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Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken High Score Replace the word caution caution, noun, meaning caution, caution, warning, caution and other phonetic symbols: [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS Spoken English High Score Substitute Words Caution

caution , noun, meaning caution, caution, warning, caution, etc

Phonetic Alphabet: English [ˈ k ɔ 720ʃ n]; Beauty [ˈ k ɔ 720ʃ n]

Caution is officially classified as C1 grade , corresponding to 7 to 8 Level. You can use it to replace words such as be careful, hate, warn in the IELTS speaking test, and show your vocabulary to the examiner. For example, because I didn't hand in my homework for the first time, the teacher just gave me a warning and didn't deduct points; Or, we should treat every choice in life with special caution.


caution, n. great care and attention; advice or a warning; a spoken warning given by a police officer or official to someone who has broken the law

Special care, special attention; Suggestions or warnings; A verbal warning given by the police to someone who violates the law.

example sentence

1. It’s important to exercise caution when crossing the street, especially in busy areas.

Be very careful when crossing the road, especially in busy areas.

2. The government has issued a caution to all citizens about the potential risks of the new virus.

The government warned all citizens of the potential risks of the new virus.

3. The company’s financial caution led to a conservative approach to investment and expansion.

The company's financial prudence led to a conservative strategy for investment and expansion.

4. The climber proceeded with caution as she navigated the steep terrain.

The climbers were very careful when crossing the steep terrain.

5. The police officer advised the driver to exercise caution and slow down in the rainy conditions.

The police advised the driver to be careful and slow down in rainy days.

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Caution: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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