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Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is the difficulty of reading IELTS increasing? The difficulty difference between different IELTS reading topics directly affects the time of our examination [...]

Old Roast Duck IELTS 1000 Q&A Series: Is the difficulty of reading IELTS increasing?

The difficulty difference between different IELTS reading questions is directly related to our time allocation and problem solving order in the exam. After all, if you spend too much time on difficult problems, and finally have no time to do simple questions, you will lose more than you gain. So is the difficulty of IELTS reading increasing?

Answer: Not necessarily. Most of the reading topics in the Cambridge IELTS series follow the law of increasing difficulty. That is, the first chapter is the simplest, and the third chapter is the most difficult. At the same time, simple questions often appear in the first article, while multiple choice questions, which are full of various interference items, are almost exclusive to the third article.

There are more exceptions in the real IELTS reading test. From your feedback. Generally speaking, the first IELTS reading article is still the simplest, but sometimes the second article is the most difficult and the third article is less difficult. Therefore, if you feel that the second article is completely incomprehensible in the exam, you can glance at the third article first. Maybe it will be simpler. At this time, we should adjust our own order of doing the questions in time, and do not fight with the second chapter.

Of course, the most important way is to constantly improve your reading ability, so that no matter how the topic comes out, you can have a clear idea of what the article is about, and push it all the way( How to Improve the Reading Level of IELTS Reading & IELTS Reading Skills How to Quickly Position Answers in the Sequence of IELTS Reading Questions )。

The above is a detailed answer to "Is the difficulty of IELTS reading increasing?" I hope it will be helpful to you.

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