How to maintain health in dog days

 How to maintain health in dog days? (Picture source: @ Nanputuo Temple) How to maintain health in dog days? (Picture source: @ Nanputuo Temple)

The dog days are coming! The dog days last for 40 days this year:

Early summer: July 11 July 20 (10 days)

Medium voltage: July 21 August 9 (20 days)

Last days: August 10 to August 19 (10 days)

As the saying goes, "keep healthy in winter and summer". Doing a good job of health maintenance in dog days can lay the foundation for a year's health. Keep fit in dog days and remember the "twelve character principle"!

   Sunstroke prevention

The temperature is high in dog days, so take protective measures when going out, and try to avoid being exposed to the sun when outdoor activities; Ventilation shall be provided indoors to avoid excessive temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, and water shall be replenished in time. In case of continuous increase of body temperature, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate and other symptoms, seek medical advice in time to avoid heatstroke and heat stroke.

   Don't be greedy

The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine says: "Sickness starts from overuse, and it is necessary to prevent getting cold due to summer heat." At this time, it is not advisable to set the air conditioning temperature too low, blow the fan directly into the body, take a cold shower, and eat raw and cold food and drinks to avoid damaging the yang. It is recommended to drink more warm fire dispelling tea, bubble feet, apply to dog days, and moxibustion.

   It should be cleaned and replenished

Due to the high temperature and humidity in dog days, many people will suffer from anorexia and indigestion. Reasonable nutrition intake is the key to summer diet. At this time, it is not suitable to make a big tonic. Avoid spicy and greasy food. You can eat more food that can nourish qi, stimulate fluid, relieve summer heat and appetizers. It is important to have sufficient energy, increase soup, and increase acidity and bitterness.

   Slow motion

Moderate exercise can be maintained in dog days, but attention should be paid to avoiding outdoor exercise in the hottest period to avoid excessive exercise and sweating after exercise, so as to prevent semen damage and gas consumption. We can adjust our mind and strengthen our physique through gentle sports such as walking, Baduan Brocade, Tai Chi, and standing on piles.

What else do you know about the best way to keep fit in dog days? Leave a message and share it with us!

(Source: @ Nanputuo Temple)

Article keywords: Buddhism sees the world Three volts Ambush

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