Organizers said: Google fired 50 employees after protesting the agreement with Israel

Organizers said: Google fired 50 employees after protesting the agreement with Israel
01:51, April 24, 2024 Global Market Broadcast

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According to the organization that organized the demonstration, Google fired another 20 employees, saying that they participated in the protest against the cloud computing contract signed between the company and the Israeli government last week, so the total number of fired employees reached 50.

No Tech for Apartheid, the organizer of the protest at Google's office on Tuesday, issued a statement on Monday night, saying that Google had fired 20 more employees than 30 last week.

No Tech for Apartheid claims that some of the fired employees were "non participating bystanders" in the sit in protests at Google's offices in New York and Sunnyvale, California last Tuesday, and did not actively participate in workplace activism. The statement condemned the mass dismissal as "aggressive and desperate retaliation" of the technology giant.

A Google spokesman declined to reveal the exact number of people who were fired for the protest, but confirmed in a statement released to the media on Tuesday morning that more employees were fired.

The spokesman said that Google had investigated "the physical damage in our building on April 16". A Google spokesman added: "Our investigation of these incidents has now ended, and we have terminated the employment of other employees found directly involved in destructive activities."

"Once again, every fired person has personally participated in the destructive activities in our building. We have carefully confirmed and reconfirmed this," said a Google spokesman.

At the same time, organizers of the protest said that some of the fired employees did not cause any interference to Google's office.

No Tech for Apartheid, an apartheid organization, said in a statement: "Google lost its temper because its executives were embarrassed by the strength of workers in last Tuesday's historic sit in and their poor response to the protest." "Now, the company is fiercely attacking any workers near the protests, including those who did not participate in the protests at all."

The workers' organization also vowed to continue to carry out workplace activities at Google, saying that they hope to convey such a message to company executives: "We will not stop fighting, we will not shrink back."

More than six months ago, the action of Hamas militants on October 7 resulted in the death of about 1200 people in Israel. According to the latest statistics of the Palestinian Ministry of Health, at least 34097 people have died in the Israeli attack on Gaza. According to the Israeli Ministry of Defence, more than 70 per cent of those killed in Gaza were women and children.

The ongoing massacre of civilians in Gaza has deeply divided the American public. In recent weeks, large-scale protests have broken out on American university campuses and in the American business community to protest the support of the American government and enterprises for Israel.

Last week, after Google's protests, CEO Sandal Pichai sent a memo to all employees of the company urging them to exclude "politics" from the workplace. The CEO told employees, "This is an enterprise, not a place that acts in a way that interferes with colleagues." Pichai then urged Google employees not to "quarrel or debate politics over destructive issues" in the workplace.

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