Website inclusion

How the website is included by Baidu _ About the ranking of the website

follow Simple and crude website building tutorial When you set up your own website, there must be a question, How can websites be included by Baidu , others can Search your website in Baidu What about?

My father came to talk about twenty cents About the website inclusion

Tips from the father:

The content introduced in this article is just Accelerate the website to be included in search engines If you don't do it, it will be included sooner or later.

Will your website be included?

Websites on the Internet, As long as the following requirements are met, the website will be included (It is not certain whether the ranking can be given)

  1. The website can be accessed by search engines;
  2. The website does not prevent search engine crawling;
  3. Not a spam site.

Let's talk about what these three points mean.

1、 The website can be accessed by search engines

The website can be accessed by the search engine, which means that your website should be able to open normally, instead of being inaccessible for three days, or the search engine can't open your website at all.

2、 The website does not block search engine crawling

Blocking search engine crawling is not the same thing as being inaccessible to the search engine. If you cannot access it, you cannot open your website directly. Blocking crawling is through robots.txt

One foreign trade customer was like this. He blocked all search engines in robots.txt. His friend said that it was his server problem and asked him to change the server. However, his father helped him look at it and robots.txt directly disabled all search engines.

 User-Agent: * Disallow:


For a description of robots. txt, refer to Baidu Encyclopedia

We use WordPress installation Web site. When writing robots files Note that the search results should be masked

3、 Not a spam site

What is a junk website? It is a website that uses some software to automatically generate articles that are semantically unintelligible and completely meaningless to users.

How to make the website included by Baidu?

Since you said that the website would be included by Baidu, why can't Baidu search my website?

New website observation period

Baidu and Google and other search engines have an observation period for new websites. Google's observation period is relatively short, while Baidu's observation period is relatively long, usually 1 to 3 months long.

Baidu After you find your website, you will put it into Sandbox , observe the performance of your website for a while, and then decide whether to release it for others to search.

If your website can update original and meaningful articles every day, the observation period will be greatly shortened. If only some life records or reprinted articles, the observation period will be relatively long.

Ways to speed up Baidu's inclusion

If you want the website to be included by Baidu quickly, there are several ways to try.

1. Submit website to Baidu

To submit your website to Baidu, search your website directly in Baidu, and then submit it to Baidu. 360. Sogou can submit in this way

 Submit website to Baidu

2. Apply for new station protection after website filing

If your website has been filed, you can go to Baidu resource search platform Applying for new station protection inside will speed up the collection, and this method is the most effective.

 Baidu New Station Protection

3. Use Baidu's services

This is not necessarily accurate, but it is generally believed that the use of Baidu statistics is conducive to website inclusion. (There are also Baijia, Baidu CDN Acceleration, and Baidu ECS).

4. Find a big station to be a friend chain

Find a website with higher weight than your website to make a friend chain, which is conducive to the search engine to include your website. Search engines don't know you, but they know the websites that make friend chains with you. Since they recommend you, you should be credible, so there will be some inclination.

5. Use Baidu push code

register Baidu resource search platform After that, push codes can be used, including active push (real-time), automatic push and sitemap submission.

 Baidu link submission

Here's a recommendation Baidu search push management plug-in of Lightning Blog , very easy to use.

6. Keep articles updated

Keep updating original articles, write valuable articles, and search engines will naturally include your website.

Baidu will include the website without filing?

Q: The website has not been filed, will Baidu include my website?

A: Included in the meeting The Internet is not a local area network. If Baidu only includes websites for filing, it is estimated that other search engines will soon eat up the market. Only a new station protection function can be available after filing.

Q: Will articles that fail to pass the website filing be included?

A: During the filing period, you can access your website through the website IP, so you can publish articles. During this period, your articles Baidu Not necessarily included

1. You use the IP address to access. Unless you submit it to Baidu, he does not know that you have this website.

2. The filing time is generally within 1 month, and Baidu's new site observation period starts from 1 month, so you use the domain name to visit before the observation period, and it doesn't matter if you include the website articles visited by your IP.


What if Baidu doesn't include your website?

If your website has been available for several months and cannot be searched from Baidu, what should you do?

1、 Check website content

Is the content on your website valuable to users? For example, what can users get from your articles? Whether it solved his problem, made him smile, or just wasted the time of netizens.

2、 Check site structure

Whether the structure of the website is reasonable, whether the level of the website is too deep to be captured by the search engine or the website code is not standardized, etc. (If you usually use WordPress, these problems will not occur if you choose a better theme.) Did you stop Baidu from crawling.

You can check whether the capture is successful through the capture diagnosis function of Baidu resource search platform.

 Baidu crawl diagnosis

3、 Whether the website is pseudo static

All search engines indicate that they will include dynamic URLs, but they recommend static URLs, because dynamic URLs involve too many parameters, which is unfriendly to users and easy to cause repeated inclusion.

Relevant knowledge: WordPress best fixed link setting_which pseudo static rule is better

4、 Whether the server is stable

Server stability does not only mean that the website can be opened and accessed at any time in 365 days. If you are a host using a shared IP, your server's IP may be abused before or other servers with the same IP may be punished by the search engine. These reasons may affect your website.

So it is important to use a server with an independent IP address Stable and suitable for novice VPS

5、 Website cheating or black history

Website cheating means that if you use some methods that violate the rules of search engines and are found, your website will be punished.

Black history means that before you use this domain name as a website, someone uses your domain name to do something that search engines don't like, and now you accept the punished domain name.

None of the above problems exist. What if Baidu doesn't include them?

 Baidu Search Resource Feedback Center

stay Baidu resource search platform , you can give feedback in the interactive communication at the top and ask Baidu engineers why your website is not included.

Does inclusion mean ranking?

Well, Baidu has finally included your website, but why is there no traffic?

Including does not mean ranking.

A simple example:

 How Baidu collects websites

For example, in this article, How the website is included by Baidu _ About the ranking of the website , we search How websites are included by Baidu Baidu found about 29600000 relevant results for you

What's the reason for Baidu to put this article in front from the more than 2.9 million pages?

So what does this example mean?

  1. Repeated content already exists on the Internet, usually does not have a good ranking;
  2. No one searches for worthless content, no ranking, no traffic;
  3. Don't stop writing if you don't think there will be a ranking, because your website visitors can still see this article;
  4. The ranking will be obtained according to a series of algorithms. The weight of the new station is low and needs to be taken slowly.
  5. Write some new content that is not available on the Internet, and you will be more likely to get a ranking.

 The website does not rank Recommended reading: Why hasn't the website included a ranking?

Baidu Search Content Quality White Paper

The following is Baidu's White Paper on the Quality of Baidu Search Content. You can see how Baidu's search rules are, and avoid operations that are not allowed when writing articles.

Link: Detailed explanation of cheating in the title of a web page serially published in Baidu Search Content Quality White Paper

It is said that website SEO needs user experience. Who TM told me where the user experience of Baidu Resource Center is? A series of white papers has been published since 2017, but none of them can be found later.

In fact, it can be found here:

Submission portals of major search engines

Before submitting your website, make sure the website can be accessed normally. The website has certain content (or can ensure continuous updates). Robots.txt does not block them.

Baidu submission entry:

360 Search Submission Portal:

Sogou search submission portal:

Shenma Search Submission Portal:

Google search submission portal: Google Search Console Tools

Bing Search Submission Portal:

Header search submission entry:

Finally, you can Install an SEO plug-in To help you do some SEO work. If you want the website to include more and faster, you need to accumulate valuable and meaningful articles, but also quality and quantity. So, everything depends on luck, don't let yourself be so tired, Buddha nature SEO.

Baidu SEO can also install one: Baidu search push management plug-in

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