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After 20 performances, she can cry?

In recent years, we can always see some discussions about the "sense of boundary" in the journey before and after festivals and holidays——

Some young people pull up curtains around the lower berth of the train, while older passengers complain that there is no place to sit; Some mothers take their children on trips, and passengers beside them argue with them because their children play noisily

The growing "sense of boundaries" reflects the growing awareness of individual rights and public space rules, which is a good thing; But on the other hand, it also shows that the distance and gap between people are becoming more and more clear. If some of them are really inconvenient, they may not be able to get tolerance and understanding from strangers.

   Before the arrival of the high-speed railway era, the travel on the green train was often another scene——

Strangers will sit on the train for one or two or three days together. On the way, they will talk about their travel experience and family affairs, and will also share their food. Now I feel tired after taking high-speed railway for four or five hours, but in the past, I didn't feel long after sitting for a day and a night.

It is difficult to compare the better way of human relations between the two eras, but those that have passed will be covered with a beautiful filter of memories. Maybe it was not so rich in the past, but it was full, satisfied and full of hope.

   The movie "Journey through the Moon", which is being shown nationwide, tells a story of "slow love" that takes place on a green train. The day before Entertainment Studio Dialogue director Li Weiran, starring Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu, seemed to approach the human sentiment and pyrotechnics of the 1980s and 1990s through their stories.

Director Li Weiran is from Yunnan, born in the 1970s. When he was young, he had to take a green train from Kunming to Beijing for three days and two nights.

During the long journey of three days and two nights, people will get on and off the bus. "But no matter which group of people come up, as long as you sit beside them for even half an hour, you will feel like a family. They will give you whatever food they bring, and chatting with you is also a family affair. There is no sense of distance."

He even made pen friends with several strangers on the train, communicating with each other for many years and sharing their recent situation.

"Many young people don't know what it was like in those days, There was something very warm in those days

Since ancient times, from primitive society to the present, the interaction between people is a very important thing, but now it only happens in the virtual space. Many people have many virtual friends on the Internet, but they are very lonely in reality. I don't think everything can be eliminated on the Internet. It still needs interaction and face-to-face communication with people around you, with your parents, your children, your friends, your neighbors, even those who deliver water to you and act as security guards. I think we should build relationships with them. " Li Weiran said.

The Journey Through the Moon is a rare love movie starring two post-00s actors in domestic films.

Before starting, the director and the two leading actors have been discussing how to find the feelings of people in that era. Li Weiran felt that there was a very simple thing in the eyes of young people in the 1990s. Zi Feng and Xiao Hu established enough sense of faith through scripts and novels, and naturally found the sense of age.

"Nowadays, young people are very rich, and there are all kinds of people, but people in that era were very simple. At that time, literature, poetry, and all kinds of works seemed to be appealing - you can do anything for love.

   Now love will be more practical, from appearance to work, wealth, social status should be relatively equivalent. When we love someone, we often think about what kind of return we can get from our efforts and whether we can get the same return. ”Li Weiran said.

Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu recalled that after receiving the film, they talked with their parents about people's feelings in that era and saw some real information. In addition, the costumes on the scene also helped the actors a lot.

The director set a yellow tone for Xiushan's dress, and after trying a lot of hairstyles, he set the current short hair, which is in line with her ancient spirit and strange personality, a bit like the public goddess Yamaguchi in the 1980s.

The story of The Journey through the Moon is simple and simple. It tells about a young couple in their early 20s who appeared in front of each other in order to surprise each other in a short rest day, and accidentally stepped on the train to the other's city, but they were empty; Sitting back and passing by again, I finally met unexpectedly when I was exhausted at night

Lin Xiushan and Wang Rui are both working hard for their love. Xiushan is an excellent female worker who can make dumplings faster than others. In order to see his wife, Wang Rui had to lie in front of the TV cameras. All the hardships, bitterness, shame and unbearable they suffered seemed worthless in front of the sweetness of love.

"Some details don't know whether you have noticed them. For example, Wang Rui returned to the shed after receiving an interview and was ridiculed by his fellow workers. He picked up a book to cover his face. The book was Introduction to Computer. Why do you think he, a construction worker, has a book called Computer Entry?

Because he has a very important belief that he wants to change himself and hope that he and Xiushan can get together and life will become better and better. That era was a period when the Internet was booming. He was also a worker in Shenzhen, so he had this belief.

So does Xiushan. She has an account book and remembers all expenses carefully. She also had a hope for their future, and finally she put the rose petals in it, leaving a fragrance. The two-way efforts of the two of them will generate an energy.

When everyone on the train laughed at Feng Shaofeng's role, Xiushan's reaction was to sympathize with him. She was willing to lend him her beloved harmonica to play; When Wang Rui loses one of his shoes, he will leave the other one on the platform for the one who can wear it. Once two people are trying to become better, this energy will come out. " Li Weiran said.

Travel Through the Moon is adapted from Chi Zijian's novel Andante on the Moonlight. At first, Li Weiran felt "nourished by love" after reading this novel. During the epidemic, many industries and jobs stopped, and Li Weiran was able to calm down and think about what he wanted. He hoped to shoot a cured work that could alleviate mental internal friction and powerlessness. The novel "Walking on the Andante in the Moonlight" suddenly came to his eyes.

In countless Chinese traditional literature, "moon" is a symbol of reunion and happiness, so he retained the word.

He also changed the ending. In the original novel, the little couple could not see it at last, and the end of the film was particularly sweet.

After the script was written, the first person in Li Weiran's mind was Zhang Zifeng, and then he thought of Hu Xianxu. The combination of these two actors is the most suitable leading cast. "Both of them are full of vitality. They are the most innocent and energetic actors."

When they were young, Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu played Little Farewell together. In that play, they were childhood sweethearts. Zhang Xiaoyu once said to each other, "Your future is to marry me! Your father has already betrothed you to me!"

Unexpectedly, many years later, under the witness of the national "parents", "Fang Duoduo" really married "Zhang Xiaoyu", and CP powder could realize its dream in ancient times.

"The biggest feeling of this cooperation is the tacit understanding between actors and actresses, which can be felt on the scene. But at the same time, this identity is also infinitely blurred. What I feel on the scene is Wang Rui and Xiushan. What's this called? The longest after-sales service in history? ”Hu Xianxu said with a smile.

Both stars are child stars, They said that they would not think about whether the audience would take the "Child Star Filter" to see their play, and the transition from children to adult roles would be natural

Director Li Weiran said that many people got married early in the 1980s and 1990s, and many young people who came out to work in the village got married early. The novel "Walking on the Andante in the Moonlight" is designed as a young couple in their early twenties, so the ages of Zhang Zifeng and Hu Xianxu are just right.

"Both of them play very well. I think they are born to do this. They have a lot of innocence and can perform profound things.

For example, there was a scene in which Xiao Hu said goodbye to a middle-aged couple, and he looked at the train going away. Why did he look like that? Because he would wonder if they would live separately in the future, if they would become indifferent and tired of each other after a long time? So his eyes showed complex emotions. "

Li Weiran is an advertising director, who has many novel and bold ideas about technology and audio-visual language. It happened that Xiushan in the original novel "Walking on the Andante in the Moonlight" was a girl full of romantic imagination in her heart, so Li Weiran decided to make the film into a romantic, retro, weird and fairy tale style through careful shot splitting design.

This strong audio-visual style, on the one hand, poses great challenges to various technical departments behind the scenes, on the other hand, it also puts forward high requirements for the accuracy of actors' performance.

The audience will be impressed by the complicated scheduling and special form of a phone booth play in The Journey Through the Moon.

In that scene, Wang Rui, desperate and exhausted, suddenly heard the ring of the telephone booth next to him, and answered the phone. It was Xiushan who called. The little couple, who suffered from lovesickness, wept with joy, and all the lights around them dimmed. The camera slowly revolves around, and Xiushan seems to appear beside Wang Rui when she goes around the other side. They talk to each other about the ups and downs of their experiences and feelings. The phone card was running out of money, so they hurried to the last minute, but still couldn't say the last word - when the camera turned to Xiushan again, her figure had disappeared, and finally the lights of the surrounding buildings were gradually on

The director revealed that, in order to achieve the effect he envisioned, the photography team has developed a double-layer track that can push the lens straight first, and then rise to the second layer track to become a 360 degree circle shot; We also need to find a place to control the lights of all buildings around. In the end, these are real shots, not special effects.

This scene obviously has very high requirements for actors. After shooting, Hu Xianxu first performs alone, and the surrounding lights are dim. Zi Feng wants to cross the track to the telephone booth on the other side; Every time the camera turns to one side, the actors on this side must finish their lines, shed tears, etc. with full emotion and accuracy. Finally, Zi Feng must leave the phone booth first, and then the surrounding lights will light up.

"When filming this scene, dozens of people in the tent did not dare to breathe, because it was too difficult to shoot..."

Another time, Xiushan went to the construction site to find Wang Rui crying, Zhang Zifeng played 20 films, 20 of which fell tears at the time required by the director

"Normally, the actors in this kind of crying drama seem to be in no mood after crying three or five times, but Zifeng can cry out 20 times, all at that point, and fall down with a bang. In addition, when filming Xiaohu in reverse, Zifeng is just behind her back, helping Xiaohu play, and she will still perform very well. She has too strong control over her body."

In addition to the two leading actors, Zi Feng and Xiao Hu, the supporting actors and guest cast of "A Journey Through the Moon" are extremely luxurious, like a party in half of the entertainment circle. Li Weiran recalled that he seemed to "receive new people every day". Zi Feng and Xiao Hu also felt that the crew was busy and full of happy memories.

Li Chen came up with a novel and strange dialect. Ah Mao hesitated to play Xiaohu for a long time, and Feng Shaofeng himself could play the harmonica. The scene of "solo" harmonica was very moving. Both Hu Xianxu and Yuan Wenkang have acted in Biography of Ruyi. Unfortunately, there was no rival play that time. This time, they finally cooperated

The scenes in the carriage were shot in the shed. Devices were made under the train, which always kept a sense of shaking. There were huge digital screens around, which could provide the actors with the most realistic feeling. Two thirds of the actors took carsickness pills in the carriage.

Although many supporting actors do not have many roles, they are all people with stories, and they can give the audience room to reflect. The director hopes that no matter the size of the role, every actor can show something that has not been seen by the audience.

These branches represent the stories of various little people, from which we can see the real life styles and human fireworks. On the whole, The Journey through the Moon is a sweet and romantic film. But under the surface of the sweet and romantic, we can also feel the difficulty of being willing only after suffering.

   This is a film dedicated to all ordinary people who have worked hard for life in an era.

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That era
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