Method code to realize the statistical effect of running days of Z-Blog blog

Method code to realize the statistical effect of running days of Z-Blog blog

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By default, the z-blog system carries statistics on the total number of articles, comments, references, browses, and messages, but there is no statistics on the running days of z-blog blogs since they were installed to the present day. Therefore, to implement the statistics on the running days of z-blog, you need to manually add code. The implementation method is also very simple, just add a few javascript statements. Here are the steps of adding javascript introduced by Blogbar.

 Method code to realize the statistical effect of running days of Z-Blog blog

Statistics of active running days of z-blog blog:

Add the following js code before the default.html, catalog.html, search.html, tags.html, and single.html files</head>:

 <script language=JavaScript>  var urodz= new Date("5/30/2011");  var now = new Date();  var ile = now.getTime() - urodz.getTime();  var dni = Math.floor(ile / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));  document.write(+dni) </script>

Modify the time when the blog was created on May 30/2011

Then add the following calling code where you want to display the running days

 <script language="JavaScript">document.write(+dni)</script>

Save the file.


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