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Zhangzhou Branch of Postal Savings Bank landed the province's first "second-hand housing transaction capital supervision" business

Source: Postal Savings Bank Zhangzhou Branch 2023-12-25 21:04

For further specification Zhangzhou City The order of the stock housing transaction market, the legitimate rights and interests of both parties to the stock housing transaction, and the security of the stock housing transaction funds, the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau jointly issued the Interim Measures for the Supervision of the Stock Housing Transaction Funds in the Central City of Zhangzhou (ZJG [2022] No. 1), and the Postal Savings Bank Zhangzhou Branch actively joined the first batch of stock housing fund supervision banks in Zhangzhou. After the early system development and testing, recently, the housing rental and sales integration platform "stock housing fund supervision" system was officially launched. The branch actively did business marketing publicity, and on December 22, 2023, the first "stock housing transaction fund supervision" business in the province was launched. This business will effectively reduce the transaction risk of second-hand housing and facilitate the people. It is another service innovation in the housing loan business after the bank landed the first second-hand housing "transfer with pledge" business in the province, providing favorable system support for the subsequent inter-bank "transfer with pledge" of second-hand housing.

In the sale of second-hand houses, the payment process is complex, not only including the deposit, down payment, mortgage loan and other processes, but also involving the mortgage release of the transaction house, the distribution of the house sales funds and other matters, which is prone to transaction risks. The supervision of stock housing funds refers to the behavior that the buyer deposits the transaction funds into the special account for supervision of stock housing transaction funds as agreed (the loan funds are transferred from the supervision bank to the special account) before the registration of real estate transfer to ensure the safety of transaction funds. After the registration of real estate transfer is completed, the transaction funds are automatically transferred. The "supervision of stock housing transaction funds" can not only provide a safe market transaction environment, effectively eliminate the concerns of buyers and sellers, ensure the security of transaction funds, effectively maintain good real estate market order and the legitimate rights and interests of transaction parties, and promote social harmony and stability. It can also provide security for the "mortgage transfer" business of stock housing, solve the problem of the seller to raise funds in advance to repay the loan, reduce transaction costs, and effectively stop the brokerage institutions from misappropriating housing funds, eating "price difference" and other illegal acts.

The successful handling of the "stock housing transaction fund supervision" business marks the official implementation of the bank's government led second-hand housing transaction fund supervision model, which has become another new measure for the bank to provide financial services to residents. The bank will take this opportunity to accelerate the innovation of services for the people and contribute to the positive development of Zhangzhou's second-hand housing business.

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