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What should I do if I forget the password of the Ice Point Restore Wizard?

What should I do if I forget the password of the Ice Point Restore Wizard?

Edit: Xiaohulu Source: original information of PC Download Network Time: 09:08:18, January 10, 2018

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1. The Ice Point Restore Wizard is a very useful system restore software. Internet cafes usually use this software, but over a long period of time, you may forget your password. If you don't want to restart the restore at this time, it will be very troublesome. How to solve this problem?



2. First, go to Baidu to search for a software called "Clear Freezing Point Restore Wizard Password", which does not need to be installed, just open it directly, and click the "Clear Password" button according to the arrow in the figure.



3. Then in the pop-up page, select the "Remove" button, and it will automatically return to the previous page, click the "Enter Login Page" button marked by the arrow, then click OK directly in the pop-up page, and continue to click OK in the next page.



4. Then the computer will restart automatically. At this time, a cross or exclamation mark will appear on the icon of the ice point restore wizard on the desktop, which indicates that the password of the ice point restore wizard has been completely cleared.


5. Finally, you need to re download a freezing point restore wizard. After running, you will be prompted that there is already a freezing point restore wizard program running, and then you will be asked to uninstall. After the uninstall is successful, the computer will automatically restart, and you can save and delete files at will.



The above is the one click password clearing tutorial of the freezing point restoration wizard prepared by me for you. If you need a partner, you can try it, but don't be too naughty. Play like this in the Internet cafe.

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