He also died suddenly! Reported Boeing quality problems

He also died suddenly! Reported Boeing quality problems
14:01, May 2, 2024 Global Network

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According to the Seattle Times on May 1, According to family members, the report Boeing Joshua Dean, the former quality inspector with defective parts of 737 MAX, died of sudden illness on April 30.

It is reported that Dean once worked as a quality inspector for Spirit AeroSystems, a Boeing supplier. He was also one of the first whistleblowers to accuse the senior management of Inevitably Rui of ignoring the defects in the manufacturing process of the 737 MAX model. According to the report, Dean is 45 years old. He has always been in good health and has a healthy lifestyle.

 In January of this year, the hatch of Boeing 737MAX airliner fell off, which inevitably put pressure on the supplier of this type of fuselage. Picture from American Media In January of this year, the hatch of Boeing 737MAX airliner fell off, which inevitably put pressure on the supplier of this type of fuselage. Picture from American Media

According to reports, Dean's family said that more than two weeks ago, Dean was hospitalized due to breathing difficulties. Then his condition worsened, he was diagnosed with drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and finally died. As for Dean's death, Joe Buchno, a spokesman for the company, said that, "We are with Dean's family. This sudden loss is shocking news for us and his family."

According to the Seattle Times, Dean is a mechanical engineer. He started working in Cedar Aviation Systems in 2019. He was laid off due to the epidemic, but returned to Cedar in May 2021 as a quality inspector. In October 2022, Dean said that he found a serious manufacturing defect in the 737 MAX model. When he raised a problem with the management, they did not take any measures. Dean also said that he was fired when he found another manufacturing defect in April 2023 that led to the suspension of delivery at Boeing's Lenton plant. Dean He once complained that he was bound to be dismissed sharply in order to retaliate for his concerns about aviation safety.

 It is bound to be the information picture of the Boeing 737 airframe assembly workshop of Rui Aviation Systems in Kansas. Picture from American Media It is bound to be the information picture of the Boeing 737 airframe assembly workshop of Rui Aviation Systems in Kansas. Picture from American Media

According to the US Daily Beast, Before Dean's death, John Barnett, another informant who questioned the quality of Boeing's airliner, died in early March. Barnett is a former employee of Boeing. Local police said he died of "self inflicted gunshot wounds". According to the Seattle Times, Dean is provided with legal representation by a law firm in South Carolina, which also provides legal representation for Barnett. Brian Knowles, one of Dean's lawyers, said he did not want to speculate on the time and circumstances of the two deaths.

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