual content of the strategic reserve and used "China's pension reserve is seriously insufficient". In the subsequent dissemination, many We Media continued to magnify this guiding title, while splicing many information about the current aging situation, pension difficulties, labor shortage, etc, To try to rationalize the "serious shortage of pension reserves".

Experts said that in our country's pension system, the part paid by individuals is included in individual accounts, and the part paid by the unit is not a reserve system, but a pay as you go system, which is paid in the same year. In addition to 2020, the basic pension has been in surplus every year in the past decade.

The "reserve pension" mentioned on the network actually refers to the national social security fund established in 2000. This money has never been used for more than 20 years, and the current market value has reached about 3 trillion yuan.

In addition, it is also said that the current promotion of the personal pension system is actually that the state can not send out pension funds, and changes the way to collect money. In fact, personal pension belongs to individuals, and the state will not make any distribution and use.

Lang Qingping, an expert on data analysis of Qingbo's intelligent big model: Big data has already realized the ability to analyze a large number of netizens, their emotional value, and to produce keywords and articles that may guide their emotions, even the content of pictures and videos. Its spread has magnified misreading.

Zheng Bingwen, Director of the World Social Security Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Population aging is a worldwide population phenomenon. The state encourages the establishment of a multi-level and multi pillar pension insurance system. After retirement, people can have diversified sources of retirement income. Three sources are more than one, and the stability is better.

Experts said that the pension policy will continue to be dynamically adjusted according to the current population and economic situation, and cannot be calculated based on a single dimension to create anxiety.

Pension is related to the quality of life after retirement, and is a topic of concern for everyone. Just because it is a social hotspot, there will be all kinds of hard to distinguish between true and false, even inflammatory speech. In the jumble of network information, do not trust misinterpretation, causing greater spread and rumors.

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From: Beijing
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