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  • Schedule of Ukraine IELTS Test in November 2021

    Schedule of Ukraine IELTS Test in November 2021 According to the latest report of IELTS Old Roast Duck, the official of IELTS Ukraine has determined the work plan for the IELTS test in December 2011. In today's column, Old Roast Duck will sort out the arrangements for the IELTS test in Ukraine in December, hoping to provide reference help for more roast ducks who plan to take the IELTS test here. Judging from the work arrangement of the Ukrainian IELTS examiners, Ukraine in November

  • Schedule of Ukraine IELTS Test in July 2021

    Schedule of Ukraine IELTS Test in July 2021 According to the latest report of the Old Roast Duck IELTS, the official of the Ukrainian IELTS recently announced the arrangements for the IELTS exam this summer. In this issue's column on overseas test sites, Old Roast Duck gives a detailed introduction to the timing of the Ukrainian IELTS test in July, hoping to help more students who plan to take the IELTS test in Ukraine. Because Ukraine has been in the epidemic stage, Ukraine

  • Schedule of Ukraine IELTS Test in January 2021

    Schedule of Ukraine IELTS Test in January 2021 The latest report of Old Roast Duck: The latest news from the organizer of the Ukrainian IELTS test shows that the time plan for the Ukrainian IELTS test in January has been released. Then, in this issue's column on overseas test sites, Old Roast Duck makes a detailed arrangement of the IELTS examination in Ukraine in January, hoping to help more students who are preparing to take the IELTS exam in Ukraine. January Ukraine IELTS exam time

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