Park planning and design _ industrial park planning _ industrial park planning and trusteeship _ investment promotion planning and operation - CMI industrial park planning network
 Industry research    Industry research
 Implementation plan for industrial planning and promotion    Implementation plan for industrial planning and promotion
 Park planning    Preliminary positioning of the park project
 Dual carbon park planning   Dual carbon park planning
 High tech Park Planning   High tech Park Planning
 Economic Development Zone Planning   Economic Development Zone Planning
 Industrial cluster planning   Industrial cluster planning
 Urban New Area Planning   Urban New Area Planning
 Logistics Park Planning   Logistics Park Planning
 Modern agricultural park planning   Modern agricultural park planning
 Ecological industrial park planning   Ecological industrial park planning
 Circular economy park planning   Circular economy park planning
 Headquarters economic zone planning   Headquarters economic zone planning
 Cultural and creative industrial park planning   Cultural and creative industrial park planning
 E-commerce Industrial Park Planning   E-commerce Industrial Park Planning
 Auto Industrial Park Planning   Auto Industrial Park Planning
 Conceptual planning    Overall conceptual planning and land acquisition scheme
 Innovation space planning    Innovation space planning
 Investment promotion planning and agency    Investment promotion planning and agency
 Operation trusteeship    Operation trusteeship
 Architectural planning and design    Architectural planning and design

 Industrial development planning problem_industrial planning research_industrial planning organization Preliminary positioning of the park project

Preliminary positioning consultation of the park project

 Preliminary positioning consultation of the park project Through the research on regional industry, regional target customers and similar competitive projects, the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering has found the regional supply and demand relationship, market opportunities, the demand characteristics of target customer groups, product differences, etc., preliminarily determined the project industry positioning, function positioning, customer positioning, product positioning, and then based on the strategic demands of users on the project, the degree of capital investment, development strategy requirements, etc, Formulate reasonable project positioning, product positioning, development strategies, etc. suitable for project development to guide planning, design and project development management. Provide guidance and direction for further clarifying industrial partners.

Problems in the transformation and upgrading of industrial parks

As the rigid demand for real estate in China is gradually saturated, the "cake" margin is not much, and the competition is extremely fierce. In addition, the state has strictly regulated the property market, and many real estate enterprises have turned to the field of industrial real estate. In recent years, various cultural and creative industrial parks, science and technology incubation industrial parks, and professional industrial parks have sprung up. By the end of 2019, There are 628 national level development zones and 2053 provincial level development zones in China. There are countless city and county level parks, parks in parks, and parks in parks. Indeed, since the establishment of the first batch of national level economic and technological development zones in 1984, the parks have always been the boosters of China's economic growth, contributing more than 30% to China's economy. However, with the constant changes in domestic and international situations, China's industrialization level continues to advance, and the transformation, upgrading and sustainable development of industrial parks will also face various contradictions and challenges. The industrial chain has been successful in the past, It will face the contradiction between industrial agglomeration difficulties and poor industrial environment; Those who succeed in sales will face the contradiction of different segmentation policies; Successful land sales will face the contradiction between illegal land sharing and lack of indicators; Successful investment promotion services will face the contradiction between regional discrimination and government default costs. To sum up, it includes:

  • one Contradiction between supply side and demand side

    In terms of land, the supply of core land in the first and second tier cities is seriously insufficient, and a large number of industrial land and office buildings in the third and fourth tier cities are idle and dormant; In terms of services, the demand of enterprises in terms of price, location, positioning, planning, supporting facilities, services, incubation, etc. is difficult to meet, and the park services lack market research, becoming a "shelf".

  • two Analgesia of industrial structure adjustment

    After extensive and extensive development, the industrial park must implement new strategies, explore new paths, turn to intensive and connotative development, and change the old and the new. It must be a process that will inevitably experience pain. How to accurately position the industrial park, how to exit the "old industry", how to layout the "new industry", and how to "seamlessly connect" the transformation of new and old drivers, It needs constant research and repeated argument.

  • three Large and comprehensive industrial system, unclear leading industry

    The biggest advantage of enterprises entering the park is to gather enterprises related to the production chain and value chain through reasonable planning and overall layout, strengthen the division of labor and cooperation between them, and form a cluster effect. However, most industrial parks in China excessively pursue large and comprehensive industries, lack a clear industrial orientation, pursue large enterprises unilaterally, and almost have no industry threshold, leading to the park becoming a "hodgepodge" of various industries and enterprises.

  • four Lack of mature operation management mode

    The operation and management of the industrial park is a university. Whether it is the expansion of the park or the investment attraction, the operation service is the main factor that constitutes the sustainable development of the park. At present, most of the parks in China are still in a loss state. In the final analysis, there are problems in the operation, including the unscientific management system, imperfect policies and measures, narrow financing channels Professional talents are relatively scarce.

Planning concept of the Chinese Academy of Engineering:
  • one
    How to conduct in-depth analysis and research on existing regional industries from the perspective of industrial chain, and find missing links and key links;
  • two
    How to combine the industrial base and resource endowment of the region, carry out industrial positioning and industrial planning layout, and select leading industries and pillar industries;
  • three
    How to make a breakthrough in the park construction and operation management mode and mechanism to maintain a healthy and sustainable development trend;
  • four
    How to correctly handle the relationship between investment attraction and innovation and entrepreneurship, and maintain the endogenous growth momentum of regional economy;
  • five
    How to form a characteristic industrial service system centering on the demand of industrial (enterprise) development in the park.
Services we can provide

Originating from the monitoring of industrial competitive intelligence, the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering has become more powerful than planning consultation and famous as the development and operation consultant of New Town and New Area. Since 2008, the transformation has focused on regional economic development planning and investment attraction operation trusteeship full chain consulting (industrial big data, market research, real estate planning, industrial planning, spatial planning, architectural design, industrial investment attraction, operation trusteeship). It is one of the institutions that proposed and practiced "regional economic planning operation full chain consulting services" earlier in China. More than 10 years of experience, 500+landing cases, a team of more than 600 experts and rich government and enterprise resources. Our hospital provides eight services for the park, as follows:

  • Industrial Park Development Strategy

    Scientifically construct the overall development blueprint of the park: including research on industrial agglomeration, functional orientation, development mode, operation mechanism, etc.

  • Development orientation of industrial parks

    Clarify the development direction and effectively put forward the overall image of the park: including research on industrial positioning, functional positioning, target customer screening, management and control mechanism, etc.

  • Industrial orientation of the industrial park

    Accelerate the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure of the park: including research on comparative advantages of the park, division of labor and cooperation of regional industrial chain, subdivision of fields, industrial investment promotion, etc.

  • Industrial layout of industrial parks

    Deeply optimize the industrial spatial layout of the park: including research on spatial carrying capacity, characteristic agglomeration, functional zoning, etc.

  • Secondary entrepreneurship in the industrial park

    Integrate multiple advantages and tap new development potential of the park: including research on optimization and upgrading of pillar industries, cultivation of new economic growth points in the park, optimization path of industrial chain, etc.

  • Operation and management of industrial parks

    Improve the level of operation and management, and revitalize the development of the park: including research on management system, industrial investment attraction, brand operation, incubation support, industrial investment, etc.

  • Business environment optimization

    To comprehensively optimize the business environment is not only an inevitable requirement to achieve transformation and upgrading, but also an urgent need to create new advantages in an open economy.

  • Investment promotion planning

    Our institute puts forward the innovative theory of "offshore investment promotion and offshore incubation", which combines various forms of investment promotion such as business promotion, capital purchaser, investment promotion in advance (the latter stage of investment promotion has been studied when making industry and park planning)

Five step method of industrial park planning

The planning of the industrial park includes the planning background, development orientation, planning layout, investment promotion strategy, park operation management and other contents of the industrial park. In general, the industrial park planning can be divided into two parts: industrial planning and park planning. Industrial planning is the soul and spatial planning is the body, so the park planning should adhere to the concept of industrial planning first. Of course, before this, the full sorting of the external and internal environment is the basis for the accurate positioning of the industry.

  • 01 External environment analysis

    Analysis of industrial development environment
    Industry development prospect assessment
    Policy orientation

  • 02 Internal resource analysis

    Internal resource advantages
    Internal resource disadvantage
    Industry status and resource capacity
    Competition between the industry and its surrounding areas

  • 03 Industry positioning analysis

    Determine leading industries
    Determine the industrial combination scheme
    Determine auxiliary industries

  • 04 Industrial development and spatial layout

    Industrial development strategy
    Space layout strategy

  • 05 Supporting strategies of the park

    Investment strategy
    Operation management strategy
    Value added service strategy
    Investment and financing strategy

Preliminary positioning, investment attraction, planning and operation of the park project

In fact, the planning and operation of investment attraction in the early stage of the park project is to establish the whole life cycle relationship between industry and products. By tying the industry to your park products, an extremely scarce stickiness can be established, which is stickiness to both industry and customers. Only scarce ones are called operations. High quality operation service can not only harvest good customer relations, but also create equity investment opportunities, improve the renewal rate of the park, and create income for the park.

According to the preliminary work plan for the preliminary positioning of the park project, our institute provides customers with the preliminary positioning operation plan for the park project during the preliminary positioning construction of the park project, including the business model after the completion of the industrial park, the organizational structure and human resource allocation of the industrial park management organization, as well as the profit model planning Operation and management services of the park (including the formulation of investment promotion strategy, the construction of operation team, the promotion of community activity in the park, the promotion of brand value in the park, etc.). Our service tenet is to ensure the efficient and orderly operation of the industrial park!

Note: The above is just a brief introduction to the business. If you want to have a deeper understanding, you can consult our experts Planning consultation
Or call the expert hotline for early positioning of the park project: 400-666-8495 (Experts one-on-one explain in detail and provide details of the early positioning cases of the park projects that our institute has done for your reference!)
Early positioning cases of park projects

Over the years, the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering has successively undertaken more than 100 development planning research topics entrusted by key industrial parks at home and abroad, such as the strategic positioning and development planning of the Sino German Ecological Park, the positioning of the business type of the Sino Singapore Ecological City, and the industrial planning and pre investment research of Enshi Selenium Tea Industrial Park The operation and management of the park has accumulated rich research experience, and the research results of the project have been highly praised by relevant competent departments, which has played an important role in providing decision-making support for government departments, ensuring the sustainable and healthy development of the industrial park, and improving the comprehensive competitiveness of regional industries.

Why choose us?
 Planning advantages of the industrial park of the Chinese Academy of Mechanical Engineering
Data available: CAAC originated from information monitoring and has 13 kinds of authoritative industrial and economic databases
Our hospital has 13 kinds of authoritative industrial and economic databases. Every year, about 300 market response plans, decision-making internal references, industrial early warning and special research reports are provided to the government and enterprises.
Understand industry: with more than ten years of industry research experience, it is an information supplier for many top 500 enterprises.
Good planning: more than 500 classic cases of park projects were positioned in the early stage, and the whole chain service model of [6+1] regional economic development planning was proposed!
The [6+1] consulting mode is an integrated consulting service system formed by the organic integration of six contents of strategic consulting - industrial planning - spatial planning - investment promotion planning - project stability evaluation - project feasibility study. Policy consulting and overall planning run through.
Investment invitation: The big data of the industrial park has been established, And the ability of industry investment attraction, industry introduction and operation consultant is outstanding , close offline resources, a large number of site selection experience, and successful investment cases.
Focusing on practical results: with a solid backing of experts, the model of "CAAC+experts" ensures outstanding consulting effectiveness
CAAMS has accumulated more than 40 industries, with more than 300 well-known experts focusing on industrial economy, regional economy and technological economy. The mode of "Chinese Academy of Engineering+industrial experts+regional economic experts+ministerial experts" provides strong technical support for business such as enterprise strategy, regional strategy, industrial planning, spatial planning, project design, etc.
Business cooperation process

 Telephone communication between both parties   Preliminary telephone communication between both parties (free consultation: 400-666-8495)

 Site investigation and communication of details of the proposed project   Understand the basic situation of the project

 Project survey and issue preliminary plan   Invited by Party A, go to the project site to investigate the basic situation before the start of the project and issue a preliminary work plan

 Both parties determine the service price   Both parties determine the service price

 Reach cooperation intention and sign cooperation agreement   Reach cooperation intention and sign cooperation agreement

 project implementation   project implementation

(Field investigation, first draft writing, expert discussion, mid-term report, report modification, final draft report, project review and acceptance)

 after service   after service

(Report training, industry introduction, project application, fund application, scientist introduction, project financing, investment promotion, etc.)
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