Cambridge IELTS 12Test6Section3 Listening Answers Analysis Scandinavian Studies Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening [...]

Cambridge IELTS 12Test6Section3 Listening Answers Analysis Scandinavian Studies

The third part of the sixth set of IELTS 12 listening questions consists of five single choice questions and five flow matching questions. As the options are short on the whole, the description is not very complicated, and the difficulty is slightly lower than that of the normal exam. I hope you can maintain a high accuracy rate. Below are the answers to each question.

Click to view this IELTS Listening Corresponding Original recording And what needs to be mastered Key words:

Cambridge IELTS 12Test6Section3 original listening

IELTS Preparation for Listening 12 test 6 section 3 High frequency vocabulary of IELTS listening

Analysis of Listening Answers of Cambridge IELTS 12 Test 6 Section 3

Answer to question 21: C

But when her relationships or friends were in England they always came to see us

Answer analysis: The C option Danish people corresponds to innovations or friends, visited corresponds to see, and family corresponds to us, so it is determined to be the correct answer. The option A often takes to Denmark conflicts with the original we hardly ever did. The Danish communication in option B is not mentioned in the original, so it is totally excluded.

Answer to question 22: B

Corresponding original text:   I’m interested in  journalism , and I quite like the idea of moving to  Scandinavia  and writing for magazines 

Answer analysis: In option B, media corresponds to writing for wonders, which is the correct answer. It is mentioned in the original that undergraduate courses will be enough for me, so A is excluded. Translation is the work of most students. He thinks that the media is more creative than translation, so he excludes C.

Answer to question 23: C

That'll continue next term, but the one on Scandinavian literature that's running at the moment will be replaced by more specialized courses

Answer analysis: Cinema in option A will still be opened next semester, while telecommunications programs in option B will be opened next semester. At the end of this semester, there is only Scandinavian literature of option C, which is determined as the correct answer.

Answer to question 24: A

Corresponding original text: Beth: You might find modern novels or 19th century playwrights interesting.

James: I’ve read or seen several plays in translation, so that would be a good idea.

Answer analysis: The male first proposed to write option B, Icelandic sagas, but was rejected by the female. Then the women gave two choices, and the men chose the latter, thus determining that A was the correct answer.

Answer to question 25: C

Corresponding original text: but I think you first need to get an understanding of the literature in the context of the society in which it was produced – who it was written for, how it was  published, and so on

Answer analysis: women want men to understand their works in their social background. The background in option C corresponds to context, which is the correct answer. Option A is something that women think should be avoided, while option B is not as easy to produce results as option C. Therefore, it is excluded.

Answer to question 26: E

Well, what I suggest is that you read an assignment  a student wrote last year

Answer analysis: the original word read appears, and the E option student paper is synonymous with assignment to determine the answer.

Answer to question 27: G

But I've got a recording of a documentary  that you should watch

Answer analysis: Women rejected DVD (corresponding to option B film) and recommended documentaries instead, so they determined G as the answer.

Answer to question 28: D

Corresponding original text: James: So then should I work out an  outline ?

Beth: Yes.

Answer analysis: The male proposed to write an outline, and the female agreed. The D option structure is synonymous with the outline, which is determined to be the correct answer.

Answer to question 29: C

Corresponding original text:   And then you should start looking for suitable articles and books to draw on, and take notes which you organise according to those headings 

Answer analysis: the unprecedented words "write" and "take" are synonymous with each other. The original word of "C" option notes appears directly in the listening recording, which is determined to be the correct answer.

Answer to question 30: A

Then put short phrases and sentences as bullet points under each heading

Answer analysis: It is also not difficult. Hearing then, he realized that the recording came to question 30, and the original word bullet points appeared, so A was determined to be the correct answer.

Events during Kenton Festival

Answer analysis of IELTS 12Test6Section2 Listening

Conflict at work

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Scandinavian Studies: Wait for you to sit on the sofa!


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