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Review of the highlights of the work of the Standing Committee of the 14th Sanming Municipal People's Congress in 2023

Source: Sanming Daily 2024-01-09 11:06

Editor's Note:

Every stroke and every step is magnificent.

Press the playback key of the work of the Standing Committee of the 14th Municipal People's Congress in 2023: hold 7 meetings of the Standing Committee, 11 meetings of directors, carry out post legislative assessment for the first time, issue 2 local regulations, listen to and review 20 special work reports, organize and carry out 2 law enforcement inspections, 1 special inquiry, 2 work evaluations, 41 inspection and research...... Groups of striking data, which are connected with development Connected with people's livelihood, performance of duties, services and responsibilities are becoming the most beautiful foundation of the NPC's work.

In the past year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress conscientiously fulfilled its duties and took the initiative to take on its responsibilities. Both the work deployment related to the overall development situation and the focus and difficulties closely watched by the masses were condensed into a vivid picture of focusing on the central points and highlighting the responsibility.

Steer the rudder to consolidate the foundation in deep learning and practice

Theory is the guide of action, and thought is the guide of progress. To do a good job in the work of the People's Congress in the new era, it is fundamental to firmly build the foundation of belief, and the key is to stabilize the rudder of thought.

This year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress insisted on guiding the work with Xi Jinping's Thought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implementing the learning system of the "first topic" of the Standing Committee's Party Leadership Group Theoretical Learning Center Group and the Party Leadership Group Meeting, and thoroughly studying the spirit of important instructions and instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches, We should solidly carry out the education on the theme of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and rectify the root causes and consolidate the root causes in ideology.

"We have further mastered the thinking and working methods contained in it through learning from the original, repeated in-depth learning, and linking with practice, and we have gained a lot."

"We should firmly grasp the general requirements and direction, fully understand the great power of thought, draw on the strength of progress, and make sure that we are familiar with it and act accordingly."


Carefully read the experience of government officials, and the new style of working in the sense and advancing in the work is on the paper. From organizing 56 kinds of learning seminars to helping grass-roots units and enterprises solve 27 problems, it has become the normal work for cadres of the Municipal People's Congress to transform learning achievements into strong motivation for performing their duties and starting businesses.

This year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has always adhered to the overall leadership of the Party, studied and implemented the spirit of the working conference of the central and provincial party committees, focused on the action of the provincial party committee to "learn deeply and strive for excellence, dare to strive for excellence, and work hard and strive for efficiency" and the work of the municipal party committee to "focus on major projects, promote high-quality development", guided the city's people's congress system and deputies to people's congresses at all levels The strength of competition handed over a thick answer sheet on duty performance.

Carry out research on the integration of urban industrial parks, the overall development, utilization and protection of mineral resources, the integration of tourism resources and other work, conduct in-depth research on key issues, and form five special reports;

Give play to the role of optimizing business environment contact points, timely collect and reflect 145 enterprise suggestions, and promote the continuous optimization of business environment and the healthy development of private economy;

Actively promote Shanghai Ming cooperation, exchange and cooperation with the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xuhui District, Shanghai, and sign a memorandum of cooperation to help enterprises in the two places connect and cooperate;


After carefully reading this sincere answer, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress transformed what it learned into the most distinctive action declaration, took investigation and research as the most direct way of action, observed the situation from every detail, analyzed problems, formulated strategies, and shouldered the mission with the attitude of riding the wind and waves to ensure that the work of the People's Congress always resonates with the central work in the same frequency and direction.

This year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress actively practiced people's democracy in the whole process, gave full play to the role of the people's congress system as an important institutional carrier in realizing people's democracy in the whole process, and embodied the people's ownership in the whole process, all aspects and all links of the work of the People's Congress concretely and realistically.

We will improve the grassroots contact points for the work of the National People's Congress, improve and optimize the business environment contact points, grassroots legislative contact points, and grassroots contact points for overseas Chinese, Taiwan, and ethnic minorities;

Support and expand the participation of Taiwan compatriots in the Ming society, and invite Taiwan compatriots to attend the meetings of the Municipal People's Congress as nonvoting delegates;

Jointly issued by the Municipal People's Congress Office, the Municipal Committee Office and the Municipal Government Office《 Sanming City Procedures for Supervision and Inspection of the Handling of Deliberations and Opinions of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress;


The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress slowly launched this list of effective practices. The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress made steady progress with a solid style of doing something, innovated and developed with outstanding ability, planted a pioneering character in the new era and new journey, and constantly enriched the three wise practices of people's democracy throughout the process.

Open door legislation

Improve quality and efficiency in the process of equal emphasis on business establishment

The law is established according to the time, and the law advances according to the time.

Looking back over the past year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, closely centering on the overall situation of the Municipal Party Committee and the concerns of the people, has continuously promoted scientific, democratic and legal legislation, and has slowly spread the beautiful picture of democracy and rule of law in the course of practical implementation.

Broadly accept opinions, weigh in many ways, and fasten the rule of law for urban dog breeding.

"All uncivilized dog owners should be severely punished!" "Not all dog owners should be implicated because of individual uncivilized phenomena."...... With the continuous expansion of dog ownership groups in our city, the public's attitude towards dog ownership is increasingly divided. Whether dog ownership legislation should be lenient or strict has become the issue that the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has considered most and weighed longest in the legislative process.

In order to balance the interests of dog breeders and non dog breeders, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress continued to enrich the form of open door legislation, soliciting public opinions from the public, deputies to the National People's Congress, government departments, etc. for four times, going into the community, inviting symposiums, holding symposiums for dog breeders, fully understanding the demands of all parties, and organizing visits to all counties (cities, districts) in our city And areas with better legislation and management to conduct research and study tours, and strive to make the content of the regulations practical and effective.

On September 1 last year, Sanming City's Urban Dog Raising Management Regulations, the first local regulation in our province on dog raising management, was officially implemented. The dog raising conditions, dog raising registration, dog raising code of conduct and other highly concerned contents have achieved laws to abide by and reasons to follow, and the public's new expectations of the rule of law for a harmonious life have been positively responded.

From a point of view, standardize management and consolidate the foundation of the rule of law for seed industry revitalization.

In recent years, the hybrid rice seed production industry in our city has developed rapidly, and has become the largest hybrid rice seed production city in China. One out of every four hybrid rice seeds in China is produced in Sanming. In this context, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress incorporated the Regulations of Sanming City on the Management of Hybrid Rice Seed Production into the 2023 legislative plan.

We went to several counties (cities, districts) in the city to carry out legislative research, and went to areas with advanced seed production management to study and investigate; Discuss with seed production management units, producers and operators, seed production brokers and seed producers to understand the situation and summarize experience; Entrust the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress to organize the members of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, legislative experts, and relevant departments directly under the provincial People's Congress to demonstrate the content of the regulations... On November 23 last year, the Regulations on the Management of Hybrid Rice Seed Production in Sanming City was approved by the seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th Provincial People's Congress and officially implemented on January 1, 2024, It provides an effective legal guarantee for the healthy development of seed production industry in our city.

The people have their voice, and the law has its answer. On the road to achieving good law and good governance, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has never stopped its clandestine steps.

Carry out the legislative work of the Regulations on the Planning and Construction Administration of Sanming Sponge City to provide legal guarantee for the construction of the southern mountain valley type sponge demonstration city; Focusing on the "small incision" of legislation to ensure the "great people's livelihood", we carried out pre legislative research on the management of kitchen waste, the management of public catering utensils, the protection of the ancient city of Taining, and so on... One visit after another, one review after another, all of which reflect the initiative of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress to act for the early aspirations of the people; Each amendment proposal and regulation bears the expectations and concerns of the masses.

This attitude of conscientious performance of duties and emotional responsibility is also reflected in the implementation of the filing review. The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress strictly implemented the filing and review annual work report system, established and improved the filing and review linkage mechanism, and did a solid job in the data warehousing of regulatory documents and rules. Throughout the year, it received 22 regulatory documents for filing and review, 10 local regulations currently in effect, and 39 regulatory documents of people's congresses at the city and county levels.

Snap Center

Demonstrate responsibility in precise supervision

The supervision of the National People's Congress is a legally effective supervision conducted on behalf of the country and the people under the leadership of the Party. It is both power and responsibility.

Following the track of time, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has made one vivid footnote after another on the timeline of the past year by seeking accuracy in the selection of supervision topics, seeking truth in the supervision methods, and promoting efficiency in solving problems.

Focus on "controlling money" to boost high-quality economic development. Strengthen budget review and supervision, deepen the reform of the NPC's budget review and supervision towards expenditure budget and policy, review and approve the final accounts at the municipal level in 2022 and the budget adjustment plan in 2023; Listen to the comprehensive report on the management of state-owned assets, and review the report on the management of state-owned assets of municipal infrastructure at the municipal level. It is the practical action of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress to manage the "family foundation" well.

For seven consecutive years, the rectification and implementation of the problems found in the audit has been taken as the key supervision topic, and the municipal government and its departments have been encouraged to take the opportunity of strengthening the rectification work to comprehensively find out management loopholes and weak links; Pay attention to the development of private economy in our city, effectively play the role of the contact point of NPC representatives in optimizing the business environment, and strive to contribute to solving the problems of private economy.

Focus on "promoting people's livelihood" and build a warm and reliable happiness picture. The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress closely focuses on the implementation and supervision of the people's livelihood, focuses on all aspects of elderly care services, actively carries out the "one law, one case" law enforcement inspection of the protection of the rights and interests of the elderly, organizes the law enforcement inspection team to visit the site, holds the municipal and county report forum, understands the implementation of the regulations, and listens to the opinions and suggestions of many parties, Urge the municipal government to further improve the social security system and social pension service system for the elderly.

The protection and utilization of ancient houses and buildings, the promotion of harmony and stability in the religious field, the multi-directional development of national fitness work, and the promotion of emergency management system construction... highlighting the key points, grasping the key points, and the convergence of people's congress strength, are gradually helping to fill the gaps in the livelihood security field.

Focus on "keeping green" and outline the picturesque landscape of urban and rural areas. Focusing on the deployment of the Municipal Party Committee to strengthen ecological environment protection, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress set up an investigation team for the prevention and control of eel breeding pollution, went deep into Sanyuan, Yong'an, Qingliu, Ninghua and other places, carried out research on the prevention and control of eel breeding pollution, promoted the government to speed up the rectification of eel breeding pollution, and cleared away two illegal eel farms, Promote "full coverage" of online monitoring and installation of aquaculture enterprises, and "100%" of total phosphorus emission up to standard; In July last year, the water quality of the national (provincial) control sections of the main river basins in the city was "excellent", and the water quality of the national control sections of Xiaojia, Yong'an Gongchuan Bridge, Wenjiang Xikou, etc. in Ninghua was upgraded from Grade III to Grade II.

There are thousands of green mountains and thousands of green water. To unveil the beautiful landscape, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress still has many achievements in supervision: tracking and inspecting the implementation of the Regulations of Sanming City on the Prevention and Control of Urban Dust Pollution, promoting the introduction of long-term mechanisms such as joint supervision and emergency control; Promote the government to actively strive for waste classification pilot projects, improve policy support and facilities construction, and improve urban refined management capacity; Follow up and check the implementation of "one law and one example" in forest, and continue to promote the deepening of forest reform.

Focusing on "strong skills", accelerate the pace of building the rule of law. "Focus on what issues are highlighted, and extend the perspective of supervision to where issues are highlighted." This is the concept of supervision and inspection consistently adopted by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress. Through form innovation and mechanism improvement, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has organically combined law enforcement inspection, research and supervision, listening to review reports and other forms to form a "combined fist" of the NPC's supervision work, deeply analyze the root causes of problems, and change the supervision pressure into the source power of improving work.

Supervision is the means, and implementation is more critical. The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has successively urged the effective implementation of six laws and regulations in the region, listened to and reviewed reports on the construction of a rule of law government, court implementation, civil procuratorial work, etc., promoted the operation of government work on the rule of law track, urged the courts to improve the implementation mechanism, increase enforcement efforts, improve the quality of case implementation, and promote civil procuratorial work in resolving conflicts and disputes We will play an efficient role in maintaining social stability and promoting economic development.

Representative performance

Stimulate vitality in serving the people

"The people choose me as their representative, and I will be their representative." This solemn commitment bears the great trust of the people to NPC deputies, and contains the response of NPC deputies to the expectations of the people.

Over the past year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has always adhered to the people centered development thought, consciously rooted the views of the masses and the mass line in thought and put them into action, guided the organization representatives to go into the masses' homes, went deep into the fields, talked about the daily life face to face, asked about the cold and warm heart, served the people, and offered strategies to benefit the people.

Promote the implementation of express delivery modes such as the integrated development of passenger, freight and mail, and accelerate the construction of a rural three-level delivery logistics system through the suggestions of key supervision on unblocking the "last mile" of rural express delivery; By means of tracking supervision, discussion with students' parents and other means, the municipal government and the education department were promoted to issue relevant policy documents and formulate a list of activities for social affairs in primary and secondary schools to enter the campus; On site supervision of suggestions on strengthening the construction of Sanming Special School for Minors, promoting the municipal government to establish Sanming Special Education Steering Committee in accordance with the law, and starting to prepare for the construction of special schools...... The suggestions of devoting all their efforts are pinned on the expectations of the representatives, and the handling of livelihood issues one by one has put into practice the feelings of working for the well-being of the people.

From community management to rural old-age care, from facility construction to industrial development, people's congresses and deputies at all levels throughout the city always put the most concerned and urgent things of the masses in mind and put them into practice.

Since the second session of the 14th Municipal People's Congress, 184 proposals of deputies have been handled and answered. 96.74% of the questions raised by deputies have been solved or are being solved, and 98.37% of the deputies are satisfied with the results of handling the proposals. Seeing that a batch of suggestions were translated into practical measures to promote development, benefit people's livelihood and warm people's hearts, the delegates were more energetic in performing their duties.

To serve the people well, the foundation is to keep the people as masters of the country.

In the past year, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress gave full play to the role of deputies as a bridge and link, actively built a platform for online and offline deputies to connect with the masses, promoted the standardized construction of the activity room for NPC deputies to connect with the masses, organized the leaders of each activity room to carry out special training by stages, and carried out the theme activity of "focusing on major projects, promoting high-quality development - NPC deputies in action", Support electoral units to carry out diversified representative group activities and constantly enrich the contents and forms of representatives' contact with the masses.

The continuous rise in the performance of duties for the people benefits from the high consciousness of deputies to the National People's Congress, and is inseparable from the increasingly perfect performance service management. In April last year, the Measures for Evaluating the Performance of Representatives to the Sanming Municipal People's Congress (for Trial Implementation) was adopted at the ninth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th Municipal People's Congress. The construction and improvement of the evaluation mechanism for the performance of deputies to the municipal people's congress has promoted the standardization and institutionalization of the work of deputies to grassroots people's congresses.

Organize representatives to carry out relevant special training in various forms to further improve their ability to perform their duties; Organize representatives to carry out centralized inspection and special research activities around the work of the Municipal Party Committee, guide and support representatives to make suggestions during the intersessional period; We will make overall plans to do a good job in the "one government, one committee, two institutes" contact with representatives, and ensure that representatives participate in relevant activities... One management measure after another has been implemented, providing a solid guarantee for representatives to fully participate in the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and enabling more and more representatives to play a "major role" in the work of the National People's Congress.

Keep pace with the times

To shoulder the heavy responsibility in the process of integrity and innovation

There is no end to development and no end to exploration. From building a solid ideological foundation to making all-out efforts to promote the implementation of laws and regulations, from giving full play to the supervision function with heavy fists to taking multiple measures to stimulate the vitality of representatives, reviewing the performance scene of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress in 2023, what remains unchanged is the original intention of taking the initiative and performing duties with due diligence, and what changes is the idea of keeping pace with the times and effectively empowering.

It needs to be hard to forge iron. The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress implements the general requirements of party building in the new era, firmly shouldering the political responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party, earnestly implementing the systems of democratic life meetings, leading cadres attending party classes, and stating their responsibilities and integrity, solidly carrying out the activities of "four couplets and four promotions", and giving full play to the vanguard and model role of party members in the organs and the role of grass-roots party organizations as a battleground. At the same time, we strengthened the study and training of NPC cadres, organized three batches of 102 person times of members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and NPC cadres to study and train in other places, and cultivated and built a working team of the NPC that is politically firm, serves the people, respects the rule of law, promotes democracy, and is diligent and responsible.

The improvement of cadres' ability brings about work efficiency and is also a source of inspiration. Looking back on this year, where the central work of the whole city has been advanced, the performance of the NPC has been followed up. In the rhythm of constantly highlighting new ideas and making practical moves, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has made many innovations:

It is the first time to carry out post legislative assessment, combine post legislative assessment with law enforcement inspection, adopt social survey, quantitative analysis and other methods to conduct a comprehensive "physical examination" and "review" of the legislative quality and implementation effect of the Regulations on the Protection of Wanshouyan Site in Sanming City, and improve the legislative assessment mechanism of local people's congresses;

The first ecological monitoring point of drinking water source in the city was set up in Zhongcun Township, Sanyuan District. Relying on this monitoring point, the joint supervision of the municipal, district and township people's congresses was carried out to promote the solution of problems such as funding for the electric baked bamboo shoots and the electric steamed bamboo shoots project, so as to help increase production income and promote ecological and environmental protection, and improve the quality of life and water quality;

On the basis of the original three community observation points (pilot sites), eight community observation points were added to grant signboards, realizing the full coverage of the community observation points for the social construction of the People's Congress in counties (cities, districts), collecting more than 180 pieces of public opinions in a timely manner, and trying to transform the institutional advantages of the People's Congress into the governance effectiveness of the grass-roots level.

These meaningful and vivid practices are a powerful proof that the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress has broken the stereotype of thinking and enhanced the joint force of the work of the People's Congress with innovative ideas. It has carved a brilliant mark in the high-quality development of our city and painted a unique work background of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress.

This striking background is also reflected in the innovative experience and practices emerging from the standing committees of the people's congresses at the county level. Taining County regards the integration and upgrading of tourism resources of the "Great Golden Lake Tourism Resort" as an important supervision task, and speeds up the upgrading of the cultural and tourism industry; Mingxi County focuses on the key work of rural revitalization such as the construction of high standard farmland, and precisely promotes the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy with "small incision" supervision; Datian County has innovatively established a working mechanism of "two stops, two meetings and three implementations" for handling the representative's suggestions, so as to realize the full chain closed-loop tracking supervision of the representative's suggestions

Having seen flowers bear fruits, we are more ambitious and open a new chapter. Looking back on this year, every step taken by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress was sonorous and forceful, and every writing was vivid and fresh. In the new era and new journey, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress will continue to carry the expectations of the people, shoulder the sacred mission, and strive to write the chapter of "Three Ming" in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way with a new posture and new momentum.

Liang Mengting Liu Chun

Original title: Vigorous and Endeavouring, New Chapter, Fulfilling Duty and Showing Responsibility -- Review of the Work Highlights of the Standing Committee of the 14th Municipal People's Congress in 2023
Editor in charge: Li Xiaoling
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