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  • Rail transport in four countries

    Rail transport in four countries This IELTS writing essay asks you to describe the rail transit situation of four countries (Malaysia, Canada, China, and the United Arab Emirates) in 2007, including the number of passengers, mileage per capita, and freight weight. There are not many figures in the chart, the classification is clear, and the difficulty is not too great. Old Roast Duck Xiaobian collected an article with high scores

  • Internet use by age group

    Internet use by age group This IELTS composition asks you to describe the proportion of six groups of people of different ages who use the Internet for various activities. From the figure, we can see that news acquisition is popular in all age groups, while Internet search is relatively rare in all age groups. In addition, teenagers prefer to play games, while middle-aged and elderly people

  • Sample Essays Collection of Table Questions in IELTS Essays

    19 Sample Essays on Table Questions of IELTS Essays Table questions are very common in IELTS writing essays. Compared with the histogram or pie chart, the data in the table questions are often more; And unlike the histogram or pie chart, it can clearly see the relationship between different data, so it is very challenging for everyone to classify, compare and present information in an organized way. In most cases, the description of the table title can be carried out according to the header, and there are several items

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