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  • Why do some people get lost more easily? Why do some people get lost easily?

    Why do some people get lost more easily? Why do some people get lost easily? This question is the P3 introductory question of the topic card related to getting lost. The difficulty coefficient of this question is moderate, and the examinee is required to give reasons for getting lost. Here, the old roast duck should remind you that it is not necessary to engrave the reason for getting lost (because there are many reasons, and there is no unique answer). You can just make your argument reasonable, and you must not

  • Is color important for clothing? Does color matter

    Is color important for clothing? Does color matter? (Is color important for wearing?) The topic of color belongs to the content of daily life, and it can be regarded as a detailed test. People may not pay much attention to thinking about such problems in life (especially men). Therefore, you can think more before the exam and prepare the relevant topic cards (at the end of the article) and give yourself more time to speak

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