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17 years later, suddenly announced marriage?!

   Hello, everyone, this is "Hot Spots Burst" Every day, I will show you two or three things in the entertainment industry in the most concise form. Let's surf happily! 🏄

   01 i Let's eat melons!

   high Qiao Yisheng announces marriage

Takahashi (43) and Fanfeng Wanlijiang (26) ↓

   Because of the play Two people who have become friends The difference is 17 years, After about a year of contacts Announce marriage!

Takahashi: She will not defile herself with words and will not give up her bright life. Her good character, progress and sunshine are many times Salvation It's me.

   Fanfeng Wanlijiang: When he tries to deal with things and people, he thinks impartially and uses his wisdom to enjoy life easily. I am attracted by him. His smile and affection Salvation My heart.

Does salvation literature shine into reality?

   Shen Xiaoting Renewal ▼

Kep1er, the debut group of Nubao Planet, had already entered the countdown of dissolution.

But today, Korean media reported that in addition to Jiang Yishu and Sakamoto Wubai, the other seven people renewed their contracts to continue their activities?

The limited regiment was able to do this.

Is Shen Xiaoting still focusing on Han Yu in her career?

   02 It's hard to finish without laughing

   Han Hong's Most Powerful Party

Ask Hao Lei for children ↓

Ask A-Lin for children ↓

Why do children want people?

Because I'm still a baby.

   03 Two or three things about movies

   Movies《 legend 》Fixed gear ▼

Written and directed by Tang Jili, starring Jackie Chan, Zhang Yixing, Naza, and Li Zhiting, with Li Chen as the special star, Peng Xiaoran as the special guest star, Dou Xiao as the friend, and the film Legends starred by Zheng Yecheng as the special star was released today, and the official announcement will be released nationwide on July 12!

Legend will continue the fantasy adventure theme of Myth. The producer used the latest AI technology, combined with Deepfake, to restore young Jackie Chan as the Han Dynasty general on the battlefield, Zhang Yixing as the young general Hua Jun, and Naza as Princess Mengyun. The three are trapped in the crisis of the battlefield, and a deadly battle is about to begin.

   10 films are scheduled at Dragon Boat Festival ▼

The film "Civil War" is officially scheduled for June 7 today.

At present, there are 10 new films to be released at the Dragon Boat Festival: Stop and Go, American Civil War, Anti Mafia, Never Give Up, Negotiator, I Don't Want to Be Friends with You, Laifu Hotel, The Departure from Injuries, The Land of Dreams, Rivers Day and Night, Watermelon Team.

Which one do you expect most?

   04 Drama Comprehensive Quick Report

   Celebrating the Second Anniversary 2 It starts tonight


Give you a calendar of chasing dramas!!

   Rap Dreamworks official announcement final file 0523

New programs including Jay Chou, Wang Hedi, GAI, VaVa, Ouyang Jing, Xiaogui, Ai Re, Good Morning, etc Rap Dreamworks was announced on May 23.

The first episode premiered at 12:00, and then broadcast every Thursday at 18:00.

   "Opponents ”Down to, New Rap 2024 is getting better!

   05 Beautiful pictures

At the end of the article, first enjoy Tang Yan ↓

Yesterday's # Cannes 0 close-up # was broken by her today.

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