Total retail sales of consumer goods exceeded 12 trillion yuan in the first quarter

Total retail sales of consumer goods exceeded 12 trillion yuan in the first quarter
06:30, May 3, 2024 CCTV

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Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 2 Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics recently showed that in the first quarter, the national market sales maintained a steady growth trend, the demand for some upgraded goods continued to release, and the service consumption grew rapidly.

The market scale continued to expand, and the proportion of county and township markets increased steadily. In the first quarter, China's retail sales of consumer goods totaled 12032.7 billion yuan, up 4.7% year on year. The retail sales of consumer goods in counties and townships including towns and rural areas increased by 5.3% year on year, accounting for 40.1% of the total retail sales of consumer goods.

Service retail grew rapidly, and travel related consumption was outstanding. In the first quarter, the retail sales of services increased by 10.0% year on year, 6.0 percentage points higher than the retail sales of goods in the same period. Catering revenue increased by 10.8% year on year, the number of commercial performances (excluding entertainment venues) increased by 72.71% year on year, and box office revenue increased by 116.87% year on year.

Online consumption maintained double-digit growth, and physical stores operated steadily. In the first quarter, the online retail sales of physical goods increased by 11.6% year on year, 3.2 percentage points faster than that of the whole year of last year. Retail sales of physical stores above designated size increased by 3.3% year on year; Among them, the retail sales of convenience stores and specialty stores increased by 5.2% and 6.3% respectively.

The sales of commodities grew steadily, and the demand for upgrading commodities continued to release. In the first quarter, retail sales increased by 4% year on year. Among them, the retail sales of sports and entertainment products and communication equipment of units above the designated size increased by 14.2% and 13.2% respectively year on year. The growth rate of retail sales of residential related goods accelerated or changed from negative to positive, and the retail sales of household appliances, audio-visual equipment and furniture increased by 5.8% and 3% respectively, 5.3 and 0.2 percentage points faster than that of the previous year; Retail sales of construction and decoration materials increased by 2.4%, down 7.8% in the whole year of last year.

Yu Jianxun, Director of the Department of Foreign Economic and Trade Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that in the next stage, we should thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, solidly promote the exchange of old consumer goods for new consumer goods to release consumption potential, focus on enhancing residents' consumption capacity, constantly explore new growth points of consumption, and promote the continuous recovery of the consumer market.

Promoting the trade in of consumer goods is spreading all over the country. How can we benefit consumers? Xu Xingfeng, Director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, said recently that, in the principle of respecting consumers' will and responding to consumers' demands, the Ministry of Commerce will work with multiple departments and measures to make consumers feel more satisfied.

In terms of replacing old cars with new ones, the first is to make car buying more affordable, and reduce the cost of car buying by giving way to profits from finance, tax, credit, insurance and other aspects; Second, make the use of cars more convenient, further improve the infrastructure such as charging, parking, and intelligent transportation, carry out the pilot reform of automobile circulation and consumption, and support the development of industries such as automobile modification, leasing, RV camping, sports events, and traditional classic cars (classic cars); Third, make selling cars easier, promote the abolition of the nationwide relocation restrictions on second-hand cars, and establish a second-hand car information query platform; The fourth is to make scrapping more convenient, encourage disassembly enterprises to collect vehicles at home, and make it more convenient for owners to sell scrapped vehicles.

In terms of household appliances, home furnishings, kitchens and bathrooms, first, we should highlight the convenience of consumption, encourage the creation of "storage room", "recycling bin" and "turnover room", and also encourage "Internet+recycling", "collecting the old, delivering the new, and disassembling and assembling in one stop"; The second is to highlight the transparency of information, carry out green building materials to the countryside activities, dynamically improve the directory of aging home products, and promote the "model room" of home decoration into shopping malls, communities, and platforms; Third, highlight wisdom and convenience, accelerate the improvement of smart home connectivity standards, and promote the implementation of smart products in more life scenarios; The fourth is to highlight environmental optimization, organize and carry out actions such as "putting home appliances into communities with confidence", and improve home appliance after-sales service.

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