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Xiamen: integrating resources, strengthening services, leading youth to innovate and start businesses

Source: Xiamen Daily 2024-01-09 09:52

Yesterday, the Municipal Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association and the Municipal Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Association held the 16th general meeting for general election. Li Huiyue, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Li Huiyue fully recognized the positive contributions made by the Association and the Promotion Association in strengthening exchanges and interactions among young entrepreneurs and helping young people innovate and start businesses. He said that the Association and the Promotion Association should take serving young entrepreneurs wholeheartedly as the starting point and foothold of their work, deeply understand the development trend of young entrepreneurs, close to the needs of young people, integrate the resources of the Association, actively help member enterprises solve problems and difficulties in the process of innovation and entrepreneurship, and make greater contributions to the economic and social development of Xiamen.

Li Huiyue stressed that young entrepreneurs should firmly adhere to the correct political direction and strive to be firm believers; Stand up to the forefront and forge ahead, striving to become a new force to promote high-quality development; Emancipate the mind, seek new changes, and strive to be a pioneer who keeps pace with the times; Take the initiative to assume social responsibility, strive to be a good example of leading the new trend, strengthen confidence, strengthen determination, shoulder the heavy responsibility, take advantage of the situation, actively participate in innovation and entrepreneurship practice, and help Xiamen to take the lead in achieving socialist modernization.

Before the conference, young entrepreneurs investigated the construction and operation of Xiamen International Expo Center, Egret Stadium and Phoenix Stadium, understood the city's investment policies and felt the good business environment.

(Xiamen Daily/Wei Lin)

Original title: integrating resources, strengthening services, leading youth to innovate and start businesses
Editor in charge: Fang Di
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