429 Error installing wordpress method

WordPress 429 Too Many Requests Error Update Theme Plugin Method

Recently, webmaster friends who have installed WordPress on domestic servers must have met 429 Too Many Requests Error , unable to open the WordPress website.

 429 Too Many Requests

Installation failure: download failed. too many requests If you can't open the WordPress website, you can't normally upgrade the WordPress version through the background, nor can you download and update WordPress themes and plug-ins.

This article will share with you WordPress 429 How to update and download WordPress after error

If you want to learn something from nothing WordPress installation See: WordPress Installation Tutorial_Server Environment Configuration Requirements_Failure Reason

Reasons for 429 Too Many Requests

In the HTTP protocol, the response status code 429 Too Many Requests indicates that the user has sent too many requests within a certain period of time, that is, the "frequency limit" has been exceeded.

A user raised this question on the WordPress forum to ask whether the official has blocked access to China. The official reply is that there is no blocking, but it just triggers the Nginx restriction module.

Original link: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/is-wordpress-org-restricting-visits-from-china-region/

The folk rumor is that some traffic in China may be attacking the WordPress server recently, which triggered the CDN system protection measures, and then prompted 429 Too Many Requests to limit the number of requests.

How to update WordPress version under 429 error

So why can't we update the version of WordPress if the error of 429 Too Many Requests has not ended?

Of course not, we can also use the following Two ways to update WordPress version

Method 1: Download offline package for manual update

You can download the new version of WordPress installation package yourself, and then update it manually.

For download of the new version of WordPress offline installation package, please refer to this article: WordPress New Simplified Chinese Local Download

After downloading, The method to manually update WordPress is

  • ① . Unzip the downloaded installation package and delete the wp content folder;
  • ② . Delete with FTP On server Wp admin and wp includes;
  • ③ . Upload the remaining local files to the server to cover all files;
  • ④ . Log in to the background of the WordPress website to check whether there is a request to update the database. If there is a request, the database will be updated. If there is no request, the database will be updated.

For detailed upgrade methods, see: Several methods for automatically and manually updating WordPress

Method 2: Update with plug-ins

to update: Plug ins can be used directly WP Downgrade , can be any Install old and new versions of WP

I love boiled fish blogger wrote a plug-in for Chinese download image. The plug-in will automatically switch the download image to the website specified in the plug-in when you upgrade the Chinese version of WordPress. After the upgrade, disable the plug-in.

The plug-in code is as follows:

 <? php /* Plugin Name: WPJAM Chinese Download Image Plugin URI:  https://blog.wpjam.com/project/wpjam-basic/ Description: WPJAM Chinese Download Image Version: 1.0 Author: Denis Author URI:  http://blog.wpjam.com/ */ add_filter('site_transient_update_core', function($value){ foreach ($value->updates as &$update) { if($update->locale == 'zh_CN'){ $update->download	= ' http://www.xintheme.cn/download/wordpress-zh_CN.zip '; $update->packages->full	= ' http://www.xintheme.cn/download/wordpress-zh_CN.zip '; } } return $value; });

Plug in usage:

Save the above code as a php file, and then upload it to the server's wp content/plugins directory. Enable the plug-in in the background and click Update.

You can also directly Click here to download The plug-in file saved by the father can be directly uploaded to the background of the website to install a zip package to enable and update the plug-in.

Plug in precautions:

The download address provided in the plug-in is not fast (it may fail due to download timeout when updating). You can transfer the installation package to your own server and modify the link to achieve fast download.

Method 3: Update with code+compressed package

This method comes from the Longxiaotianxia blog. Similar to method 2, it seems more simple and convenient. It can also solve 429 Too Many Requests Error The specific use method is as follows:

  1. Download the WordPress installation package file and rename it wordpress.zip
  2. Upload wordpress.zip to the root directory of your website
  3. Copy the following code to the topic function file
  4. Click Update in Background
  5. After updating, delete the function code
 /** *Temporarily change the WordPress package address so that WP can be successfully updated online - Long Xiaotianxia *  https://www.ilxtx.com/how-to-update-wordpress-successfully.html */ function lxtx_site_transient_update_core( $value ){ foreach ($value->updates as &$update) { $update->download = home_url( 'wordpress.zip' ); $update->packages->full = home_url( 'wordpress.zip' ); } return $value; } add_filter('site_transient_update_core', 'lxtx_site_transient_update_core');

If you can't add code to the theme function file, you can use the following plug-in to help.

Method for safely adding code to functions.php file: Code Snippets

 Download failed. too many requests

429 How to update themes and plug-ins in case of errors

429 Too Many Requests Errors also make it impossible to install and update theme plug-ins from the website background. Similarly, you can update themes and plug-ins manually.

How to update the WordPress theme manually:

If you need to be prompted to update a theme, download the new version of the theme zip, and use FTP to overwrite the original theme file. (You can also delete the old version theme first, and then upload and install the new version theme in the background.) When updating the theme, pay attention to saving the backup to avoid overwriting the modified files.

To manually update the WordPress plug-in:

  • ① Try to download the new plug-in installation package on the official WordPress website (hang the proxy or foreign server)
  • ② . Disable the old version plug-in in the background and delete it (note whether there is an option to disable clearing data in the plug-in settings)
  • ③ . Uploading and installing new versions of plug-ins in the background (you can also consider FTP direct coverage, since dads are all background users)

For detailed upgrade methods, please refer to: Manual update plug-in Method of manually upgrading WordPress plug-in

At the same time, in the process of updating, you will encounter the situation that the website fails to open. At this time, you just need to delete the. maintenance file in the root directory of the website. Refer to: Solution to WordPress upgrade or plug-in failure

More perfect 429 error solution

 429 Error resolution

1. Domestic users can directly install kill 429 This plug-in solves the error reporting problem of installing plug-in 429.

2. Using Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades This plug-in

3. Add a better plug-in: WP China Yes

Next generation new version WP theme plug-in installation package

If you can't download the new version of WordPress installation package from the official website of WordPress, you can ask your father to help you, and add 774633089 to contact the group leader.

That's it Resolve 429 Too Many Requests errors If you can't open the WordPress website, you can manually update the version. If you have any questions, you can add a group to discuss with more webmasters.

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