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Unexpectedly, they were praised

Sometimes I have to sigh that the best part of variety show is "unexpected".

It has been ten years since "Flowers and Teenagers", and Mango Stage has held a "Flower Youth · Friend Season" as a souvenir. Focusing on "5 less flowers", together with guests from other seasons, guests from the past decade were disrupted and reorganized.

This kind of setting has made Friends Season a hot topic before it was aired, and everyone predicted that the program would become very "interesting", because not all guests would get together in harmony like the "Big Dipper Seven Elements". "Watching the excitement" can be regarded as the core attitude of the public towards "Flower Fewer".

The first issue of Friends Season is a combination of "One Less Flower" and "Five Less Flowers". The guests are Qin Hailu, Qin Lan, Zhao Zhaoyi, Kaili, Liu Tao and Zhang Han.

At that time, when Reuters first appeared on the Internet, netizens could be described as looking at failure. Someone asked Qin Lan and Zhao Zhaoyi every other time: Why don't you smile? Is it because you don't like to laugh?

Others teased that this group seemed to be the employees of the company who were forced to build a group, and everyone looked tired and loveless.

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Coincidentally, a few days later, Reuters also appeared at the second stop, and the members of the second stop were Qin Lan, Xin Zhilei, Zhao Zhaoyi, Hu Xianxu, Yang Youning, Jiang Shuying, and Naza. They were delighted to see the Reuters photos, and said that this feeling was right. Huashao should be so beautiful and young.

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It can be said that before the broadcast of Friends Season, the public's feedback on the first two groups of guests was extremely positive. The first group was said to be boring and embarrassed, and the second group was said to be enthusiastic and wanton.

To everyone's surprise, with the broadcast of the program, word of mouth feedback has turned 180 degrees. The chemical reaction produced by the first group of guests when they collided with each other is unexpected and beautiful, while the second group of guests received little praise.

In the first stop of Friends Season, Kelly was the first person to go out of the circle, "Will there be rotten peaches in my sister's basket?"

This is a Northeastern saying, which means that all your goods are good. This sentence is relatively unpopular than other Northeast dialects. As a native of Jiangxi, Liu Tao did not understand its meaning at all, so everyone told Liu Tao. In the process, the audience also understood the meaning.

Northeastern dialect is a very magical dialect. It is simple and has its own laugh points, so Kelly's words spread quickly, and several other people were happy to mention them again and again. Later, this sentence became a stem, and then they gave themselves a combined name, called "six good peaches".

   Zhang Han used to be one of the most unpopular guests. Many people thought he had an awkward physique. But this time, Zhang Han was favored by the God of Variety. He had diarrhea when he came up, which made him the most popular tyrant His temperament fell to the ground in an instant and he had to find a toilet on the streets of Indonesia. He was embarrassed, but he really could not control it.

When people are extremely tired and weak, they show the most real side, which is natural and vivid. Zhang Han suddenly farted when he was sleeping on the car, which completely aroused his funny atmosphere. Later, Zhang Han was teased as a "male entertainer of entertainment".

At first, Zhang Han was restrained in the program, but he was gradually opened up by several people of "Huashao 5". This process was also very funny. When Zhang Han thought that he could fit in with everyone, "Huashao 5" members were more alert than he thought. Zhang Han sometimes could not catch up, would be stunned or even flustered, commonly known as "Zhang Han is an extrovert for a lifetime introverted".

It seems that everyone likes to watch Zhang Han eat crumpled, because this is the real closeness, not like an artist living in a vacuum.

The first group of guests contributed more jokes than you expected. One night, everyone gathered in Kelly's room to chat. Zhang Han finally arrived. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Kelly lying on her charming side on the bed. He waved his hand to Zhang Han and said, "Han, come on!" Zhang Han was stunned. Later, Qin Lan said that she was so "terrible" and told others to "come on!"

Then Kelly added, what's the matter? Ten years ago, we all slept together when we recorded Flower Fewer. As soon as this sentence came out, Zhang Han immediately sweated and said: Sister... I... I sleep with Hua Hua

This scene was like a stroke of genius, which brought the feelings between the guests closer, and also made the audience have a great interest in the first group of guests.

On the day of the underwater stroll, Kelly accidentally sprang a little in the morning, and Zhao Zhaoyi immediately answered the question: Oh, my sister, I will dance tango in the early morning~

When Zhao Zhaoyi just came back from a stroll under the sea, she looked at the seaweed on her feet and said to Qin Lan: Sister, I have brought you some special products.

This kind of stem must be produced when the guests are extremely relaxed, and if the guests want to reach an extremely relaxed state, the premise is to show the most real side, "spend less 1"+"spend less 5" seems to have achieved.

In addition to the laughter points, "spend less 1"+"spend less 5" also gave the audience a lot of tears.

Liu Tao took out a small black bag that was used as a tour guide in "Spend Less" ten years ago. There were their remaining euros in it. She handed the money to "Spend Less 5" and said, "If you don't have enough money this time, it's OK, and there are us!"

As she said this, Liu Tao choked up. She took out the words that everyone wrote to her ten years ago, especially the words written by Zheng Peipei, "How can you be so satisfactory, but please be worthy of my heart", which Liu Tao said encouraged her for a long time later.

The mood of the guests and audience on the scene has reached a peak, and everyone will subconsciously remember what they were doing ten years ago when the first season of Little Flowers was released.

Another tear was contributed by Kelly and Zhang Han, who staged a silent separation.

Kelly had to leave ahead of schedule. She stood on the boat and looked at Zhang Han. As soon as she shouted "Han", she couldn't help crying.

The environment was very noisy at that time, but for Kelly and Zhang Han, it was quiet at that moment. They were saying goodbye to each other and to the past decade.

In fact, we can still meet after the program, but the sadness of parting at that moment is more direct. We meet again by way of travel after ten years, and we will separate after just reviewing the details of those years. This separation emotion will make it difficult to face calmly.

It is easy for the public to feel the emotional fluctuations of the guests in this process, and then have soul resonance with the guests. This is an important part of the variety show that can retain the audience. As long as the audience substitute themselves into the scene of the program, the program is no longer a simple program for the audience, but a landing point of emotion.

In a word, the combination of "spend less 1"+"spend less 5" in the first stop has broken out of the tight encirclement in the vigorous negative voice. Maybe even the program team did not expect that the first stop would have such a high degree of enthusiasm.

Compared with the first stop, the second stop had more complaints. Many netizens said that the second stop was unexpectedly boring.

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At present, there are several popular online clips as follows.

At the second stop, everyone said directly that they didn't want to get off to see the scenic spot in the hot weather. Later, they got off to the scenic spot and seldom talked and laughed on the way, which made Hu Xianxu, as a tour guide, worry about whether everyone became tired because of the trip, and the atmosphere soon became less relaxed.

After seeing the gap between the scenic spots and the promotional photos, Jiang Shuying told Hu Xianxu that it was different from the pictures. Hu had to joke that "I'm also the first time here", but Jiang Shuying replied, "Aren't you a tour guide? How can the tour guide ask me?"

The combination of "spend less 5"+"spend less 3" seems to have many common topics, but in fact it is not without them.

The interaction between Jiang Shuying and Naza is mainly about "mutual hatred". Many netizens said that if they watched too much, they would think they were looking for trouble because the content of mutual hatred is not so funny.

It is also surprising that the main content of chatting when we get together for dinner is to search for cold jokes on our mobile phones and tell them to each other. In the past, the best part of Flower Fewer was to chat together instead of "cold joke contest".

On the day Hu Xianxu arrived in Laos, Yang Youning and Jiang Shuying chatted with Hu Xianxu, the tour guide, about the different ways of "using money" for a long time, which also made some netizens uninterested.

Many netizens said that they thought the guests at the first stop would be very slow, but the guests at the second stop were the hottest.

Yang Youning is going to pick up Xin Zhilei and Zhao Zhaoyi at the airport. He asks Qin Lan and Hu Xianxu what they should write on the board. Qin Lan says that it can be written as "Big Show Flowers". Friends who have seen "Flower Less 5" must know about this, but Yang Youning still decides to write "Flower Less Partners". Netizens were worried about Yang Youning. How could they not use the stem on their lips.

The controversy that did not appear in the first stop also appeared in the second stop. Some netizens found that Naza often wandered outside to play with her mobile phone, making the atmosphere that was not funny even more boring ↓

Later, Naza's studio had to cut out a video to confirm that Naza was not playing with mobile phones, but helping people find restaurants.

Although it was clarified that Naza did not play mobile phones without programs, this situation does not seem to be what many people expect. I thought everyone would be happy, but a smile or a tear is not as good as the first stop.

At this node, a question is worth reconsidering. What kind of guests are suitable for the slow travel of Huashao?

First of all, we can be sure that the guests who look good are not "suitable". The slow and comprehensive travel is a true portrayal of people in a relatively unfamiliar environment. At that moment, appearance is no longer a necessity.

Secondly, the guests who can make the program produce good results must reduce their personal demands. Without so many ideas or requirements, they can follow the steps of everyone.

The reason why the first stop of Friends Season was not favored at the beginning was that everyone felt that Kelly would drag her feet in many activities when she was old. Later, her reputation improved because Kelly kept up with the pace of young people, climbed mountains and walked under the sea with everyone in the morning. Instead of being delayed by her alone, everyone gained a lot of happiness.

The third and most important point is that guests need to "land". Only when guests treat this journey as a real travel rather than a job, can the sparks from the collision be wonderful.

Why did Zhang Han get a good comment on "Less Flowers" this time? To a large extent, he has diarrhea. It is still that sentence that people can't maintain their staffing when they are uncomfortable. The most honest side will be inspired, so it is solid and beautiful.

In Flower 5, Qin Hailu has a stomachache, which is so painful that her eyes are shooting with stars. Hu Xianxu says that she will pinch Qin Hailu's throat. Qin Hailu's helpless and somewhat speechless expression has become a classic scene of this season, which is the most authentic reaction of people in an emergency.

Later, some netizens summed up why the "Big Dipper Seven Elements" came out of the circle because everyone was a "crispy tourist". Today, he was uncomfortable, and tomorrow, she was ill. People didn't have time to think about people and imagine work. Instead, they presented the most interesting chemical reaction.

The program "Flower Fewer" has been running for ten years, and only the fifth season has scored 9.2. It can be seen that it is very difficult to select guests for tourism. Seven people with different personalities get together for a long trip, and too many of them are uncontrollable. If you want to collide with beautiful and delicate content, you need not only time and place, but also people.

The "Big Dipper Seven Elements" seems to be replicable, and we can summarize some rules from this person's characteristics. It seems that the "Big Dipper Seven Elements" can not be copied, which requires everyone to connect with others exactly.

In the end, the variety show will fall on "people". No matter how wonderful the settings are, it is useless to make people wrong. But as long as the people are right, everything will be right.

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From: Beijing
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