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Why is there no death case in the new wave of epidemic in Beijing? Here comes the answer!

Source: Workers' Daily 2020-06-23 14:58

From 0:00 on June 11 to 24:00 on June 22, Beijing reported a total of 249 locally confirmed cases, and 249 cases were hospitalized. Most of the cases were ordinary and mild cases, with no deaths.

Against the background of more than 460000 deaths worldwide due to COVID-19, why is there no death caused by the epidemic in Beijing? Different from the epidemic in Wuhan in February, there is less virus transmission among family members in Beijing. Is the risk of COVID-19 reduced? The reporter of Workers' Daily (ID: grrbwx) interviewed many experts on relevant issues.

Professor An Youzhong, director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine of Peking University People's Hospital, said in an interview with the reporter of Workers' Daily (ID: grrbwx) that the reason why the epidemic in Beijing is mostly light and ordinary is that on the one hand, the people are highly vigilant, on the other hand, the government handles it in a timely manner and controls it effectively, and there is no medical run, so that nucleic acid testing should be done and willing to be done, The cases were screened as soon as possible, and early detection, early isolation, early admission and early treatment were achieved. Therefore, most of the light and ordinary cases were normal.

"Except Hubei Province, the death rate of COVID-19 in other regions of China is less than 1%, only 0.8%, and I think if we do better, it will be even lower than 0.8%." An Youzhong has fought for 110 days in Wuhan and the southwest border for COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, national diagnosis and treatment plan formulation, and treatment of critically ill patients. He believes that early treatment and early detection, The main reason why there is no transmission among family members in Beijing is that there is no long-term isolation at home.

Professor Li Taisheng, the director of the Department of Internal Medicine of Infection of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, believes that there is no sign of the virus weakening from the current epidemic situation in Beijing. He said: "We know too little about this disease. At present, we mainly use traditional means of infectious disease prevention and control. First, we find the source of infection early; second, we block the transmission route; third, we protect vulnerable people. At present, the disease has not yet combined genetics and clinical research to study who is susceptible and who is not. It can be said that all people are vulnerable people. At present, people at home and abroad have found early through nucleic acid testing, isolated cases after discovery, and then treated symptomatically. If any country does not rely on this method, the virus will spread widely. "

At the COVID-19 Immunomodulation Therapy Summit Forum held online on June 20, Wang Guiqiang, director of the Infectious Diseases Department of Peking University First Hospital, analyzed the characteristics of the epidemic in Beijing. He said: "Due to timely discovery and treatment, the number of severe and critical cases in Beijing is very small. At that time, the total number of severe and critical cases in Wuhan was about 20%. As of June 19, there were two cases of critical illness in Beijing, 11 cases of severe illness, and 13 cases in total, the proportion was less than 10%, far lower than the initial figure in Wuhan, which was directly related to early diagnosis. At the earliest time, it took 9 to 10 days from the onset to the diagnosis in Wuhan. Later, when the national diagnosis was only one day, it took another 6 days in Wuhan. It can be seen that the delayed diagnosis directly affects the follow-up treatment, and some patients' conditions become worse. Therefore, early intervention and early treatment are of paramount importance. "

Wang Guiqiang said that timely oxygen therapy, intervention and symptomatic support can effectively control disease progress and reduce mortality, which is very clear. At present, Beijing is in a relatively optimistic state. The rate of severe and critical illness is relatively low, and the resulting mortality must be low.

At the forum, Academician Li Lanjuan also talked about the reason for the low number of severe cases of the epidemic in Beijing. She stressed that the earlier the antiviral treatment, the better. Early detection and early antiviral treatment are very important.

"In the past, in the treatment of H1N1 patients, early antiviral treatment could reduce the incidence of severe cases by 12% and the mortality rate by 13%. Therefore, early isolation, early diagnosis and early treatment are the most important magic weapon for controlling infectious diseases. This time, Beijing's epidemic screening efforts are very strong, so there are few severe cases. Once again, China's epidemic control methods have proved effective," said Academician Li Lanjuan.

How to detect early and prevent infection with COVID-19 virus? An Youzhong reminded that in case of sudden fatigue, muscle soreness, food taste or smell change, cough with little sputum, and fever, you should be alert and seek medical advice in time. When seeking medical treatment, it is advisable to check the blood routine, see the count of white blood cells and lymphocytes, and detect nucleic acid when necessary, supplemented by lung CT.

"Many people have the habit of picking their nose, rubbing their eyes and touching their mouth. Even if these bad habits do not infect the COVID-19 virus, they are also likely to infect other diseases." Li Taisheng especially stressed that you should not touch any part above the neck before washing your hands. From the perspective of infectious diseases, this is the most effective measure to prevent all infectious diseases. In addition, you must wash your hands before meals and after defecation. You must not eat fruits and vegetables if they are not washed clean. You must ventilate your home, wear masks, and wash your hands frequently. In this way, you will have less chance of contracting COVID-19.

Source: Ji Wei, reporter of Workers Daily, the client of Workers Daily

Original title: Why didn't there be any deaths in the new wave of epidemic in Beijing? Here comes the answer!
Editor in charge: Zheng Lili
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