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Ningde Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: launch the "first-class human resources and social security" brand, serve high-quality development

Source: Mindong Daily 2024-01-02 16:55

Hello, Mr. Mao! This is Ningde 12345 hotline. You reported the problem of salary arrears on our platform. Today Ningde City Huang Jiancai, Deputy Director of the Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, is answering the questions for you. Do you need to be transferred to the leadership seat? " On December 29, 2023, on the first day of the launch of our city's 12345 hotline leader connection mechanism, the relevant responsible persons of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau answered the relevant demands of the masses on the issue of salary arrears on the spot, understood the progress of problem handling, and helped solve the problem.

The telephone is connected with people's livelihood demands and solutions at one end, demonstrating the warmth of people's livelihood between questions and answers. In recent years, the city's human resources and social security system has focused on the goal of building a "first-class human resources and social security", promoting more effective policy supply, more extensive and in-depth policy publicity, more smooth and efficient policy implementation, more intimate and warm human resources and social services, and promoting the "first-class human resources and social security" brand with first-class human resources and social performance.

Stabilizing employment and strengthening people's livelihood

At present, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Jiaocheng District is hosting the 2023 Jiaocheng District Winter Employment Network Job Fair, which attracts many young people returning home to apply for employment.

In recent years, by creating the brand of "worry free employment city", our city has improved the promotion mechanism for more full and high-quality employment, stabilized and expanded employment posts, promoted the employment of various groups, and exceeded the employment goals and tasks assigned by the provincial government every year.

Only stable production can stabilize the post. The municipal human resources and social security department issued policies such as ten measures to stabilize work, stabilize production and promote employment, and implemented one-time employment stabilization award and subsidy, one-time post expansion subsidy and other measures in the Spring Festival to support enterprises to stabilize and expand employment. In the past three years, the city has granted 91.8 million yuan of employment stabilization award and 749 million yuan of business guarantee loan, ranking first in the province for three consecutive years. We will strive for 350 million yuan of higher level employment subsidies to provide strong financial guarantee for the implementation of various policies, and rank the first place in the performance appraisal of provincial and municipal employment subsidies for five consecutive years.

At the same time, we made efforts from the supply side, innovatively carried out the special action of improving human resources services in the province, implemented the enterprise employment service project, set up 27 labor workstations outside the province, realized the normalization of cross provincial recruitment, promoted the "employment by industry" approach, and solved the problem of 130000 enterprise employment through multiple channels. The experience and practice were popularized in the province.

The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Department has put the promotion of employment of young people, especially college graduates and other key groups in a more prominent position. It has issued policies such as Ten Measures to Promote the Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates and Other Youth Groups, and has supported college graduates to come to Nanjing for employment and entrepreneurship in terms of broadening employment channels, improving employment services, and supporting entrepreneurship back home, There were 2544 self entrepreneurship projects for college graduates in the city, which led to employment of 17700 people. The number of provincial entrepreneurship projects awarded by college graduates achieved "eight consecutive titles".

Promote "Fubao" and consolidate social security

Fujian is the only province in China named after "Fu", with a profound "Fu culture". The Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has deeply rooted in this cultural foundation, innovated the "welfare insurance" propagandist mechanism, publicized the concept that social security is a "welfare insurance" to the masses, and that participating in social security will add a "happiness insurance" and other concepts, and promoted the social security policy to enter thousands of households, villages and enterprises.

More than 1000 "Fubao" propagandists in the city carried out 190 centralized policy publicity activities at the grass-roots level, in enterprises, in institutions and on the Internet, reaching nearly one million direct and indirect audiences. "We regard social security as an important starting point for the human resources and social security sector to benefit the people, and take multiple measures to promote the high-quality development of social security. The number of urban employees insured has exceeded one million, and the index of urban employees' basic endowment insurance has ranked first in the province for two consecutive years." said the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau.

If the policy is well publicized, it should be more realistic. A few days ago, the awarding ceremony of "Run Nearby" for Ningde social security service was held in Ningde Branch of Industrial Bank, marking the official landing of the pilot business of "Run Nearby" for Ningde social security service.

   "With the continuous deepening and promotion of Internet technology in recent years, many social security businesses can be handled online, but still some social security businesses must be handled at the window, and most of the windows are set in the administrative service center, so it is inconvenient for people to go back and forth to handle business. By using bank outlets to achieve the" nearby "social security business, we can further open up the" best "of social security services The next one kilometer will break the restrictions of regional space and allow people to enjoy social security services better and more conveniently. " The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau said.

In carrying out the activities of "Four Grassroots" and "Directors follow the process", we learned that "social security can not be handled nearby" and other social security handling bottlenecks, difficulties and mass appeal focus. Ningde City actively strives for pilot projects in the province, takes the lead in realizing the "One City One Office" of social security services in the province in 2023, and further realizes the "One City One Office" in the province, Enterprises and enterprise employees can choose any social security agency window in Ningde City nearby to handle high-frequency business such as batch insurance registration and batch insurance suspension, which breaks the restrictions of the original administrative divisions and promotes the implementation of the "province wide open service" project.

Focus on talents and enhance competitive strength

In recent years, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Department has actively focused on implementing the strategy of strengthening the city with talents, focusing on the development needs of the four leading industries and social livelihood undertakings, focusing on innovating talent policy mechanisms, introducing and cultivating high-level talents, improving the talent service system, promoting the integrated development of talent chain and industry chain, and promoting talent training into the "fast lane".

The municipal party committee and government issued the Implementation Opinions on the Strategy of Strengthening the City with "Sanduao Talents" in the New Era to build a "1+3+N" talent policy system. The city allocates 200 million yuan of talent special funds annually for talent resource development and policy implementation awards. In the past three years, the city has introduced 6734 "Tianhu Talents" from Ningde, 4821 young talents in provincial engineering disciplines, and 448 high-level talents in provincial level. 7 postdoctoral research stations have introduced 59 doctors in total.

With the rapid development of the four leading industries, the municipal human resources and social security department focuses on supporting high-end manufacturing. Through the implementation of the "Ningde Craftsman" training project, the training of highly skilled talents in short supply has been carried out around the needs of industrial development. In the past three years, the city has carried out a total of 178700 subsidized vocational skills training, with the total number of skilled talents increasing by 14%. At the same time, support enterprises to independently carry out identification and evaluation of enterprise skilled talents in combination with production and operation characteristics and actual needs.

At present, all the leading enterprises in the four leading industries in Ningde City have achieved full coverage of the independent evaluation of skilled talents in the industrial chain. A total of 15000 skilled talents have been evaluated and recognized in the four leading industries, providing strong support for skilled talents for the rapid development of the industry. Qingtuo Group took the lead in carrying out pilot work in the province, such as the evaluation and employment of "super technicians" and the independent evaluation and employment of professional titles in the stainless steel industry, to broaden the development path and career space of skilled talents.

Talent introduction is more important than talent cultivation. Our city also continues to deepen the integration of industry and education. It took the lead in carrying out the pilot project of technical education group in the province, and the Municipal Vocational Education Group was identified by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security as the "first batch of demonstration technical education alliance (group) construction colleges". "Ningde Vocational Education Park" was put into use to build a comprehensive vocational education park integrating production, learning, research, training and other functions. The municipal vocational education group has docked 62% of industrial majors, and has jointly established three industrial colleges with SAIC and other enterprises to jointly carry out technological innovation, new technology development, teaching and training resource research and development, and technology application and promotion. We signed school enterprise cooperation agreements with 38 enterprises such as Ningde Times and SAIC Motor, opened 37 enterprise "naming classes" and "order classes", introduced enterprise employment standards into teaching, realized the seamless connection between school skill talent training and enterprise employment, and realized "entering the enterprise as soon as you enter the school, and recruiting as soon as you enroll".

Industrial development needs talents, and rural revitalization needs talents even more. Our city initiated the "Ten Million" Expert Service Rural Revitalization Action nationwide, carried out 1869 counterpart assistance and social welfare service activities in various forms such as supporting agriculture, education and medicine, solved 2396 problems, and benefited 168600 people.

In addition, the province took the lead in creating the "ten million" expert service rural revitalization action information system, and built an interactive platform for grassroots to ask questions, experts to answer online, and groups to provide field services, creating a new path to serve rural revitalization.

Strong rights protection and harmonious labor relations

A few days ago, our city launched a special campaign to eradicate wage arrears in winter, which will last until the Spring Festival in 2024 to ensure that migrant workers can return to their hometown in full and on time for the Spring Festival.

In recent years, our city has taken the construction of harmonious labor relations as an important measure to serve and protect the people's livelihood, and has placed it in a prominent position to better serve the local economic development by solidly promoting labor relations, labor and personnel dispute arbitration, labor and security supervision and other aspects.

Adhere to the source governance of salary arrears, establish a telephone screening mechanism for salary arrears risks, realize the transformation from passive receiving complaints to active risk screening, and innovate to establish a "three three working mechanism", that is, according to the three links of salary arrears prevention, salary arrears screening, and salary arrears resolution, strengthen the tripartite responsibility of the local government, competent departments, and employment enterprises, and the overall situation of salary arrears in Ningde is stable, The scores of daily assessment indicators have long ranked first in the province.

Standardize the mediation and arbitration of labor and personnel disputes, carry out the informatization and digital improvement action of mediation and arbitration, and realize the full coverage of the national online service platform for labor and personnel dispute mediation, online case handling of arbitration cases, and "digital arbitration". Innovate the dispute resolution mechanism, and incorporate more than 100 enterprises in the upstream and downstream of Qingtuo Group into the labor dispute prevention and mediation system, so as to realize the "win-win" of labor rights protection cost and enterprise response cost savings.

To build harmonious labor relations, promote the three-year action plan for improving the ability of "harmonious peer", guide enterprises to constantly standardize the labor employment management system, Yanan Electric was rated as "National Demonstration Enterprise for Building Harmonious Labor Relations", and 13 household units were rated as provincial units with harmonious labor relations. Optimize enterprise salary distribution, implement the reform of salary distribution system for skilled talents, and the work experience of salary distribution guidance for skilled talents was jointly published and promoted by the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department and the Provincial SASAC, and incorporated into the Interpretation and Practice Operation of Salary Distribution Guidance for Skilled Talents prepared by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. (Mindong Daily/Zhang Wenkui)

Original title: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau: Launch the "first-class human resources and social security" brand, serve high-quality development
Editor in charge: Fang Di
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