UserchromeJs, Manage UC scripts like GM

» Hot News » UserchromeJs, Manage UC scripts like GM

One of the three magic weapons of Firefox, powerful, no need to explain



No matter what browser is used, there will always be problems here or there, which can be said to be 1% of the defects. The UC script is to subsidize the 1% of the defects of Firefox.


Userchromejs is a special extension. The extension is not in AMO, and it is not updated for ten thousand years. It has only two versions for a long time.
Official website:
However, many domestic developers have made secondary development of the userchrome extension, and the best version is the Kafan Y development version, which is highly recommended by individuals.

Comparison with GM

Like GM, the extension itself does not have any function. The function is to make use of third-party script effectiveness. The difference is that GM scripts take effect on the web page, while UC scripts can take effect on Firefox itself or on the web page.
In terms of convenience, GM has great advantages. GM has automatic update, installation and other functions. At present, UC is unable to do this for the time being.
GM scripts end in. user.js format, while UC scripts end in. uc.js format. Make no mistake!


As usual, install the userchromejsMixY extension (Y major revision) and restart Firefox
After restarting, the browser toolbar will display the thick UC button, which is the user chrome extension button. Click it to open the chrome folder
Put the script in. uc.js format into the chrome folder.
Restart Firefox to take effect


At present, the biggest disadvantage of UC scripts is that there is no dedicated and unified website, which is basically in the github, forum, and Mozart communities of various authors. Fortunately, the new version of the extension has added this website to the extension, which makes it easy for everyone to find new scripts. In short, UC still has a long way to go.

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