Li Ling

Li Ling

Li Ling, professor of Chinese Department of Peking University. Engaged in the archaeological research of the Pre Qin period and the research of ancient Chinese. Works: Fate and Wealth in Heaven, Research on Ancient Books of Sun Tzu, etc.

Domestication and Anti Domestication: Gender Relations in Chinese History (Ⅱ) Reversing the Norms: Gender Relations in Chinese History (I) We must endure mediocrity in order to keep pace with the times Tian Busheng Cai Lun: Talking about toilets and toilet paper in China When "reform" becomes the alias of corruption Talk about Chinese nobility I can't take my feelings as the standard to evaluate the revolution How did the Chinese get in the way of enlightenment? Seventies - fragments in my heart Ma: an "international animal" spread all over the world with the war culture China's Famous Ding, Modern Revolution and Prosperity Thoughts on TV: Snowden, Orwell and the Spanish Civil War Li Ling: Also said "Republic of China style" Li Ling: There is no need to myth Taiwan's academic Li Ling: What kind of book is Zhouyi Li Ling: My Views on China and America