Official online usage document of Git theme

» WordPress » Official online usage document of Git theme

The instructions for the use of this website theme and solutions to some problems are for some friends who use this website theme. If there are still problems, you can leave a message, Momo


Lazy statement

1. I will not respond to any problem that has been solved or said in this article by any means. After all, if you are lazy, others cannot help you
2. This topic is developed under the Linux system environment. It does not guarantee any compatibility problems under the Windows system
3. The theme installation method is to install the theme after disabling all plug-ins. If the activation theme is blank, please disable the plug-in
4. This topic is free and does not provide personalized modification. If you need to modify it, please pay to contact Yunluo
5. You can search your own question by Ctrl+F
6. Do not modify the theme name. The standard theme name is Git alpha

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be careful

If you still can't solve your problem after reading all the content, you can join the Git theme advanced user group QQ group: 241793876


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611 Replies to "Git Theme Official Online Usage Document"

  1. PHP 8.1 is not compatible. I have modified it to be compatible.
    114: $content = preg_replace($regEx, $url, $content, $limit);
    Change to: $content=preg_replace ($regEx, $url, $content, intval ($limit));

  2. An error is reported when the newly downloaded theme is installed:
    Warning: Undefined array key "git_sidebar_cache" in /www/wwwroot/ on line 36

    Deprecated: Required parameter $default follows optional parameter $size in /www/wwwroot/ on line 78

  3. Boss, you always use your theme. Now, after WordPress is updated to the latest version, you can publish articles in the background. The status, visibility and time in the release cannot be edited. I don't know how to adjust it

  4. Boss, why has the article been set to the top when writing the article, but the article has not been successfully set to the top?

  5. Excuse me, how to switch the editor? I want to use the new editor to check various methods, but I can't get the amount

  6. The inserted and uploaded video can be played in the editing state, but it can't be inserted into the article. It's the same after publishing. I don't know whether it is related to the theme

  7. How can I modify the random feature pictures? Just put pictures of the same size in the PIC folder and name them in numerical order?

  8. Why are you always prompted to update the theme? In version 12.2, you are prompted to update to 12.3. After the update, there is an additional theme, but you are still prompted to upgrade. After the upgrade, there is no response, but the prompt is still there

  9. Excuse me, after setting the purchase of gold coins, you cannot enter the recharge interface by clicking recharge. How to set it? thank you

  10. The classification page uses cards to display 10 pieces of content under this category. How can I increase the display quantity? thank you

    1. @ No name The number of articles displayed is set in the background - Reading. When you see the 10, you will know how to modify it. The card type wants to be displayed perfectly on both the computer and mobile phone at the same time. The number set must be a common multiple of 2 and 3.

  11. Single page download does not display the words "file download", but displays a blue border. But click it to jump to the download page. How can I break it?

  12. Hello, moderator. For the problem of unable to create a new page and unable to select a template, the picture of your tutorial is not displayed. Please update it. thank you!

  13. How much is the document? How to buy? After I log in to WeChat, I open the usage document page and it shows that I am not logged in, so I can't view the purchase?

  14. Hello, I bought Git theme usage documents with my account before, but now I have logged in to WeChat, can I restore them