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Biden: In order to protect the interests of the United States, we will use force when necessary

Biden: In order to protect the interests of the United States, we will use force when necessary
11:26, May 27, 2024 author Observer Network

(Observer Chen Sijia) According to the Associated Press, on May 25 local time, US President Biden delivered a speech at the graduation ceremony of the US Military Academy at West Point. He promised that the United States would not "abandon" Ukraine during the Palestinian Israeli conflict, but would not send US troops to Ukraine. Biden also claimed that in order to protect the country, allies and core interests, he is always willing to "use force when necessary".

In his speech to the graduates of West Point, Biden said that the world situation is changing rapidly, and the scope of the US military's tasks is also expanding. "In history, we have never asked the military to complete so many different tasks at the same time around the world."

Biden said that the US military is providing military support to Ukraine, delivering weapons, equipment and ammunition to Ukraine day and night, and training Ukrainian soldiers to use advanced weapon systems. However, he stressed that the United States would not send troops to Ukraine. "I am determined to maintain this situation, but we firmly support Ukraine, and we will stand with them."

 On May 25 local time, Biden delivered a speech at the graduation ceremony of the United States Military Academy at West Point Source: Visual China On May 25 local time, Biden delivered a speech at the graduation ceremony of the United States Military Academy at West Point Source: Visual China

Biden claimed that in the Middle East, the United States is trying to promote the ceasefire negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and has dropped aid to the Gaza Strip by air. He also boasted that the United States, together with the "partners" of Israel and Arab countries, "repelled" Iran's retaliatory air strikes against Israel.

When talking about the situation in the Asia Pacific region, Biden claimed that the United States has established a new strategic partnership with the United Kingdom and Australia, established trilateral cooperation with Japan and South Korea, and improved the "four party security dialogue" mechanism with Japan, India and Australia. He claimed that the US government would continue to be committed to the so-called "free, open, secure and prosperous Indo Pacific region" strategy.

Biden said that as the "only superpower in the world", the United States still has "the most powerful military force in the world". "In order to protect our country, allies and core interests, I am always willing to use force when necessary."

NPR said that at the time of Biden's speech, the US government's foreign policy of persisting in aiding Ukraine and Israel has attracted more and more criticism. Last week, Biden delivered a speech at the graduation ceremony of Morehouse College in the United States. Many students turned their backs to Biden in protest.

Since the Russian army launched a new round of offensive against Kharkov, Ukraine, on May 10, the northern front of Ukraine has become a new focus of the conflict. Ukrainian President Zelensky recently called on Western allies to participate in the war "more directly", and proposed that NATO members near Ukraine intercept Russian missiles over Ukrainian territory to help Ukrainian troops defend.

In order to avoid escalation of the conflict, the Biden government has always insisted that Ukraine is not allowed to use US weapons against Russia, repeatedly stressed that the United States will not send US troops, including trainers, to Ukraine, and urged other NATO allies not to send troops.

However, with the Ukrainian army facing unfavorable conditions in Kharkov, some senior officials of the US government have changed their positions. The New York Times of the United States disclosed on the 22nd that the US Secretary of State Bulin proposed to relax the ban after his visit to Ukraine in order to allow Ukrainian troops to attack missile and artillery positions on the Russian border. Officials familiar with the matter said that the proposal had not been submitted to Biden, and it was unclear how many people in Biden's core decision-making circle agreed.

In response to this news, Russian Ambassador to the United States Antonov said on the 25th that this shows that the United States government is not interested in ending the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. "The signal from the American authorities is very clear that they are doing everything possible to prolong the conflict and increase the casualties in Russia and Ukraine." He called on the United States to "recognize the real situation" and give up the dream of "defeating Russia".

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