Talking about why I want to be a personal blog

Reasons for setting up personal blog

Actually, I don't know why I want to be a Personal blog , maybe because of liking, maybe because of curiosity, maybe because of strong interaction and independence, maybe because of being able to know more friends, learn more knowledge, check and fill gaps, maybe

Blog Career History

In 2016, when I was in high school, I began to be interested in qq technology. I visited all kinds of technology websites and resource websites, and wrote a lot about technology. By mistake, I set up my first personal blog. At that time, it seemed that the free domain name was still someone else's domain name, and the host was also free, you all know. Later, after a while, I bought my first domain name, (which doesn't belong to me now). I felt that it was cheap, so I bought cc. Later, I saw that the renewal fee was too expensive, and it seemed that it was stopped after two years. Because the college entrance examination was coming, I didn't have any interest in the network. The main thing was that my desktop computer was broken. During that time, the computer was broken a lot, and I had to find someone else to repair it, I can't repair it myself. I can't even do basic reinstallation now. I'm tired of talking about it. I find my father's friend to repair it. I'm not familiar with it. Every time I come to repair it, I give him dozens of dollars. I feel it's expensive. If it's too bad, I just don't want to repair it. I left the network for a period of time. The domain name is about to expire and I don't want to renew it. This is my first blog career Blog 112 Navigation And my records.
In retrospect, I am a little regretful. At that time, Baidu included more than 200 articles, but many articles were not original, they were all hot spots in tutorials, so they were also included more, with a weight of 1. Look now, Baidu has included more than 60. Sometimes there is a ranking, sometimes it falls, the weight is 1 a few days ago, but it falls again these days, maybe it is the reason why I changed stations.
My first blog fell down around 2017, because the college entrance examination was about to take place at that time, so I didn't have the energy and interest to do it
In 2018, I entered the university and bought the first notebook in my life, the martial artist brand Shenzhou, i7+GTX1050TI. Now I regret that most game books are classy, except for good performance, nothing, and heavy. Every time I go home, I want to crash it, but think about it What's more, I just played League of Heroes for a few weeks when I was in college. I didn't play any single game or any other games. I felt that I was losing money. If I could make a fresh start, I would not buy a game book. Speaking of the League of Heroes, junior high school played most of them. Later, the computers in senior high school were broken so much that the configuration could not keep up with them, so they didn't play. Now they have laptops and no interest in computer games. Later, he became interested in setting up a personal blog. In this way, this Senchun blog was born.
At first, I didn't buy a domain name immediately, so I registered the free domain name with the idea of trying. Then I went to the Internet and found a free host to set up my blog. Well, I found that my previous backup seemed useless, because I used wp and emlog before, but I didn't use tp at all. Anyway, if I tried again, I would not need the previous backup, and start again, starting from scratch. After several days of trouble, I came up with the idea of buying a domain name. About a week ago, I bought the cn domain name in the west, which is now isenchun. cn. Compared with many domain name vendors, it was the cheapest place in the west to launch activities. I bought it there. It seems that my domain names were bought on the Internet before.
After changing the cn domain name, something magical happened. Baidu included my home page two days ago, which was cool, and I don't know how to seo. After a period of time, I found that the free domain name was also included, which was good, but later I stopped using the free domain name for other purposes (now I deleted it)
Three or four years of blogging career, not long nor short, looking back on these years, I feel a lot.

Record life and Sharing knowledge

I set up a personal blog because I want to record something. After all, I'm in college, Personal blog I don't want my relatives and friends to see it. Compared with diary, it can let netizens see and communicate, learn from each other, and grow all the time. Maybe this is the charm of personal blog. I also want to record the knowledge I learned in the university and share it with you. However, after a semester, I share less. It's better some time ago, and I will do better next semester

complimentary close

In the future, I will run this blog all the time to improve my ability, settle down, record my life, and share knowledge with you. My personal blog has a long way to go.

Unless I'm really tired and don't want to contact again (but it's impossible, after all, my major is computer, so I have to contact and learn knowledge)

Talking about why I want to be a personal blog
Author senchun
Release time 2019-08-09
license agreement CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  1.  Comment avatar

    My brother's experience is very similar to mine, but I haven't paid much attention to my blog since 16 years ago, which is renewal

    benen005 2019-12-27 16:58:18 reply
    1.  Comment avatar

      It's not easy to persist for so long

      senchun Blogger 2019-12-27 22:15:52 reply
  2.  Comment avatar

    Come on, if you have the chance, you can write your own code and make a blog

    Small aircraft sharing 2019-09-17 11:25:48 reply
    1.  Comment avatar

      I hope so

      senchun Blogger 2019-09-17 21:22:13 reply
  3.  Comment avatar

    I play blog is totally a hobby, as well as constantly learning new things, constantly struggling, and constantly making progress. But I don't know any code.

    Wooden grain net 2019-09-12 10:34:37 reply
  4.  Comment avatar

    When I didn't play independent blogs before, I was also playing games, reading novels or playing mobile phones, which was a waste of time. So it is better to play independent blogs than playing these meaningless things, and I can learn a lot.

    Boke112 Alliance 2019-09-06 18:43:49 reply
    1.  Comment avatar

      Yes, I can learn a lot

      senchun Blogger 2019-09-07 21:29:27 reply
  5.  Comment avatar

    Do not touch the game, do not watch the sound of station B, and do not touch the mobile phone.

    YIR 2019-08-29 09:55:21 reply
  6.  Comment avatar

    I am also a Chinese shell for 18 years, which is not durable and often breaks

    Lin Asan 2019-08-15 09:01:49 reply
    1.  Comment avatar

      I didn't pay much attention to my shell, but there was a cyst

      senchun Blogger 2019-08-28 22:21:22 reply
  7.  Comment avatar

    Persistence is the most important.

    Xuanmo Blog 2019-08-15 08:25:35 reply
    1.  Comment avatar

      Nothing can be done without persistence

      senchun Blogger 2019-08-28 22:22:28 reply
  8.  Comment avatar

    I mainly write what my personal website wants to write. Visitors can also complain freely, unlike other websites, which have to worry about violations or sensitive words

    clatterrr 2019-08-14 15:11:43 reply
    1.  Comment avatar

      This is the charm of personal blog

      senchun Blogger 2019-08-28 22:21:37 reply
  9.  Comment avatar

    I used to think about why to blog, but now I don't think about it. Although the blogs around me are no longer updated, at least you are still here

    Mu Ruoxi 2019-08-13 19:35:32 reply
    1.  Comment avatar

      All the time, insist, come on!

      senchun Blogger 2019-08-28 22:21:56 reply
  10.  Comment avatar

    Record your own preferences, study and life, very good

    Interesting knowledge 2019-08-12 15:52:21 reply
  11.  Comment avatar

    The best purpose of blogging is to learn and summarize, so as to better integrate into your life.

    Zheng Yong 2019-08-10 07:52:24 reply
    1.  Comment avatar

      this is it

      senchun Blogger 2019-08-10 16:06:54 reply
  12.  Comment avatar

    It was also a big station if we insisted on doing it now. It was relatively simple to do SEO in the past

    Pumpkin IT 2019-08-09 17:22:34 reply
    1.  Comment avatar

      Not necessarily, positioning is the most important

      senchun Blogger 2019-08-10 16:07:19 reply
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