Blizzard Entertainment: The existing license agreement with NetEase will expire and most game services will be suspended in mainland China

Blizzard Entertainment: The existing license agreement with NetEase will expire and most game services will be suspended in mainland China
10:10, November 17, 2022 Interface News

Blizzard Entertainment released a statement on November 16, saying that since the existing license agreement with NetEase will expire on January 23, 2023, it will suspend most Blizzard game services in mainland China, including World of Warcraft, Hearthstone Legend, Watch Pioneer, Starcraft, Warcraft III: Reset, Diablo III and Storm Hero. The joint development and distribution of Diablo: Immortal involves separate agreements between the two companies.

The statement pointed out that the two sides did not reach a renewal agreement that conforms to Blizzard's operating principles and commitments to players and employees, and these agreements will expire in January 2023.

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